Jumpers for Goalposts: Live at Wembley Stadium is a home video by English singer-songwriter Ed Sheeran, released on Blu-ray on 13 November 2015. It features the footage taken from Sheeran's x Tour, when he became the first solo artist to take the stage at Wembley Stadium in London and played across three sold out nights to a crowd of 240,000 people. Jumpers for Goalposts: Live at Wembley Stadium features performances of hits like "The A Team", "Sing" or "Thinking Out Loud". Sir Elton John duets with Sheeran on two songs. The title “Jumpers for Goalposts” alludes to street/park football in the UK, a practice where jumpers would be placed on the ground and used as goalposts, a nod from Sheeran playing the concerts at Wembley Stadium, the home of English football. Aside from the live performances, Jumpers for Goalposts: Live at Wembley Stadium gives viewers an insight into life backstage on the road with Sheeran. Simultaneously, Jumpers for Goalposts: Live at Wembley Stadium was released on DVD as part of the re-release of Sheeran's 2014 x album. This CD/DVD combo titled x (Wembley Edition) also includes five new tracks on the CD portion.
《一本书一座城》是浙江卫视主持人李晗担任制片人兼主持人的首档城市文化纪录片,以一本书为视角切入城市,讲述这座城市的历史、人文、风俗等。节目融合中西文化,影像唯美、情感细腻、风格清新,每一集根据作品本身的境界和城市自身的气质形成独有风格,第一季(八集)将行走八座城市,阅读八部作品。 大型周播城市纪录片《一本书一座城》以一本书为视角切入城市,讲述这座城市的历史、人文、风俗等,融合中西文化,表达个人文化情怀,涉及伦敦、巴黎、柏林、北京、上海、杭州、香港和台北八大城市。首度担任纪录片制片人的李晗将带领拍摄团队,在八大世界文学名城中诠释“行走的力量”。谈及做这档节目的初衷,李晗表示:“城市是文化集大成者,把读书跟读城结合起来,既是读书,同时也是一个行走类的纪录片,称得上是自己的一次圆梦之作。” 首期节目《再会,老北京》,李晗将镜头对准了蕴含着浓郁的文化气息,堪称一座座民俗风情博物馆的北京胡同,通过国外友人、胡同居民、拆迁百姓等人物多角度来讲述自己眼中的胡同文化。正是这样一档品书、品城、品文化的节目,被不少网友将其与同台播出的《十二道锋味》联系起来。对此,李晗用“殊途同归”四个字来概念两者的关联。“《一本书一座城》展示得是有品位有故事有人文情怀的城市风景,《十二道锋味》是从美食美景美女的角度来展示,其实是殊途同归,都是传递给大家一个更宏观的视野更大的世界。”李晗如是说。 纪录片主创个个“学霸” 堪称最高学历幕后班底 纪录片是以真地真人真事为表现对象,并对其进行艺术的加工与展现,用真实引发人们思考的艺术形式,这离不开一个有高文化水准的制作团队。《一本书一座城》的国际幕后制作班底便在这方面拥有着超强优势。节目制片人兼主持人李晗拥有北京电影学院电影管理系文学学士、伦敦大学戈德史密斯学院跨国传播与全球媒体专业文学硕士的高学历,现担任《新闻深一度》《人文深呼吸》《中华好故事》主持人,是浙江卫视当红人气女主播。 作为前央视纪录片导演,该片导演之一的洪家春是北京大学文学学士及香港中文大学文学硕士,同时也是美国在读博士;两位撰稿卢冶、李扬帆学历分别是北京大学中文系在读博士、北京大学国际关系学院副教授;甚至连助理也是伦敦大学学院电影学研究生。这样的“个个学霸、人人高学历”的超强阵容,难怪被不少网友称为“史上最高学历的纪录片幕后班底”。 浙江卫视全新起航 《一本书》成“美‘立’富强”急先锋 2015年,浙江卫视在新的一年全新起航,提出“美‘立’富强”新理念:人文节目要美、新闻要立、电视剧要富、综艺要强。大型城市人文类纪录片《一本书一座城》正是符合了“美”的标准。影像基调清新、现代、年轻化,在专题纪录片的基础上增加纪实拍摄,以增添生动的生活以及当地人的视角;在纪实纪录片的基础上追求精美的拍摄,以展现城市空间的人文风情。 《一本书一座城》首期节目以《再会,老北京》这本书为引,想跟美女主持李晗一起走进这座拥有三千余年历史,八朝古都的历史文化名城,走进老北京胡同的寻常百姓家吗?敬请关注,每周一晚23:10浙江卫视播出的《一本书一座城》。
A 6 part-series documentary based on the testimonies of millions of Nazi party members that were collected right after the war with focus on Rudolf Hoess, Albert Speer and Melita Maschmann's stories. Episodes:
- End of the Reich
- Death Factory
- The Executioners
- War of Conquest
- Smoke, Blood, and Mirros
- Dark Beginning
曾获得7座格莱美奖杯的艾米·怀恩豪斯,于2011年7月23日,因饮酒中毒而去世,享年27岁。此纪录片公开了一些艾米生前的私人影像,并且希望从艾米本人的角度来揭开这场悲剧的背后真相。制片人James Gay-Rees表示:“这样一部拥有当代性的影片,能够抓住时代精神,以其 他电影无法达到的方式来解读我们所处的世界。”
Rick Stein embarks on a new gastronomic road trip from Venice to Istanbul through the countries of the former Byzantine Empire - a melting pot of east and west.
