/Laura Coppens
The workers of a self-managed tea factory decide to go against the grain and play by their own rules. The problem is, how can you plan, work and survive in a world driven by ruthless competition? One day at a time, for instance. In a world ruled by profit and dominated by the exploitation of the weaker ones, the film literally offers an alternative set of ways about how to think our future and the means and tools to work for it. It is not an easy job but, as Taste of Hope carefully and precisely shows, there is still a lot that can be done if we change our relationship to production and labor. Instead of making grand gestures or political statements, the filmmaker works with the camera and with a thoughtful editing in order to understand how to weave together new possibilities of communal existence. The result is a superbly crafted observational exercise. A little manual of self-defense and resistance in the face of a neoliberalism that wishes for workers to keep their heads down. A taste of hope indeed.
/John Douglas,罗伯特·克拉莫
"A many-faceted portrait of those individuals who sought radical solutions to social problems in the United States during the 1960s and 1970s. It cuts back and forth between six major story lines and more than fifty characters, and across a vast landscape, to explore the lifestyles and attitudes of the American left who faced both personal and hhistorical transitions in the period following the Vietnam War."
Marine Biologist Jason and his wife Abby goes to Pola, Mindoro where he is tasked to lead the rehabilitation and preservation of a fish sanctuary. There, he meets his diving assistant Dennis and the two hit it off instantly. As they work together, Jason learns bits and pieces about Dennis and his family; and Dennis is moved with Jason's passion for his work. They also find themselves in contradicting problems when Dennis got his girlfriend Tanya pregnant, while Jason and Abby have been struggling to have a baby for years, but to no avail because of Abby's illness. As days go by, Jason and Dennis develop romantic feelings for each other, eventually giving in to their sexual desires. But their affair takes an unprecedented turn when Abby finds out about Jason and Dennis' affair and catches them in the act. Abby's shock from her discovery made her illness worse, resulting in her hospitalization. Jason now has to choose between Abby and Dennis, and someone will be left brokenhearted.
简(帕斯卡·格里高利 Pascal Greggory 饰)非常庆幸自己能够娶到加布里埃尔(伊莎贝尔·于佩尔 Isabelle Huppert 饰)作为自己的妻子,简举手投足之间所展现出来的气质,即便在两人已经结婚许久许久之后依然深深的吸引着简的注意。 一天,当简像往常一样回到家中时,发现加布里埃尔不见了。在桌子上,简看到了加布里埃尔留给他的一封信,让简感到震惊的是,在信里,加布里埃尔坦承自己在和他结婚短短半年之后就已经不再爱他了,而之后的婚姻生活都只是苟延残喘而已。加布里埃尔和简的编辑私奔了。尽管之后,加布里埃尔还是回到了简的身边,但是一切都不一样了。
故事发生在充满了人文气息的古城罗马,马乌罗(米歇尔·皮寇利 Michel Piccoli 饰)和马尔达(阿努克·艾梅 Anouk Aimee 饰)是一对相依为命的兄妹,两人均是单身,而马尔达患有严重的抑郁症。眼看着妹妹日渐疯狂与憔悴,走投无路的马乌罗起了杀心,他利用自己的职务之便,找到了名为西亚宝拉(米歇尔·普拉西多 Michele Placido 饰)的杀人犯,他用无罪释放作为诱饵,将妹妹交到了西亚宝拉的手中,希望后者能够代替他落下屠刀。 让马乌罗没有想到的是,西亚宝拉不仅没有杀死马尔达,反而和她产生了一段浪漫情缘,马尔达也因此康复,重新成为了一名快乐的女人。看着妹妹和西亚宝拉出双入对,深深的孤独令马乌罗陷入了绝望之中。
受去世的父亲影响,跟随祖母长大的吉尔莫?开心(亚当?桑德勒 Adam Sandler 饰)把冰球做为自己毕生的志向,然而在各种临时工作之余不忘训练的开心始终不被任何冰球队接纳。落选的开心脾气愈发暴躁,又遭遇祖母的房子因为拖欠税款被税局收缴,如果不能在90天内凑齐27万美元,祖父亲自建造的房子将被拍卖。一筹莫展的开心偶然发现了自己的高尔夫球天赋,加之六十年代的高尔夫球希望之星查伯愿意免费培训开心,对高尔夫球一无所知的开心迅速杀入了高尔夫球界,他狂躁的球风加上一杆进洞的超远球能力吸引了大众的注意,从公开赛到巡回赛一路战绩颇佳,与开心同场竞技的知名高尔夫球手席特无法忍受外星人一般的开心,誓要阻挠开心的高尔夫之路……
Boozy, brassy Apple Annie, a beggar with a basket of apples, is as much as part of downtown New York as old Broadway itself. Bootlegger Dave the Dude is a sucker for her apples --- he thinks they bring him luck. But Dave and girlfriend Queenie Martin need a lot more than luck when it turns out that Annie is in a jam and only they can help: Annie's daughter Louise, who has lived all her life in a Spanish convent, is coming to America with a Count and his son. The count's son wants to marry Louise, who thinks her mother is part of New York society. It's up to Dave and Queenie and their Runyonesque cronies to turn Annie into a lady and convince the Count and his son that they are hobnobbing with New York's elite.
/Bernardo Dutra,Manitou Felipe
The Soundtrack of a life. Cris ( Selton Mello) , a young artist still trying to find his place on the tough world of arts, gets from Brazilian Government special permit to stay a month in an isolated international research station surrounded by nothing but ice. His goal is to prepare an exhibition mixing music and photography. Cris will go against his own defined concepts and values, as he spends time with other researchers discovering PLANET EARTH on an never seen perspective. This shock will result on this young artist 's evolution changing his life forever.