The newest film from Greek director Syllas Tzoumerkas and his second collaboration with Angeliki Papoulia, star of the New Greek Cinema (Dogtooth, The Lobster), is a fierce and untamed crime tale, told in larger-than-life images.
/Takeshi Sone
Miyu went to Seoul, Korea to study and look for her older sister who went missing two years ago. One day Miyu got to know Hana who was a famous plastic surgeon and she reminded of her missing sister. Hana lives with her lover Hyoshin, but she got attracted by Miyu. And Nyoshin felt jealous of Miyu. Miyu thought that Hana is actually her older sister and asked her to tell the tr...
Both critics and audiences have appreciated SHIN Yeon-shick’s films—A Great Actor, Fair Love, The Russian Novel, Rough Play—for his distinctive signature. His new feature The Avian Kind will be part of this year’s Jeonju Digital Project 2014. It is about a writer’s journey to find his missing wife, and this story was also part of his former filmThe Russian Novel. His new film is getting a lot of attention thanks to his unique style of getting the motifs from literature and theatrical plays.
/闵俊基Min Jun-Gi
2005年,南北朝鲜联合制造了核武器“飞击震天雷”,但迫于国际列强的压力,韩朝不得已交出核武器,民族强盛的愿望眼看再次落空。朝鲜少校江民吉(金胜宇 饰)不甘心屈服,掳走参与项目的金博士(孔孝珍 饰)与飞击震天雷,韩方派出少校朴政宇(黄正敏 饰)带队追索,正当两方相遇之时,一颗彗星划过天空,江、朴等人彗星的强大力量影响下透过扭曲时空来到了1572年的朝鲜……
江、朴等人机缘巧合将正在屠戮朝鲜人的女真人慑退,被朝鲜先民视为“天军”。当夜,一名小偷偷走了他们的武器,而这名小偷,居然是朝鲜民族英雄——李舜臣(朴重勋 饰)。此时的李舜臣武科落榜,万念俱灰,面对失意的民族英雄和倍受女真欺凌的先民,穿越时空的韩朝两方军人们为了各自的信念开始战斗……
Average Texas teen, Billie Jean Davy, is caught up in an odd fight for justice. She is usually followed and harrased around by local boys, who, one day, decide to trash her brother's scooter for fun. The boys' father refuses to pay them back the price of the scooter. The fight for "fair is fair" takes the teens around the state and produces an unlikely hero.
从最新发布的预告来看,影迷们可以期待和1999年第一部同样的水下“斗”鲨和血腥的场景。 在续集中,丹尼尔·萨夫雷(Danielle Savre)饰演的鲨鱼保育人士被邀请来为一个和鲨鱼有关的高度机密项目做顾问,而该项目幕后的老板则是由迈克尔·比奇(Michael Beach)饰演的 制药界亿万富翁。 本片的创意执行曾表示,“这是一部真正意义上的续集。我们希望继续保留《深海狂鲨》的精髓......续集中被用来做研究的鲨鱼来自第一部”。 “我们已经赋予了片中的鲨鱼主角一个性格并寄希望影迷能接受这样的设定,因为这很有助于故事叙述并且还会达到第一部没有的一种效果。《深海狂鲨2》开始进度可能有点慢但一旦到了关键的情节点剧情就会开始进入佳境。”
/Tristan Séguéla
故事发生在平安夜当天,在浓厚的圣诞气氛下,所有人都暂时放下手中的工作,享受和家人们团聚的喜悦。乔治(米歇尔·布朗 Michel Blanc 饰)似乎是这座城市里唯一一个还在工作的急症医生了,他接到了紧急的求救电话,风尘仆仆的赶往患者家中。 哪知道在半路上,一个冒冒失失的 送餐员马利克(Hakim Jemili 饰)骑脚踏车撞到了他,虽然没受什么伤,却引发了乔治的老毛病——坐骨神经痛。无奈之下,马利克只得接替了乔治的职务,成为了临时医生赶往病人家,而乔治则在原地通过电话来告诉他如何治病。这次远程操控之下的治疗能否顺利进行呢?
??? ????
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罗伊(尼古拉斯·凯奇 Nicolas Cage饰)是一个手段高超的职业骗子,他有一个大胆且贪心的伙伴法兰克(萨姆·罗克韦尔 Sam Rockwell饰),他们一起搭档了很多年,几乎没有失过手。 同时,罗伊亦是一个精神强迫症患者。他爱干净,不允许别人穿着鞋走进他家;他谨慎,每次出门都要三番五次检查煤气和电源开关。法兰克为此帮他找了一位心理医生。 在心理医生的帮助下,罗伊找到了他失散多年的女儿安吉拉(艾莉森·洛曼 Alison Lohman饰)。女儿的出现改变了他的生活,让他慢慢感到了做父亲的乐趣。但他并不想让女儿知道他的职业。 但是纸毕竟包不住火,女儿知道了他的秘密,并展现出极其出色的欺骗才能,罗伊决定将他一身的本领都传给女儿。 很快,一庄“大买卖”来了,父女、伙伴齐上阵,结果将如何呢?
