/Guillaume Renusson
Written by Guillaume Renusson and Clément Peny, the story (which won the Audience Award for Best Screenplay for a First Feature Film at Angers’ European First Film Festival) revolves around Samuel who, in the aftermath of a recent tragedy, leaves to get away from it all in his chalet in the Italian Alps, a place of passage for migrants looking to cross the border between Italy and France. Samuel is nonplussed by the anger of those living in his village, who organise hunts in the mountains to track the migrants. One night, he comes across Chehreh who has fled her war-torn country for France. Faced with her distress, Samuel decides to help her make the crossing, telling himself it will only take a few hours.
萨沙(加德·艾尔马莱 Gad Elmaleh 饰)是一个四十岁的广告作曲人,常言所道的四十不惑在他的身上却没有半点体现。萨沙害怕承诺,恐惧稳定的关系,对他来说,能够随心所欲的做任何自己想做之事才能真正的算得上是活着。这让幼稚的个性让萨沙周围的朋友和亲人们吃了不少的苦头,他的母亲甚至至今还保持着替儿子打扫公寓和清洗衣物的习惯。
萨沙这令人头痛的状态眼看这就要一直持续下去了,直到他遇见了那个叫做夏洛特(苏菲·玛索 Sophie Marceau 饰)的美丽女人。夏洛特和丈夫离了婚,辛苦的独自抚养着三个孩子。当爱情的火花在这两个个性截然不同的成年人之间燃起时,会发生怎样有笑有泪的故事呢?