/Josip Zuvan
Antonio and Nikola are inseparable friends who live across the road from each other, and share a love of pyrotechnics and mobile phones. Their families have been in dispute for years over an easily resolvable problem: the water that flows from the top house to the bottom house. The boys' friendship, as they are about to enter puberty, is put to the test at Christmas time when their families uncover much more dangerous secrets and interests, and the water just carries the hate of the adults to the children. Debut film.
故事发生在十九世纪末,胡安(胡里奥·阿莱曼 Julio Alemán 饰)是庄园主弗朗西斯科的私生子,一场意外夺走了弗朗西斯科的生命,这也就意味着,胡安的存在将永远的成为一个秘密。为了保护儿子安德烈斯(曼努埃尔·吉尔 Manuel Gil 饰)的安全,弗朗西斯科的妻子索菲亚将安德烈斯送往了法国学习。 一晃眼多年过去,安德烈斯自法国学成归来,并且邂逅了名为艾美(安赫丽卡·玛丽亚 Angélica María 饰)的女孩,安德烈斯并不知道艾美同时也在和胡安保持着暧昧的关系。当胡安得知艾美即将嫁给安德烈斯后,威逼利诱艾美的姐姐莫妮卡嫁给自己,这段混乱的四角关系让胡安和安德烈斯之间的关系迅速恶化。
爱幻想的青少年山姆(巴格候饰演)和放荡不羁的母亲莉蒂亚(珍妮佛杰森李饰演)搬到偏僻的怀俄明州,因为爷爷要竞选州长,深怕山姆的私生子身份和莉蒂亚的荒乱生活,会让他为难,对选战不利。 新学校、新环境,但莉蒂亚仍夜夜笙歌;对山姆而言,最大的改变是认识邻居兼同学皮茉莉,而且爱上这女孩。正值对一切好奇的年纪,两个青少年开始偷吃禁果,互相练习「性」游戏,莉蒂亚也默许这种关系。一天终于玩出麻烦,茉莉怀孕了!随之而来的是一连串的迷惑、忧虑、甚至荒诞。茉莉发现妈妈与老师通奸、深爱莉蒂亚的印地安男友,忍受不了她的不负责任离开她,爷爷威胁要送山姆去军校,最后茉莉决定生下孩子,面对责任与压力,山姆相信未来茉莉一定会爱上自己;莉蒂亚也终于了解真爱的意义;小婴儿、小爸爸、小妈妈为这个新式美国家庭带来新活力。
/Richard Rowley
Dirty Wars follows investigative reporter Jeremy Scahill, author of the international bestseller Blackwater, into the hidden world of America's covert wars, from Afghanistan to Yemen, Somalia, and beyond. Part action film and part detective story, Dirty Wars is a gripping journey into one of the most important and underreported stories of our time. What begins as a report on a deadly U.S. night raid in a remote corner of Afghanistan quickly turns into a global investigation of the secretive and powerful Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC). As Scahill digs deeper into the activities of JSOC, he is pulled into a world of covert operations unknown to the public and carried out across the globe by men who do not exist on paper and will never appear before Congress. In military jargon, JSOC teams "find, fix, and finish" their targets, who are selected through a secret process. No target is off limits for the "kill list," including U.S. citizens.
/Kameron Hale
On the same day Abbey is diagnosed with ovarian cancer, she and her girlfriend, Miranda, are invited to dinner by Miranda's former self-help group to celebrate the return of their estranged friend, Scott, who left to discover the origins of their practices. Throughout the night, Abbey realizes that all is not as it seems, that no one is as who they've portrayed themselves to be, and that Scott and the others have their own sinister methods by which they intend to heal her cancer-wracked body.
/Louie Schwartzberg
From Disneynature, the studio that brought you "Earth", "Oceans", "African Cats" and "Chimpanzee", comes "Wings of Life" – a stunning adventure full of intrigue, drama and mesmerizing beauty. Narrated by Meryl Streep, this intimate and unprecedented look at butterflies, hummingbirds, bees, bats and flowers is a celebration of life, as a third of the world’s food supply depends on these incredible – and increasingly threatened – creatures.
