伊丽莎白(卡梅隆·迪亚茨 Cameron Diaz 饰)在生活中是个不折不扣的贱人,但同时她还有着另一个身份——人民教师。在被前男友抛弃之后,她不得不重新回到了自己所厌恶的工作岗位上消极怠工。她一直对自己的胸部尺寸不太满意,这一次,她终于下定决心做隆乳手术,但在此之前,她得先凑齐昂贵的手术费用。新人教师斯科特(贾斯汀·汀布莱克 Justin Timberlake 饰)出现在了伊丽莎白的视线里,他的年轻帅气很快就吸引了她的目光,但糟糕的是,她那表面友善内心阴险的同事艾米(露茜·彭奇 Lucy Punch 饰)也向他送去了秋波。斯科特和艾米在一起了,这令伊丽莎白十分沮丧,不过一直在追求伊丽莎白的体育老师罗塞尔(杰森·席格尔 Jason Segel 饰)对此似乎十分高兴。 被横刀夺爱的伊丽莎白将全部精力放在了赚钱上,她得知若班级的考试成绩在州里名列前茅的话,作为班主任的她将获得5700美元的奖金。这一消息振奋了消沉的伊丽莎白,但同时,班上这些不争气的孩子们让她在试卷的答案上动起了歪脑筋。
After a short split prologue showing riches as the root of evil in ancient and modern times, the film settles into 1914 France, where the Orient Express is about to be wrecked when a bridge washes out. Among those on board are Al and Travis, Americans who are traveling Europe spending Travis' money, and Marie, a German girl. The boys save Marie after the wreck and Travis falls in love with her. When World War I breaks out Al wants to enlist, but Travis can't, feeling loyal to Marie, a German. By 1917 Al has enlisted, and Travis follows him shortly after marrying Marie. Accused of being a German spy by a Russian agent, she is sentenced to die but is recognized by Travis, who is part of the firing squad. The town they are in is shelled and they are all trapped underground, during which a minister makes a lengthy parallel to ancient times when the King of Akkad persecuted his subjects and defied Jehovah, who finally sends a flood to wipe out mankind, except for Noah and his family, whom he has instructed to build an ark and fill it with two of every creature on earth.
/Bradley Kaplan,阿尔伯特·梅索斯
On the morning of September 11, 2001, Paul McCartney was in New York City on an airport runway waiting to fly to Britain. As he absorbed the news of the unfolding tragedy, he wondered, “What can I do?” The answer, of course, lay in music. McCartney reached out to master documentarian and long-time friend Albert Maysles, inviting Maysles to document his personal experiences on 16mm black and white film, a format seldom used in the digital age but of proven endurance and artistic quality. Over several weeks in October 2001, Maysles’ camera followed McCartney as he prepared for The Concert for New York City, a benefit he helped organize to uplift New York City during this period of uncertainty and vulnerability. The footage went unseen for years, requiring the passage of time to be put in perspective. Now, ten years later, Maysles, his directing partner Bradley Kaplan and editor Ian Markiewicz have emerged with an intimate work that explores the role of art and artists in a time of crisis.