卡洛琳·班德(Hope Lange)是一个刚毕业不久、在纽约打拼的女大学生,她进入费边出版公司担任秘书职位,并在那里认识了同样身为秘书的格雷格·亚当斯(Suzy Parker)和阿普里尔·莫里森(Diane Baker),格雷格和阿普里尔都很喜欢卡洛琳,于是邀请卡洛琳搬进她们的公寓,三个女孩就这样生活在了一起。卡洛琳的上司阿曼达·法罗(Joan Crawford)因为怀疑卡洛琳企图取代她的位置,所以一直百般刁难卡洛琳,然而卡洛琳自己却计划男友艾迪·哈里斯(Brett Halsey)一从欧洲回来便与其成婚,然后从公司辞职彻底投入家庭主妇的生活,但天不遂人愿的是艾迪在欧洲与其他女人成婚,伤心不已的卡洛琳只好全心投入工作之中,她和编辑迈克·莱斯(Stephen Boyd)的感情也因此变得越发复杂。阿普里尔是个天真单纯的女孩,刚一入公司就遭到了上司沙利马尔先...
Bill Kiowa (Montgomery Ford) is released after a five-year prison term for a crime he did not commit. The bandit El Fego (Tatsuya Nakadai), who did the actual crime, also killed Kiowa's young Native American wife. Once free, Kiowa raises a gang to go after the man who framed him. An Italian western in the A FISTFUL OF DOLLARS mold with a better than average cast, which includes Bud Spencer in the debut of his heavy-handed character (later made famous in the TRINITY series) and the outstanding Japanese actor Tatsuya Nakadai, famous for his role in Akira Kurosawa's KAGEMUSHA. Written by horror-meister Dario Argento and presented here in the English-language version (which, considering it was filmed MOS with an international cast, is nearly as original dialogue as its Italian-language counterpart).