21世纪的韩国,高科技网络犯罪愈演愈烈,虚拟搜查队应运而生。搜查1队队长金宇炫(苏志燮 饰)带领下属柳江美(李妍熙 饰)、李泰均等人不分昼夜坚守在工作前线,成为打击犯罪的核心力量。一天他们追查到头号黑客哈迪斯所在方位,赶赴现场后却目睹被卷入性接待丑闻的女演员申孝静坠楼身亡。
申孝静之死引发舆论哗然,种种证据指向哈迪斯便是凶手。但当金宇炫在地铁站追捕到哈迪斯时,震惊发现其真实身份竟是自己昔日警校的同窗好友、而今的独立记者朴奇永(崔丹尼尔 饰)。朴奇永更是向他坦白自己被利用的事实,两人遂约定分别在明处和暗处调查真凶。彼时的他们都没有料到,一个令两人命运陡变的巨大危险正在袭来。疑点重重的女演员之死,亦不过只是真凶庞大复仇计划的开端……
西罗(艾德·斯克林 Ed Skrein 饰)、科内尔(瑞恩·科万腾 Ryan Kwanten 饰)、艾斯波琼(汤姆·霍珀 Tom Hopper 饰)等人是一群身强体壮勇敢无畏的维京勇士,他们搭乘着前往英格兰的航船,即将抵达林地斯法恩岛,在那里等待着他们的,是价值连城的黄金和财富。
然而,意外发生了,风暴的袭来让船舶毁于一旦,好不容易捡回一条命的一行人顺流而下登上了苏格兰海岸,然而,这里是阿尔巴王国的领土,阿尔巴国王(Danny Keogh 饰)对维京人恨之入骨,他接二连三派出了残暴冷酷的杀手想要了结西罗等人的性命,而这群维京壮士们,他们必须赶在自己人头落地之前抵达离这里最近的维京人定居点。
关德林(萝玛拉·嘉瑞 Romola Garai 饰)和丹尼尔(休·丹西 Hugh Dancy 饰)两人性格迥异,一个主动奔放野心勃勃,一个温文尔雅心思细腻,但这并没能阻碍他们的相互吸引,可就在两人越走越近之时,关德林却因为经济拮据而被迫嫁给了富商格兰克(休·博内威利 Hugh Bonneville 饰)。 婚后的生活与自私自利的格兰克令生性自由的关德林感到十分痛苦,压抑之中,她向丹尼尔发出了求救信号,希望能利用他的温暖安抚自己伤痕累累的内心。可是,这时的丹尼尔正同一位名叫米拉(乔迪·梅 Jodhi May 饰)的美丽犹太女孩坠入了爱河,随着时间的推移,三人之间的情感纠葛演变得越来越复杂起来。
故事发生在第二次世界大战期间,爱丽丝(杰玛·阿特登 Gemma Arterton 饰)是一名个性非常古怪孤僻的作家,她远离尘嚣,独自在位于英国南方海边的一处悬崖隐居,在那里潜心学习科学。 一天,一个名叫弗兰克(卢卡斯·邦德 Lucas Bond 饰)的男孩意外的闯入了爱丽丝封闭的世界中,弗兰克来自伦敦战区,残酷的战争夺走了他的一切,令他沦落成为孤儿。对于爱丽丝来说,弗兰克的出现很显然是一种冒犯和打扰,但她亦不忍心将这个孩子赶走,就这样,两人开始了共处同一屋檐下的生活。弗兰克的出现还唤起了爱丽丝埋藏已久的回忆,令她回忆起曾经与情人维拉(古古·姆巴塔-劳 Gugu Mbatha-Raw 饰)在一起的点点滴滴。
《千禧年》杂志的财经记者米克尔·布隆克维斯特(丹尼尔·克雷格 Daniel Craig 饰)正被一桩报导引起的诽谤诉讼案搞得焦头烂额之际,却意外接到了瑞典顶尖家族企业范耶尔工业集团的创始人亨利·范耶尔(克里斯托弗·普卢默 Christopher Plummer 饰)的邀请。表面上米克尔要为对方写传记,实则是帮迪奇调查一桩40年前发生在家族里的悬而未决的杀人案。米克尔认真梳理堆积如山的资料,与家族成员交流攀谈。却在关键时刻,被一个边缘女孩莉丝贝丝·沙兰德(鲁妮·玛拉 Rooney Mara 饰)入侵电脑盗取了资料。他找到同要具有非凡调查能力的莉丝,邀请她一同调查,却发现面前是一个深不见底的欲望黑洞……
本片根据瑞典小说家斯蒂格·拉尔松(Stieg Larsson)的原著改编。
Netflix与知名澳剧运作人Tony Ayres(《一记耳光》《阴差阳错》)、制片人大卫·海曼(《哈利·波特》《地心引力》)合作推出惊悚剧《标题党》(Clickbait),讲述“在社交媒体年代,我们最危险、不受控制的冲动如何被刺激加剧,以及现实人格与网络人格越来越严重的割裂”。 Ayres和Christian White一起担任剧集主创和制作人,Ayres任运作人,White编剧,Brad Anderson(《罪人》)为主要导演,NBC环球旗下的Matchbox影业也参与制作,将在墨尔本拍摄,共8集。
/Fergus O'Brien
Daniel Mays (Line Of Duty, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, Public Enemies) stars in BBC Two's powerful factual drama as Peter Wildeblood, a thoughtful and private gay journalist whose lover Eddie McNally (played by newcomer to television, Richard Gadd), under pressure from the authorities, turned Queen's evidence against him in one of the most explosive court cases of the 1950s - the infamous Montagu Trial. More than ten years before the decriminalisation of homosexual acts in 1967, Peter Wildeblood, and his friends Lord Montagu (Mark Edel-Hunt) and Michael Pitt-Rivers, were found guilty of homosexual offences and jailed. With his career in tatters and his private life painfully exposed, Wildeblood began his sentence a broken man, but he emerged from Wormwood Scrubs a year later determined to do all he could to change the way these draconian laws against homosexuality impacted on the lives of men like him. Daniel says: 「I'm incredibly proud to be part of a drama that tells such an important real-life story. Peter Wildeblood is a fascinating, complex, yet flawed character from a time when being a gay man in Britain was incredibly difficult - I can't wait to bring his tale to life for the BBC Two audience.」 Patrick Holland, Channel Editor, BBC Two, said: 「50 years ago, it was a crime to be a gay man in the UK. Against The Law is a stunning piece that melds drama and documentary testimony to tell the story of one man, and his wider generation, as they struggled to make society accept their sexuality as non-criminal. It is brilliant to have a film that brings the authorship of Brian Fillis, the vision of director Fergus O'Brien, and the outstanding talent of Daniel Mays and cast to this important subject」 The drama also features Mark Gatiss (Taboo, Sherlock) as Wildeblood's prison psychiatrist, Doctor Landers and Charlie Creed-Miles (Ripper Street, Peaky Blinders) as Superintendent Jones. Woven through this powerful drama is real-life testimony from a chorus of men who lived through those dark days, when homosexuals were routinely imprisoned or forced to undergo chemical aversion therapy in an attempt to cure them of their "condition". There is also testimony from a retired police officer whose job it was to enforce these laws, and a former psychiatric nurse who administered the so-called cures. All of these accounts serve to amplify the themes of the drama and help to immerse us in the reality of a dark chapter in our recent past, a past still within the reach of living memory.