《布鲁斯特的百万富翁:圣诞节》是一部节日电影,有望捕捉到节日季的真正精神。该片明星云集,包括饰演摩根·布鲁斯特的 China Ann McClain、饰演安德鲁的 Romeo “Lil Romeo” Miller、饰演蒙哥马利·布鲁斯特的 Richard Pryor Jr. 和饰演欧珀尔的 Rain Pryor,这部迷人的电影有望在全国范围内温暖人心。加入这支明星阵容的还有饰演布鲁斯特夫人的 Telma Hopkins 和饰演 Big TY 的 Tequan Richmond。Sierra McClain 饰演 Toya。(她和姐姐 China 一起演唱了几首原创歌曲)《布鲁斯特的百万富翁:圣诞节》讲述了摩根·布鲁斯特的故事,她面临着一项独特而具有挑战性的任务,即在圣诞节前继承她叔叔蒙哥马利的财产。当角色们在节日季迷人的混乱中前行时,他们通过给予而不是接受,了解了爱、信仰和家庭的真正含义。
/Jake Helgren
当小说家安德烈娅(萨莎·皮特斯 Sasha Pieterse 饰)暗示她即将出版的新书可能会出现令人心碎的转折时,她的粉丝们开始抗议,要求他们最喜爱的角色不要被杀死。 安德烈娅需要一个避风港来完成她的小说,于是逃到了她家位于威尔伍德镇的农舍。 让她大吃一惊的是,她最终遇到了自己曾经的暗恋对象赛斯(米切尔·斯拉格特 Mitchell Slaggert 饰),赛斯是一名木工,在小镇几乎被一场大火摧毁后,他正在帮助小镇重建。 两人一拍即合,携手重燃小镇的圣诞气氛,没过多久,空气中就弥漫着锯末和浪漫的火花。 这段恋情仅仅是她旅行结束后的一段假日情缘吗? 还是两人能建立起天长地久的爱情?
After a short split prologue showing riches as the root of evil in ancient and modern times, the film settles into 1914 France, where the Orient Express is about to be wrecked when a bridge washes out. Among those on board are Al and Travis, Americans who are traveling Europe spending Travis' money, and Marie, a German girl. The boys save Marie after the wreck and Travis falls in love with her. When World War I breaks out Al wants to enlist, but Travis can't, feeling loyal to Marie, a German. By 1917 Al has enlisted, and Travis follows him shortly after marrying Marie. Accused of being a German spy by a Russian agent, she is sentenced to die but is recognized by Travis, who is part of the firing squad. The town they are in is shelled and they are all trapped underground, during which a minister makes a lengthy parallel to ancient times when the King of Akkad persecuted his subjects and defied Jehovah, who finally sends a flood to wipe out mankind, except for Noah and his family, whom he has instructed to build an ark and fill it with two of every creature on earth.
/Jeremias Nyangoen
After nine days, Martha, an illegal Indonesian migrant worker (TKI) in Sabah, Malaysia, was finally repatriated. It fulfills Abram’s u nusual last message to his wife, Orpa, “There will be no funeral until Martha returns.”
Martha’s return brings great happiness to the family, particularly Orpa and their youngest daughter, Berta, as well as Damar-jati, Martha’s former high schoo...
时间是1970年,故事的主角是一只和人类拥有着百分之九十八以上相同基因的黑猩猩,科学家们亲切地称它为尼姆。刚刚出生,尼姆就和母亲分开了,因为他已经成为了一个有趣实验中的重要角色。 之后,尼姆被送入了一个位于曼哈顿的富有家庭之中,在那里,尼姆被善良的“父母”当做人类小孩一般抚养和教育,很快,聪明的尼姆就学会了手语,亦懂得了如何表达自己的愿望和需求。然而,此时问题开始显现,因为尼姆的行为举止已经和人类过于相像了,它开始有了自我意识,甚至觉得自己就是人类的一份子,对于尼姆这样一个即非“人类”,又非“黑猩猩”的“生物”,它会有着怎样的未来呢?
时间是1970年,故事的主角是一只和人类拥有着百分之九十八以上相同基因的黑猩猩,科学家们亲切地称它为尼姆。刚刚出生,尼姆就和母亲分开了,因为他已经成为了一个有趣实验中的重要角色。 之后,尼姆被送入了一个位于曼哈顿的富有家庭之中,在那里,尼姆被善良的“父母”当做人类小孩一般抚养和教育,很快,聪明的尼姆就学会了手语,亦懂得了如何表达自己的愿望和需求。然而,此时问题开始显现,因为尼姆的行为举止已经和人类过于相像了,它开始有了自我意识,甚至觉得自己就是人类的一份子,对于尼姆这样一个即非“人类”,又非“黑猩猩”的“生物”,它会有着怎样的未来呢?
THE PLAYROOM unfolds like a dream wrapped around a family drama: four children in their attic hideaway make up a fantastic story, while downstairs their parents weave a drunken intrigue of their own. In a lyrical but gripping dual narrative, the story of the children’s life intertwines with the story they make up about their life–until the two stories collide and the delicate family structure collapses. The action plays out through the eyes of Maggie Cantwell, a tempestuous teenager who turns reality into a game and make-believe into a life-or-death undertaking. But Maggie is getting too old to believe in the tales she spins for the younger children. Before the night is over, she must confront the truth and make a terrible choice. Emotionally riveting and surprisingly funny, THE PLAYROOM is the story of how Maggie and her siblings survive the most fateful night of their lives.