The rise of Stalin, from his early beginning as a bankrobber to the cold-blooded leader of the Soviet Union. Who was Stalin? The man who defeated Nazism? The “Little Father of the Peoples"? Or the greatest criminal of his time? In Apocalypse Stalin, three 52-minute episodes, Isabelle Clarke and Daniel Costelle paint the portrait of one of the fiercest despots of the twentieth century, using archive film of the day. This footage has been perfectly restored and beautifully colorized by the Apocalypse production team. Starting with the fight to the death against Hitler, the series tells the story of the incredible rise to power of Joseph Jughashvili. This cobbler's son from Georgia started with nothing and made his way up the ranks through various intrigues and crimes, ultimately rising to absolute power and adopting the moniker Stalin - “man of steel" in Russian. From a human standpoint, the series describes the enormous tragedy that befell the Soviet people between 1878 and 1945, as they found themselves caught in a trap that became a living hell.
如果您从未亲眼见过尼克·迪·保罗的表演,那么这种亲密的氛围将捕捉到他与其他喜剧演员的不同之处。《又一场无意义的杀戮》时长 56 分钟,内容有趣、凶猛,但始终巧妙。
Sixteen mustangs, four men, one dream: to ride border to border, Mexico to Canada, up the spine of the American West. The documentary tracks four fresh-out-of-college buddies as they take on wild mustangs to be their trusted mounts, and set out on the adventure of a lifetime. Their wildness of spirit, in both man and horse, is quickly dwarfed by the wilderness they must navigat...
The Second World War was the most destructive conflict in history, laying waste not only to Europe’s people but also its infrastructure, institutions and its moral foundations. Only at the war’s end was the true scale of human suffering and misery revealed, and so devastating was the scene that Europe was dubbed ‘The New Dark Continent'. But for civilians in particular, liberation often marked not the end of their troubles but the beginning of new ones, with famine and disease widespread and an atmosphere thick with ethnic tension and revenge. This film will re-examine the aftermath of the War to ask if too much stress has been laid on an optimistic view of victory in Europe with celebratory images of VE day and newsreel coverage of the liberation of places like Paris. While narratives of hope and reconciliation are important, are parallel stories showing the darker side of peace yet to receive due prominence? Liberation was bitter, bloody and vengeful, and there were profound and pervasive fears that the peace could be lost. Through rare archive and unique personal testimony, this film reveals the ‘poisoned peace’ of 1945 to throw light on a post-war Europe where civilisation teetered on the brink of chaos, but the story of the transition from war to peace forms the hinge on which modern European history turns.
Horizon reveals how new archaeological discoveries are painting a different picture of the very first native Britons. For centuries it's been thought that these hunter-gatherers lived a brutal, hand-to-mouth existence. But extraordinary new evidence has forced scientists to rethink who these people were, where they came from and what impact they had on our early history.
Now, o...
The team investigate the use of modern medical technology to scan Egyptian animal mummies from museums across the world. By creating 3-D images of their content, experts are discovering the truth about the strange role animals played in ancient Egyptian belief.
This episode of Horizon meets the scientists working in Egypt who are exploring the ancient underground catacombs wher...
Imagine a world where dinosaurs still walk the earth. A world where the Germans won World War II and you are president of the United States. Imagine a world where the laws of physics no longer apply and where infinite copies of you are playing out every storyline of your life.
It sounds like a plot stolen straight from Hollywood, but far from it. This is the multiverse.
Until v...
古諾楓是古風部落舊名,布農語的意思是「遍生茵蔯蒿」的地方。卓楓國小的孩子們出生在這裡、在這裡讀書成長。部落規模不大,所以他們彼此親如家人;因為歌聲,所以他們四處比賽、表演,全國皆聞;全校只有 23人,所以他們始終面臨著廢/併校的焦慮。這是一個關於(多種意義下的)偏鄉,的故事。以三個學生(家庭)為主要拍攝對象,從他們的生活、眼中和話語來串起卓楓國小與古風部落的現況和故事;關於布農族、關於部落遠景、關於大家對教育的想像、關於孩子們的歌聲,關於幸福。 即使,發生在學校周圍的事情一場又一場、人們來來去去、節慶過了又來,時序走過了冬天春天,校園裡的老楓樹度再次茂密,孩子們將在夏天畢業。唱歌對他們來說,已經是一件不只是比賽的事。他們在走路的時候唱歌、在排隊的時候唱歌、在山上和家裡,他們無時無刻的在這裡和那裡,都大聲唱歌。歌繼續唱過了一首又一首,卓楓仍然在這裡。幸...
