/马修·德米,埃利耶·西斯泰纳,塞缪尔·科拉尔戴,Antoine Chevrollier
这是一部关于法国情报员的电视剧。 在对外安全总局内部,有一个叫做传奇办公室(BDL)的部门,远程操控着法国情报部门最重要的工作人员:地下工作者。潜入敌对国家,他们的任务就是找出那些有可能被征集作为情报来源的人。在“传说中”的阴影下工作,也就是说以他们虚构的身份,戴着面具生活了好多年。 在大马士革(叙利亚 首都)六年的秘密任务回来之后,我们的主人公-代号Malotru我们更熟悉一些,在BDL内部升职了,并且逐渐重回他真正的生活。但他似乎没有从在叙利亚生活时的传说和身份中跳出来。
Au sein de la DGSE (Direction Générale de la Sécurité Extérieure), un département appelé le Bureau Des Légendes (BDL) forme et pilote à distance les agents les plus importants des services de renseignements français : Les clandestins. En immersion dans des pays hostiles , leur mission consiste à repérer les personnes susceptibles d'être recrutées comme sources de renseignements. Opérant "sous légende", c'est-à-dire sous une identité fabriquée de toutes pièces, ils vivent de longues années dans une duplicité permanente. Notre héros rentre justement d'une mission clandestine de six années à Damas. Mais contrairement à ce qu'exigent les règles de sécurité, il n'abandonne pas sa légende et l'identité sous laquelle il vivait en Syrie. Mettant ainsi en danger tout le système ...
/埃里克·瓦利特,泽维尔·吉恩斯,本·博尔特,比尔·艾格斯,迪尔幕德·劳伦斯,史蒂芬·伍尔芬登,Philip John
《越界追踪第二季》将有12集,9月22号开始相关的制作拍摄工作。拍摄地包括法国,捷克,摩洛哥和保加利亚。 《越界追踪第一季》常规角色包括William Fichtner, Donald Sutherland, Marc Lavoine, Tom Wlaschiha, Gabriella Pession 和Richard Flood都将回归。 《越界追踪》已经在超过180个地区播出,可惜的是在美国却反应惨淡,因此NBC尚未宣布是否会续订本剧第二季。
In the final season, Jason Hayes struggles to balance his warrior’s existence with the responsibilities of single fatherhood. Ray Perry, his trusted second in command, questions whether he will be able to leave the battlefield behind as his retirement nears. Dedicated door-kicker Sonny Quinn battles against changing tides as Jason and Ray’s shifting focus means that other teammates must shoulder more responsibility. Both Omar Hamza and Drew Franklin find diving into work an effective way to distance themselves from their past traumas. Vital to mission success is Lieutenant Lisa Davis, a no-nonsense officer who ushers the team into a new era of warfare against powerful rivals for supremacy on the world stage. Ripped away from their loved ones at a moment’s notice to be deployed across the globe, Bravo team remains dedicated to their duties. Even in the face of overwhelming odds, they know this is the price to keep the families they left behind safe.
The synopsis introduces Montse (played by Emma Vilarasau), who is very excited because she is about to spend a weekend with the whole family at her house in Cadaqués, on the Costa Brava. She has been divorced for a long time, her ex has a new partner and her children have grown up and are living their lives without paying much attention to her. But nothing and nobody can take away her spirits or her excitement. She has been waiting for this moment for too long and has been dreaming of it. This weekend will be perfect... even if she has to burn everything to the ground to make it so.
/William De Vital,William de Vital
World renowned journalist Sara Ogden is traversing the world in pursuit of carriers of a fatally dangerous "Stamp of Cain" in order to prevent seemingly unrelated events such as mass murders, turmoil, revolutions and chaos. She doesn't even suspect how close she is to the edge of the abyss, when in her search she ends up in Belarus to meet face to face with the one, whom she ha...
/马克·贝斯利 , 杰西·沃恩 , 约翰·福西特 , 迈克尔·赫斯特 , T·J·斯科特 , 里克·雅各布森
一边:葛雷博死后,斯巴达克斯和部下带领的克雷斯、甘尼克斯和艾力冈等带领下的奴隶起义军在向罗马进军的途中取得连续的胜利。解放后获得自由的奴隶们大多加入了这支军队,使得整个奴隶起义军的力量越发壮大。一步一步地威胁着罗马的统治。 在这种形势下,斯巴达克斯比以前更坚信能拿下罗马;阿苏尔死后有意卸甲归田的妮维雅和克雷斯也重新找到了为之战斗的精神力量;反倒是甘尼克斯开始沉溺在糜烂的床上生活,和美女蛇萨莎搞在了一起。 另一边:罗马元老院得到了财主克拉苏的援助。克拉苏是一个有勇有谋的人物,他懂的吸取前人的经验,并且尊重对手。加上年轻且战场经验丰富的凯撒加盟,克拉苏和斯巴达克斯的战争迫在眉睫。 总之,《斯巴达克斯:亡者之役》将会带来你未曾见过的传奇史诗之旅。