/Sita Likitvanichkul,Jetarin Ratanaserikiat,Apirak Samudkidpisan,Thanabodee Uawithya,Adirek Wattaleela
Four insomniac med school students are lured into a neuroscience experiment that spirals out of control and must find a way out before it's too late.
金妮用计从杰森的手中侥幸逃生,当地媒体广播了湖畔杀人狂的故事,而杰森的杀戮并没有就此终止……克里斯(Dana Kimmell 饰)、谢利(Rachel Howard 饰)等几个年轻的朋友一起驾车前往湖区度假,路遇神经质的老人手拿眼球向他们发出警告,一行人在克里斯男友瑞克(Paul Kratka 饰)居住的林中木屋安顿下来,克斯利来到这回忆之地,不禁想起被蒙面人袭击的惊险往事;活跃的谢利则不时用血腥的恶作剧开玩笑,而他的作为在这血腥营地中显得非常不合时宜,谢利去购物与当地摩托青年发生摩擦,三个赶到木屋意欲报复的摩托青年却被杀死在马房中……不久,带着面具的杰森现身,再次将杀戮带给无辜的年轻人们。
Out of the fifties 'B' Science-Fiction monster movies, this easily ranks as the best. It's most notable as the film that ALIEN is an unaccredited remake of, thus giving it a certain historical significance. The intriguing plot is about the rescue of the only marooned survivor (Col. Carruthers) of an ill-fated expedition to Mars. The authorities, pig-headed as usual, falsely assume that he murdered his fellow crew members, so that he'd have more provisions to survive; hence he is being brought back to Earth to face court-martial for murder. (There is also a somewhat interesting plot reversal here Most movies of this nature usually begin with the ship leaving Earth, enroute to its otherworld destination, while, in this case, the story is believed finished, and begins as the characters take-off from the other planet, returning to Earth). As the rescue ship is leaving Mars, a lurking, ominous shadow is seen in the lower compartment. (A frightening, atmospheric moment, accomplished through sheer economy and simplicity). Carruthers insists of his innocence to his fellow captors, claiming that his original crew mates were slaughtered by a hostile, unseen presence on the desolute red planet, but three-guesses as to their reaction to his unusual plea. Naturally, he can't prove it, and 50's space authorities were not very alien conscience at the time. (As a side-thought, unseen menace may remind you of that highly original BLAIR WITCH). As everyone sacks out, a hapless supporting charactor whose name is at the bottom of the casting list (guess what will happen to him) hears something in the lower compartment. Despite your futile don't go down there, you jerk! pleas, he does just that, and is appropriately killed (more like thoroughly obliterated) by the shadowy figure with insatiable blood lust on its mind. In the victim's case, dereliction of duty and sheer cowardliness would have been the wise decision. The scene is actually well-directed (for a change) and develops much suspense, as the entire film surprisingly does. The crew finally catches on that they have an unwanted ship crasher on board, and try every possible means at their disposal to eliminate it, but the unknown creature seems to copping an anti-death attitude. Proving to be an even more clever, worthy adversary, 'IT!' also hides out in the ventilation shafts of the ship (now that should ring a bell). Cahn's forceful direction generates considerable tension as the malevolent stowaway works its way up from one level of the confined ship to the next, eventually leaving the remaining characters trapped at the top. The movie's suspense is blunt and right to the point IT!' has to kill them or starve, hence they have to kill IT! or die. Nothing like those no two ways about it choices. Rent it, or check for it on cable if you wish to know the outcome. For a low-budget quickie, IT! is quite impressive and memorable. The dreaded sense of claustrophobic tension, rendering the characters' helpless entrapment, is highly effective. This is a production in which the limited budget and small sets actually work in favor of the plot's scary ambience. The black white photography (Yes, it's one of those!) helps to enhance its dark, creepy mood, and the sense of apprehension is quite high. (Modern day color freaks never seem to take that into consideration). The plot is also somewhat cynically ironic If the creature hadn't stowed away on the ship, Carruthers would have most likely been found guilty of the charges against him. The intelligent script (see what I mean about rareity) was penned by noted Science-Fiction author Jerome Bixby (remember Twilight Zone's It's a Good Life) The picture's taut editing eliminates any extraneous dross. (ALIEN tended to drag in its first hour with its sophomoric dialogue, and why did it have to include that stupid and ultimately counter-productive sub-plot of Ash being a robot, and further dragging the story down to another big bad conspiracy cliche UNNECESSARY!!!) Director Cahn astutely keeps the rubber-suited monster off-screen and in the shadows through-out most of the proceedings, keeping your paranoid imagination on constant alert. Unfortunately, perhaps at the studio's commercial insistance, it is a little over-revealed at the climax, but I haven't claimed this to be the perfect masterpiece. The performances, though nothing award-winning, are nevertheless cool enough so that one becomes sincerely concerned as to their fates. Not many movies in recent times ever come close to achieving that. They can be over-produced from here to eternity, and usually only succeed in being gloriously annoying. This film's story is not really totally original (what is), for it is based on A.E. Van Vogt's VOYAGE OF THE SPACE BEAGLE. All ALIEN fanatics should track down an old used copy to see where the initial influence came from. As long as you're not craving another CGI wind-ding, you may find it worthwhile. Just don't expect the women to be Ripley precursors. This was still the sock-knitting fifties, sad to say.