《深海异形》是迪士尼于2005年1月所推出的一部纪录片,是一部IMAX-3D立体电影。本片全片在太平洋和大西洋深海拍摄,令人惊叹的画面经过先进的电影技术处理,再配合以IMAX-3D立体电影方式呈现,在大银幕上带领观众历经一段奥妙的旅程…… 《深海异形》是由奥斯卡金像奖大导演James Cameron所执导,他因为拍摄了1997年的《泰坦尼克号》缔造事业高峰,之后对拍摄探险纪录片就颇有兴趣,先在2003年推出了同样是一部IMAX -3D立体电影的《深渊幽灵》,这是一部重返泰坦尼克号沉船残骸的纪录片,同样是由迪士尼电影所发行,在大受好评之后,于2005年James Cameron再度推出这一部全新制作的《深海异形》…… 片中大胆提出许多假设,认为深海中的生物造型十分类似想象中的外层空间生物,因此有没有可能生活在深海中的奇特生物,就是来自外层空间来的异形?例如,该处有身长六呎的长虫,身上有血红色的触管,但却没有胃;还有专门在炙热的地热孔觅食的虾子,以及全盲的白螃蟹…等等 奥斯卡金像奖导演詹姆斯·卡梅隆率领他的那帮天才电影人再次将激情注入到深邃无敌的大海中。不过,这回既不是“泰坦尼克号”客船也不是“俾斯曼号”战船。而是受太空生物学灵感的启发,卡梅隆将兴趣的触角伸向了海洋的另一个世界―深海异形。 在美国宇航局(NASA)科学家的帮助下,摄制组前往太平洋和大西洋几万英尺的海洋深处,去挖掘和发现那里所隐藏着的无穷无尽的奥秘。一直深入到海底,这就是一个产生异形的世界。这里没有阳光,海底火山的岩浆喷口使得地表是沸腾灼热。正是这样特殊的环境创造了许多最稀奇古怪的水下生灵,比如有种6英尺长的虫子,身上布满了红色的血管,可是它却没有消化器官;全盲的白色螃蟹和短脚的蜂窝虾有着不可思议的本领,它们凭感觉就可以辨别正确的方位去取暖和觅食。这些深海异形所生存的封闭环境和地球上其他物种的非独立生态系统完全不同。它们使卡梅隆产生这样的联想:这种生命的形式还会存在于外太空吗? 卡梅隆与NASA的科学家、海洋生物学家们所经历的奇妙海底探险不仅拜访了深海异形,而且还对人类未来探索外太空提出了伟大的假设。
/涅尔斯·阿登·欧普勒夫,Peter Flinth,Jørn Faurschou,夏洛特·西林
When a female police commissioner who has ambitions on behalf of her gender selects detective Ingrid Dahl as the new head of a Danish police travel unit, it does not come without problems for the young detective. She struggles to unite career and family, and she has to establish a cooperation with a team of detectives including the man who had expected to take her job. However, the initial uncertainty soon turns to trust and even friendship, and the team proves its worth investigating the nation's most vicious cases of murder and violent crime. (Written by Peter Brandt Nielsen)
/Jeffrey Scott,Rebecca Matthews
After surviving a shark attack in which her father and sister died, Lexy's life becomes a living nightmare. But with the help of a counsellor, she delves deeper into the haunting flashbacks and gradually uncovers the truth of what happened that fateful night.
/Carmelo Chimera
When a woman on the run from her past suffers a terrifying injury, she becomes stranded in a town with a dark secret. As bizarre phenomena intensify and with no one to trust, she'll have to face her inner demons before a real one takes her soul.
For Momo, the dream of a football career was within reach. But then his family blames him for a crime. Innocently, the 19-year-old ends up in jail and is expected to serve a 19-year sentence there. Momo now has to assert himself in everyday prison life. His mother and girlfriend visit him regularly and he finds support in the prison football team. But his prison life takes a dramatic turn. His uncle Amar, who is also a feared clan chief, is blackmailing him. In order to get protection in prison, he is supposed to start dealing drugs.
/Neil McCay
Following her daughter's suicide, a grief-stricken mother is visited by an unconventional therapist who offers a hallucinogenic drug that will allow communion with the dead. Desperate to understand her daughter's psyche, she accepts the offer and soon finds herself terrorized by her daughter's identical experiences.
/Florian Schwarz
Inspired by a true crime case, the fictional six-part series "German Crime Story: Gefesselt" follows the story of one of Germany's most notorious serial killers, the so-called "acid barrel killer." Raik Doormann strikes fear into the Hamburg area in the early 80s and 90s, as he kidnaps, tortures and brutally kills women in his own nuclear bunker. It is not until Nela Langenbeck, a victim counselor and later homicide detective, comes across clues to his deeds. But at that time, women within the police department are regarded more as secretaries than investigators - so she initially earned headshakes for her approaches. Against all odds, she eventually gets on the trail of Doormann and his gruesome deeds.
Bridgeport, January 2008. A teenage girl is found hanged in her room. While everything points to suicide, the autopsy report reveals something else. Ten years later, the director and cousin of the teenager examine the past causes and future consequences of this unsolved crime. Like an imagined biography, the film will explore the relationship between the security of the living space and the violence that can jeopardize it.
据美国《世界日报》报道,旧金山华裔制片人林立仁(Debbie Lum)将她的下一部纪录片主题瞄准“虎妈”。 《我的虎妈》(My Tiger Mom)将追踪数对亚裔母女的生活,探讨“虎妈”对升大学子女的影响。主要取材地点是佛利蒙的米慎高中(Mission San Jose High School)。 林立仁和制片团队成员伍贞贞(Jannette Eng)、中迫(Lou Nakasako)一起于20日中午到米慎高中,为影片作准备。 《我的虎妈》正处于初期准备阶段。摄制组将访问数对亚裔母女,女儿都是正在准备升大学的高中生。林立仁说,纪录片并不是现场直播。但她要到影片制作最后阶段才写脚本。片中的母女才是真正的脚本作者,这部影片要讲她们的故事。