年轻漂亮的玛雅(迪帕•萨伊饰)对生活充满幻想和欲望。一天,她的父亲摔下楼梯弄伤了腿。一个年轻的乡村医生(法路克•谢赫饰)来医治。温柔的爱之花在绅士的医生和玛雅之间绽放,他们结婚了。 开始新生活的最初是令人兴奋的,重新装饰房间,以及对归属感的体会,都让玛雅感到幸福愉悦。但渐渐婚姻生活单调的一面渐渐展现。乏味的小城镇里,中产阶级沉闷的生活令人无法忍受,玛雅发现并选择进入一系列的婚外情。与此同时,她还渴望更多彩的生活带给她更梦幻的浪漫和激情体验。 她以奢侈为乐,希望拥有豪华享受以获得满足,但那只给她带来欺诈,债务和绝望。甚至她的婚外情关系,由起初的柏拉图,到激情,到最后变为可悲的占有欲,也使她意识到婚外情也和婚姻一般平庸无趣。这更使玛雅对现实灰心,进一步滑向她的幻觉。 她一直追逐自己创造的海市蜃楼直到她的悲喜与无畏连同魔法一起落幕。故事用一种倒叙的方式叙述了玛雅生活的改变。 电影结局当她的房子被拍卖,玛雅似乎也完全被她幻想的生活所吞没。
Sam, a brilliant computer hacker seeking a better life, always seems to make the wrong choices, even under the watchful eye of his probation officer, Harry. Now, barred from using the Internet and stuck working fast food with his best friend and fellow hacker, Stanley, Sam poses as a Postal Worker, stealing people's mail to make ends meet. Until one letter changes everything. Written by the beautiful Josie to her dead husband, a Marine killed in Afghanistan, the heart-wrenching missive wakes something in Sam. Desperate to become worthy of such love, he begins following Josie and stealing more letters, until finally finding the courage to introduce himself. As Sam and Josie grow closer, she warms to the possibility of a new life as he's reminded of the values left behind in childhood. But fate shows its hand when Sam's past catches up with him in the form of an aggressive FBI agent and missing Bitcoins. When Josie discovers the truth, she must decide if the betrayal will force her back...