悉尼·托勒 Joan Woodbury 曼坦·莫兰 邝炳雄 伊恩·基思 萨姆·弗林特 Cy Kendall Weldon Heyburn Anthony Warde 约翰·戴维森 杜威·罗宾逊 I·斯坦福·乔利 贝蒂·布莱丝 Jack Norton Luke Chan Fred Aldrich Daisy Bufford 乔治·钱德勒
Thomas P. Manning, businessman and chess expert, mysteriously shot in a locked room, dies clutching some chess pieces. Police are baffled, and finally abandon the case. Six months later, victim's daughter Leah Manning, stung by a scurrilous book about the case, enlists the aid of Charlie Chan and Number 3 Son. Additional murders follow, leading to a climactic confrontation in a...
George Tracy and Charlie Sorel, both thirty-six years of age, are writers - a Paris novelist and Hollywood screenwriter, respectively - best friends, and partners in crime in skirt chasing. Charlie is shot dead aboard a yacht during a party by filmmaker Sir Leopold Sartori after he catches Charlie fooling around with his wife, Rusty, Charlie's body which falls overboard and which is not found. Sartori's act is despite he being a notorious womanizer himself. Charlie's sparsely attended funeral service, at which George provides the eulogy, demonstrates how Charlie's womanizing ways negatively affected his so called friendships. Staying at Charlie's Malibu beach house, George meets a beautiful young woman who seems to be suffering from amnesia, but is drawn to Charlie's house. George initially believes she is one of Charlie's conquests, but she eventually comes to the realization and is able to convince George that she is Charlie reincarnated. George ultimately believes it is God's divine retribution for Charlie to come back as an object of his own derision. But together and individually, George and Charlie have to devise a way for Charlie to live in this new female body, George who has no money to support Charlie, and Charlie's estate which is bankrupt. In addition, Charlie, who has always been a player, figures that she should be able to capitalize on her new womanhood, which includes using knowledge of her former indiscretions as a man, and getting back at Sir Leo. But she may also be able to eke out a lucrative life as she becomes the object of affection of wealthy momma's boy, Bruce Minton III.
露西·海尔 莫妮卡·波特 达斯汀·米利甘 弗朗西斯卡·伊斯特伍德 凯尔·吉克瑞斯特 瑞斯·考罗 吉姆·加菲根 莱斯莉·斯特拉顿 埃梅丽娜·亚当斯 杰·费罗尔 小伊萨克·C.辛格尔顿 克拉拉·麦克格雷格 迪伦·弗拉施纳 吉姆·克洛克 特里斯坦·汤普森 米凯拉·萨斯纳 Lisa Yaro 米歇尔·法拉·黄 Annie Abbott Sky Liam
Follows Mort who discovers he has less than a year to live, and after his fiancé leaves him, he meets Kate in a dating service that matches people by their death dates, all while being stalked by a disturbed pimp.
电影关注美国总统儿子的生活方式和他的可耻的商业交易。 It follows the U.S. President's son in his lifestyle and his scandalous business dealings.
帮助叔叔经营缝纫机店的青年茂吉(瓦伦·达瓦 Varun Dhawan 饰)乐观开朗,似乎特别乐意取悦他人。在叔叔儿子的婚礼上,茂吉嬉皮笑脸,哗众取宠,这令他的妻子玛姆塔(安努舒卡·莎玛 Anushka Sharma 饰)倍感羞耻和伤心。回到家后,玛姆塔闷闷不乐,以泪洗面,她劝丈夫利用自己裁剪方面的技能自力更生,不要屈辱求存。茂吉不愿重走裁缝爷爷昏暗的老路,可是他似乎也无法再忍受叔叔他们的戏谑。终于在一次争吵后,茂吉愤而辞职。 偏偏此时,母亲一病不起。在妻子的鼓励下,茂吉不再踌躇,他决定经营自己的裁缝摊,从一点一滴做起。一直忙于家务的夫妻二人,也借此机会贴近彼此……
芭芭拉·布薛特 利贝罗·德·瑞恩佐 Joe Caballero Lorenzo Acquaviva 奥斯塔普·斯图普卡 尼科拉·诺塞拉 维诺妮卡·肖斯塔克 Nina Naboka Orest Syrvatka Beso Moistsrapishvili Katheryna Kosenko Orest Garda Volodymir Kuchma
玛达琳娜·波扎斯卡 彼得·亚当奇克 卡罗利娜·格鲁什卡 阿尔卡迪乌什·雅库比克 达努塔·斯腾卡 托马斯·科特 阿图尔·巴奇斯 波利斯·席克 多萝塔·科拉克 伊沃娜·别尔斯卡 娅希米娜·波拉克 亚历克桑德拉·贾斯塔 沃伊切赫·麦克瓦尔达斯基 贾斯蒂娜·瓦西勒斯加 厄克·卢博斯 马切伊·马杰斯基
田小野(张超 饰)长这么大从未品尝过爱情的滋味,在二十五岁生日来临之际,他唯一的心愿就是能够遇见那个梦寐以求的她。在好友的建议下,田小野进入了一家运营音乐网站的公司工作,在那里,他人生的真正的春天似乎开始了。
泼辣毒舌的领队洋洋(屈菁菁 饰)、性感火辣的内衣设计师欧阳静(张瑶 饰)、阅历丰富阅人无数的小爱,这些性格迥异的姑娘们一股脑的出现在了田小野的身边,花枝招展的散发着各自的魅力。可是,田小野的眼中,却只容得下米兰(李晓峰 饰)。随着时间的推移,田小野和米兰之间的距离越走越近,可是,米兰背负着的秘密却让这份感情能够开花结果的希望变得十分渺茫。
Eileen is 22 and is smarting from her breakup with Russ. She comes to New York to visit her brother, Adam, who is an airline pilot. Eileen confides to her brother that she thinks she may be the only 22 year old virgin left in the world. Adam assures her that sex is not what all men look for and insists he hasn't slept around. Of course, Adam is lying and is in hot pursuit of a ...