Children in Gaza and across the border in Israel have lived through three major conflicts in six years. In the summer of 2014, more than 500 children were killed in a 51-day war, all but one of them Palestinian. Almost every child in Gaza lost a loved one. More than a third were left traumatised.
On the Israeli border, children lived in constant fear of rocket attacks and under...
Most of us think that Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is just over fussy tidying. But it's actually much more serious. Sophie has to check that she hasn't killed people, looking for dead bodies wherever she goes, Richard is terrified of touching the bin, and Nanda is about to have pioneering brain surgery to stop her worrying about components on her body - that her eyebrow ...
BBC 电子游戏自诞生之日起,媒体与学界对其进行的争论就从未停息。有人说它使人成瘾,有人说它让人变得暴力……然而这些都是真的吗?电子游戏真的有那么坏吗?《地平线》将带你回顾三十年来学界对其进行的各项研究,从科学角度阐释电子游戏对人脑产生的影响,以及它可能为我们带来的益处。
New planets are now being discovered outside our solar system on a regular basis, and these strange new worlds are forcing scientists to rewrite the history of our own solar system. Far from a simple story of stable orbits, the creation of our solar system is a tale of hellfire, chaos and planetary pinball.
It's a miracle our Earth is here at all.
There are about 600 murders each year in the UK. So, what drives people to kill? Are some people born to kill or are they driven to it by circumstances?
In this programme, Michael Mosley delves into the BBC archives to chart scientists' progress as they probed the mind of the murderer to try to understand why people kill, and to find out whether by understanding murder we can p...
Michael Mosley puts himself through a battery of health tests available to people who feel perfectly well. From an expensive heart scan to a new national screening procedure to detect the earliest signs of bowel cancer, Mosley sets out to discover which if any of the tests are worth doing.
"It is a story about waste and recycling, not only recycling waste, but life, as well as the logic of the villages and cities.
3 km away from the Nestle, National Stadium, there is a place completely different from the urban scenery. About 30,000 migrants from Hena...
Dr. Anthony Cardillo and Dr. Becky Wang identify the side effects of various common medications.
In search of the anonymous faces of the people freed from Nazi camps, who debarked in Malmö, Sweden, on April 28 1945.
William Frasca Tuesday Beebe Becca Booth Patrick Michael Canino Steven Cardinal KatieBeth Cesaro Phillip Davis Daniel Jones Fritz Klein Ray Kowalski 威廉·麦克·麦库洛 JP McLaurin 克莱·蒙库尔 Treg Monty Kara Morris
We all know the main story of Abraham Lincoln's death, how he was killed, where it took place, and who pulled the trigger. But what exactly happened during the last day of his life? Relive April 14, 1865, as we track the hours of the day that shocked the world, following both assassin and victim on separate paths that would ultimately converge at the Presidential Box at Ford's Theatre. We'll also look at the objects, like Lincoln's hat and John Wilkes Booth's gun, that witnessed the crime that changed the course of American history forever.
Birds of paradise are one of David Attenborough's lifelong passions. He was the first to film many of their beautiful and often bizarre displays, and over his lifetime he has tracked them all over the jungles of New Guinea. In this very personal film, he uncovers the remarkable story of how these 'birds from paradise' have captivated explorers, naturalists, artists, film-makers and even royalty. He explores the myths surrounding their discovery 500 years ago, the latest extraordinary behaviour captured on camera and reveals the scientific truth behind their beauty: the evolution of their spectacular appearance has in fact been driven by sex. And in a final contemporary twist to this story of obsession and royalty, he travels to the desert of Qatar, to a state-of-the-art facility which houses the largest breeding group of these birds in the world - a sheikh's very own private collection. There he has his closest ever encounter with a greater bird of paradise and its dramatic display, reliving the experience that captivated him in the forests of New Guinea more than 50 years ago. 'For me birds of paradise are the most romantic and glamorous birds in the world. And this is a film I have wanted to make for 40 years.' - Sir David Attenborough.
Angela Arnold Erica Ball Rhon G. Flatts Eric Lockley Nola Nelson Stu Richel Jason Torres Trudy Williams
This feature-length documentary tells of the rise and fall of the Black Panther Party, one of the 20th century’s most alluring and controversial organizations that captivated the world’s attention for nearly 50 years.
The history, politics, pleasure, and BS of wine told through opening ten very different bottles.
With the help of a team of experts and the latest in 3D scanning technology, Alexander Armstrong, along with Dr Michael Scott, explores the hidden underground treasures that made Rome the powerhouse of the ancient world. In his favourite city, he uncovers a lost subterranean world that helped build and run the world's first metropolis and its empire.
From the secret underground...
Music and politics collide when international music star, Pras Michel of the Fugees, returns to his homeland of Haiti following the devastating earthquake of 2010 to mobilize a presidential campaign for Haiti's most controversial musician: Michel Martelly aka Sweet Micky. The politically inexperienced pair set out against a corrupted government, civil unrest, and a fixed electi...