/Jim Burleson
When a couple facing divorce take their kids to help them renovate a historic hotel, their marriage is given a new lease on love when their kids discover letters left decades earlier by a young couple who never met. Saving their parents marriage in time for Christmas and before a greedy land developer buys the hotel out from under the family, is the teenager sibling's mission.
20世纪的最后一年,在少男少女的心间投下了毕生难忘的耀眼光斑。陈寻(杨玏 饰)、赵烨(杜维瀚 饰)和乔燃(白敬亭 饰)三个大男孩尽情挥霍着仿佛没有穷尽的青春年华,他们插科打诨,与老师大马猴对抗,狂打街边游戏。而在青春时代特有的律动感染之下,再懵懂的傻男孩也能察觉心底对青涩恋情的向往和渴望。乔燃开始留意之前似乎一直在帮老师对付他们的女孩方茴(何泓姗 饰),赵烨则尝试着和喜欢篮球和流川枫的女孩林嘉茉(蔡文静 饰)套近乎,陈寻与方茴之间仿佛又有着一份不易察觉的情感悄悄萌芽。此情可待成追忆,只是当时已惘然…… 本片根据九夜茴同名畅销小说。
率真直爽的美丽女孩瑾瑜(刘诗诗 饰)自幼在狼群中长大,塞北的辽阔粗粝打磨了她坚毅隐忍的性格,而对中原儒家文化的学习也让她对那个春暖花开的国度心驰神往。两次意外,让瑾瑜先后结识来自建安的莫循(胡歌 饰)和卫无忌(彭于晏 饰)。以此为契机,莫循、卫无忌和瑾瑜(改名莘月),启程前往人头攒动、熙攘喧嚣的建安城。几经周折,她在九爷莫循的支持下经营起落玉坊,她对九爷一往情深,后者虽然也喜欢这个率真美丽的女子,却因自身原因不敢越过情感的界限。而在南朝担当大将军卫无忌也尤其喜欢古灵精怪的瑾瑜,为了心仪的女孩情愿早点跳脱凶险非常的宫廷之争。风云激昂的年代,有情人儿的传奇如是上演…… 本片根据桐华的长篇小说《大漠谣》改编。
Ernest Hemingway’s influential short story The Killers (1927), has been adapted to film by Robert Siodmak and Andrei Tarkovsky, while Edward Hopper’s painting Nighthawks (1942) is also said to have been inspired by the story. The Killers, an omnibus film comprised of four-shorts, takes motifs from these two classics and borrows some of their imagery as mise-en-scène. The 4 directors unfold the noir world of death and waiting with different senses and sensibilities. Kim Jong-kwan’s Metamorphosis, which depicts the awakening and manifestation of power following bloodsucking; Roh Deok’s Contractors, a pyramid of contract killings and subcontracted labor; Chang Hang-jun’s Everyone is Waiting for the Man, which tracks down a ghostly figure called a mysterious killer; and Lee Myung-Se’s Silent Cinema, an allegory of his longtime dream of cinema and the world. Notably, Actor Shim Eun-kyung appears in all four films, each time in a completely different role, adding to the delight. It’s an unconventional collection of emotional, psychological, and action-oriented films.