THE PLAYROOM unfolds like a dream wrapped around a family drama: four children in their attic hideaway make up a fantastic story, while downstairs their parents weave a drunken intrigue of their own. In a lyrical but gripping dual narrative, the story of the children’s life intertwines with the story they make up about their life–until the two stories collide and the delicate family structure collapses. The action plays out through the eyes of Maggie Cantwell, a tempestuous teenager who turns reality into a game and make-believe into a life-or-death undertaking. But Maggie is getting too old to believe in the tales she spins for the younger children. Before the night is over, she must confront the truth and make a terrible choice. Emotionally riveting and surprisingly funny, THE PLAYROOM is the story of how Maggie and her siblings survive the most fateful night of their lives.
/Jeremias Nyangoen
After nine days, Martha, an illegal Indonesian migrant worker (TKI) in Sabah, Malaysia, was finally repatriated. It fulfills Abram’s u nusual last message to his wife, Orpa, “There will be no funeral until Martha returns.”
Martha’s return brings great happiness to the family, particularly Orpa and their youngest daughter, Berta, as well as Damar-jati, Martha’s former high schoo...
When Noah fell in love with Nick, she knew their relationship would never be easy. They're fire and electricity, and when they're together, every kind of sparks fly. After last summer, Noah thought their passion had grown stronger than their fear, but her life is about to turn upside-down again now that she's starting university. Moving again while maintaining her relationship ...
When Noah fell in love with Nick, she knew their relationship would never be easy. They're fire and electricity, and when they're together, every kind of sparks fly. After last summer, Noah thought their passion had grown stronger than their fear, but her life is about to turn upside-down again now that she's starting university. Moving again while maintaining her relationship with Nick will be a difficult hurdle, with their age difference, campus life, dangerous parties, and inner demons stalking them both, reminding them of all they still don't know about each other. No matter how hard they try, there will always be wounds that won't close. Is Noah really prepared to overcome her fears and truly trust someone again? Will Nick be able to put his past behind him and keep his heart open? Or are they doomed only to burn each other's worlds down?
When Noah fell in love with Nick, she knew their relationship would never be easy. They're fire and electricity, and when they're together, every kind of sparks fly. After last summer, Noah thought their passion had grown stronger than their fear, but her life is about to turn upside-down again now that she's starting university. Moving again while maintaining her relationship ...
大卫·卢里(约翰·马尔科维奇 John Malkovich 饰)在开普敦一所大学持教,然而年过五旬的他却因诱骗并与女学生发生关系而被学校惩处。在学校组织的听证会上,大卫对校方的指控供认不讳,却没有半丝悔改之意。被迫辞职的大卫来到山区小镇女儿露西(杰西卡·海恩斯 Jessica Haines 饰)的农场,却意外遭遇入室抢劫以及三个歹徒对女儿实施强奸,大卫因自己的无能为力感到十分自责,可是女儿对这件事情的冷处理态度则让大卫大动肝火,加之女儿对黑人邻居的一再让步则让他更为不解。大卫感觉到羞耻,他感觉自己就像狗一样活着……
何塞·阿卡蒂奥·布恩迪亚和乌苏拉·伊瓜兰这对表兄妹不顾父母的反对结婚了,他们离开了村庄,踏上了寻找新家园的漫长旅程。在朋友和冒险家的陪伴下,他们最终在一条有史前石头的河岸旁建立了一座乌托邦小镇,并将其命名为马孔多。布恩迪亚家族的几代人将决定这座神话小镇的未来,他们饱受疯狂、不可能的爱情、血腥荒谬的战争以及对可怕诅咒的恐惧的折磨,而诅咒将让他们绝望地度过百年孤独。 《百年孤独》出版于1967年,是1982年诺贝尔文学奖得主加夫列尔·加西亚·马尔克斯的代表作之一。该书被誉为西班牙裔美国文学和世界文学的杰作,获得了广泛的好评,销量超过5000万册,被翻译成40多种语言。
何塞·阿卡蒂奥·布恩迪亚和乌苏拉·伊瓜兰这对表兄妹不顾父母的反对结婚了,他们离开了村庄,踏上了寻找新家园的漫长旅程。在朋友和冒险家的陪伴下,他们最终在一条有史前石头的河岸旁建立了一座乌托邦小镇,并将其命名为马孔多。布恩迪亚家族的几代人将决定这座神话小镇的未来,他们饱受疯狂、不可能的爱情、血腥荒谬的战争以及对可怕诅咒的恐惧的折磨,而诅咒将让他们绝望地度过百年孤独。 《百年孤独》出版于1967年,是1982年诺贝尔文学奖得主加夫列尔·加西亚·马尔克斯的代表作之一。该书被誉为西班牙裔美国文学和世界文学的杰作,获得了广泛的好评,销量超过5000万册,被翻译成40多种语言。