/Daria Onyshchenko
Nina, 30, a Ukrainian language teacher who can't leave the city of Luhansk, occupied by separatists in Eastern Ukraine, is forced to undergo retraining courses for teaching Russian. Andrii, 17, is a student who was orphaned in the aftermath of the war. They cross paths when Nina witnesses Andrii being arrested by the police after hanging the Ukrainian flag from the roof of his school. Nina knows that because they live in a world of injustice and lies Andrii can stay in jail for a long time, and she risks her life to free him. As they gravitate towards each other, they try to remind people in the occupied territories that they deserve a future, too.
THE PLAYROOM unfolds like a dream wrapped around a family drama: four children in their attic hideaway make up a fantastic story, while downstairs their parents weave a drunken intrigue of their own. In a lyrical but gripping dual narrative, the story of the children’s life intertwines with the story they make up about their life–until the two stories collide and the delicate family structure collapses. The action plays out through the eyes of Maggie Cantwell, a tempestuous teenager who turns reality into a game and make-believe into a life-or-death undertaking. But Maggie is getting too old to believe in the tales she spins for the younger children. Before the night is over, she must confront the truth and make a terrible choice. Emotionally riveting and surprisingly funny, THE PLAYROOM is the story of how Maggie and her siblings survive the most fateful night of their lives.
THE PLAYROOM unfolds like a dream wrapped around a family drama: four children in their attic hideaway make up a fantastic story, while downstairs their parents weave a drunken intrigue of their own. In a lyrical but gripping dual narrative, the story of the children’s life intertwines with the story they make up about their life–until the two stories collide and the delicate family structure collapses. The action plays out through the eyes of Maggie Cantwell, a tempestuous teenager who turns reality into a game and make-believe into a life-or-death undertaking. But Maggie is getting too old to believe in the tales she spins for the younger children. Before the night is over, she must confront the truth and make a terrible choice. Emotionally riveting and surprisingly funny, THE PLAYROOM is the story of how Maggie and her siblings survive the most fateful night of their lives.
/Blake Douglas,Ethan Gomez Zahnley,Lenny Ibarra,Gory Cory McCullough,Jack McDermott,Ryan Ranc
After his four siblings mysteriously die in their first weeks of college, a paranoid freshman must put his fears aside when a masked killer picks him as her next victim.
/Blake Douglas,Ethan Gomez Zahnley,Lenny Ibarra,Gory Cory McCullough,Jack McDermott,Ryan Ranc
After his four siblings mysteriously die in their first weeks of college, a paranoid freshman must put his fears aside when a masked killer picks him as her next victim.
退役前,邦·汉姆(汤米·李·琼斯 Tommy Lee Jones 饰)是一名特种兵训练教官,凭借着自己出色的身手和丰富的野外生存经验,邦·汉姆训练出了一支战斗力和破坏力的极其强大的特种精英部队。城市周边发生的几起谋杀案让居民们陷入了恐慌,负责该案件的女探员艾比(康妮·尼尔森 Connie Nielsen 饰)找到了早已远离江湖的邦·汉姆,希望他能够协助她破案。 经过了一些列的调查和追踪,邦·汉姆发现凶手的作案手法和风格与自己十分相似,那也就意味着,这个嗜血的凶徒,很可能就是自己曾经教导过的学生。渐渐的,一个名叫亚伦(本尼西奥·德尔·托罗 Benicio Del Toro 饰)的男人的身影浮出了水面,他正是凶手本人,而他所作的这一切不为了别的,只为了引诱邦·汉姆再度出山。
/Jake Hickman
From war, Japan began to show technological prowess like the world had never seen. After a shocking betrayal, Sony founded that which would become the world's most successful chain of videogame consoles. The PlayStation was here to stay. Production company: Entertain Me Productions Producers: Brian Aabech
圣诞节前五天,Xander Point 的人们对于他们传奇的灯塔是否继续运营意见不一。市长詹姆斯告诉深受爱戴的看护人伊恩牧师和他的治疗师妻子科琳,市议会投票决定拆除这座地标建筑,建造现代化的住所,以吸引更多游客来到这个海滨小镇。当科琳准备在灯塔度过她的最后一个圣诞节时,她最好的朋友布里回家过节。她对与科尔顿的订婚感到不安,仍在哀悼失去她的真爱雅各布,她认为雅各布在几年前的战斗中阵亡了。她不知道,雅各布还活着,在镇上寻求科琳的指导,科琳想出了一个让两人走到一起的无辜计划。与此同时,在圣诞前夕,市长詹姆斯的小儿子在被学校的孩子们欺负后,独自乘着父亲的船出海,担心在海上迷路了。灯塔能否在圣诞节期间再次让 Xander Point 的家庭团聚,并免遭毁灭。