伊莱·珎石 (Eli Gemstone, 约翰·古德曼 饰),杰西的父亲
杰西·珎石 (Jesse Gemstone, 丹尼·麦克布赖德 饰)
朱迪·珎石 (Judy Gemstone, 艾迪·帕特森 饰),杰西的妹妹
开尔文·珎石 (Kelvin Gemstone, 亚当·德万 饰),杰西的幺弟
安珀·珎石 (Amber Gemstone, 卡西迪·弗里曼 饰),杰西的妻子,前记者、现致力于教会事务
马丁·伊马里 (Martin Imari, 格雷格·阿兰·威廉姆斯 ...
/Toby L
A treasure trove of live and archive footage drives this portrait of the British band as they prepare to tour their new album. Filmed over a decade, but also drawing in a wealth of footage from throughout their career, Toby L’s documentary portrait explores Blur’s trajectory, from a group of friends jamming to becoming one of the most acclaimed British bands of the last 35 years. It captures them as they come together to record what will be the critical and commercial success The Ballad of Darren, leading to their first – and sell-out – shows at Wembley stadium in the summer of 2023. The film shows how the group have continued to forge new creative paths, never resting on the laurels of former glories. With their recent performance at Coachella yet another defining moment of their recent revival, this is the perfect time to look back on their career.
影片简介 做了多年职业杀手的乔舒亚在一次合同途中,要在小奥德萨停留,因为当年的他就是从这俄罗斯移民区跑出去闯荡江湖的,这里有他的亲人和朋友。但是这次省亲彻底失败,母亲重病不起,父亲嫌他名声不好,态度冷淡,旧日的爱情和兄弟间的手足情都已成为过眼云烟,而惟有当地的黑帮对他的旧怨一丝没有减退... 影片评价 最初,导演James Gray万事俱备, 只是找不到理想的男主角----一个青年版帕西诺, 很巧他看了《凡高与提奥》, 当时的反应就是"这人是谁!", 他那时还没看过《落水狗》, 立刻找了来看, 看完了决定Tim就是乔舒亚; 他随后去找Tim, Tim和他谈过后, 当即同意出演: 那时他既没看剧本也没问价钱, 就直接签上了自已的名字. 对此Gray对记者说: 他, 有种. 对片中的一段床戏, Tim说他这么多年, 即使从前拍captives, 也没碰到过这种情况. 据他的描述, 演他女朋友的Moira Kelly是个很清高的女孩子, 而且信天主教, 拍戏之前他们都喝了点酒, 然后一遍就通过了. 有人统计Tim在这个片子里只笑了两次. James Gray评价TR, 说他"人很好, 但是被一些黑暗的东西吸引". 本片获得1994年威尼斯电影节最佳女配角
Millers in Marriage follows Eve Miller, the former lead singer-songwriter of an indie rock band, who finds herself drawn to a music journalist amid a toxic marriage. Meanwhile, Eve’s sister Maggie, a bestselling author, is encountering challenges in her marriage of 30 years as her career surpasses her husband’s. At the same time, Renee, a recently divorced successful fashion executive, is navigating a budding relationship with Andy Miller, an artist who is juggling his feelings for Renee and his recently separated wife Tina, Renee’s former colleague.