胡爽 安柚鑫 Jon Prasida 戴斯蒙·詹 Ilai Swindells Tiffany Wong 瑞妮·林 梅尔·贾森 罗伯·柯林斯 Scott Lee 马泰 Gabrielle Chan 萨拉·韦斯特 Joshua McElroy Meg Clarke Linda Hsia Mya Wong Belinda Jombwe Philip Lynch Clayton Wheeler
A woman is told by a fortune teller that she will meet her soulmate on one of the next five dates she goes on.
The queens of bomba movies Alma Moreno, Ara Mina, Maui Taylor and Rosanna Roces are back to search for the next Philippine pornstar featuring new breed of sexy temptresses: Sab Aggabao, Cara Gonzales, Ayana Misola, Stephanie Raz.
A romantic comedy about two brothers... and the one thing that came between them.
From the Director of "The Brothers McMullen"
继《The Brothers McMullen》之后,Ed Burns以本片再次证明了其导演才华与其演技相比毫不逊色。在本片中,Ed Burns扮演大哥Mickey,而Cameron Diaz饰演的情人角色与Jennifer Aniston饰演的牺牲品角色各有精彩之处,深刻勾勒出婚姻生活中的人性百态。
In the special, Tomlinson talks about having your dream job, finding your perfect partner, dealing with anxiety and insomnia all while asking the age-old question…can you really Have It All?
简·西摩 杰奎琳·麦根斯 斯蒂芬·亨特 可可·杰克·吉利斯 Jenna Kenney Nicole Pastor Mike Duncan Michael Budd Brendan Donoghue Kate Ryerson Rory Potter Suzan Mutesi Greg Eccleston Isabel Macmaster Fletcher Watson
A teen girl who's forced to share her bedroom with her Grandmother, who has dementia, goes from hating her to loving her as she learns more about some family secrets..
阿贾耶·德乌干 卡琳娜·卡普尔 阿努潘·凯尔 阿莫尔·古普特 Ajaz Khan Vineet Sharma Daya Chetty Sameer Dharmadhikari Trushant Ingle
Sofie Torp Thomas Hwan Anders Agger 洛特·安德森 Maria Rossing 克里斯蒂安·塔夫德鲁普 Rikke Bilde Christine Gjerulff 波笛·约根森 布贾内·亨里克森 杨思·约恩·斯波塔格 Jesper Hagelsk?r Paasch 约翰·路易斯·施密特 安德斯·布林克·马德森 Thomas Guldberg Madsen Mal
Emmy-winning comedian Dana Carvey blends pitch-perfect takes on so-true-it-hurts stories from his life as a dad of millenials. Add in teenagers, chinese factory workers, and hitler; this is one "SNL" star you can count on to make a good impression.
Brother Theng (Pongsak Pongsuwan), a young monk, moves to a temple in a village where villagers still foolishly believe in ghosts and spirits. Thinking of how to develop a better way of life for the villagers, he intends to renew the villagers' belief to more reasonable ways with the help from his followers like Song (Note Chern-Yim) and Pian (Sarawut Poomthong). But it's not s...
Krissada Sukosol Natee Aekwijit Somjai Sukjai Note Chern-Yim Kittipong Khamsat Chaleumpol Tikumpornteerawong Yoakyake Chernyim
奥利弗·普莱特 斯坦利·图齐 Walker Jones Jessica Walling 大卫·李普曼 E. Katherine Kerr George Guidall William Hill 阿尔弗雷德·莫里纳 迈克尔·爱默生 杰克·奥康耐 马特·马洛伊 Ted Blumberg 莉莉·泰勒 托尼·夏尔赫布
Charlie discovers a scheme for the theft of government radar plans while investigating several murders.
阿德里亚诺·塔尔迪奥洛 乔瓦尼·卡尔卡尼奥 妮娜·纳博卡 巴博拉·伯布洛瓦 Maksim Kostyunin Orest Syrvatka Aylin Prandi 斯特凡诺·卡塞蒂 Gianluca Gobbi
It is said that laughter is at its best when a smile breaks through tears. The name of the Italian-born world citizen Andrea Magnani should not be unknown to the audiences of P?FF. Those who still remember the director’s wonderfully convivial debut “Easy” which was screened at the festival in 2017 and in which a sissy who has come to love food too much is suddenly placed in fro...
潘卡·特里帕蒂 迪宝·卡帕蒂娅 维杰·维玛 卡瑞诗玛·卡普尔 萨拉·阿里·汗 蒂丝卡·乔普拉 库纳尔·赫姆 桑杰·卡普尔 Tara-Alisha Berry Kiara Sadh Hardika Sharma Alok Panwar Neeraj Saidawat Ashok Chhabra Amaara Sangam