受原创瑞典小说和电影的启发,该系列以马克和他的女儿埃莉诺为中心,10 年前,当她变成吸血鬼时,他们的生活发生了变化。由德米安·比奇尔、阿尼卡·诺尼·罗斯、格蕾丝·古默、麦迪逊·泰勒·贝兹、凯文·卡罗尔、伊恩·福尔曼和雅各布·巴斯特主演。10 月 7 日首播。 受原创瑞典小说和电影的启发,该系列以马克(比奇尔)和他的女儿埃莉诺(贝兹)为中心,10 年前,当她变成吸血鬼时,他们的生活发生了变化。埃莉诺 12 岁时被关在家里,也许是永远,过着封闭的生活,只能在晚上出去,而她的父亲尽最大努力为她提供维持生命所需的人血。以这些充满情感和可怕的成分作为起点,让正确的人进入将颠覆对流派的期望,将自然主义的镜头转向人类的脆弱、力量和同情心。该系列由奥斯卡提名人 Demián Bichir(更好的生活)领衔主演,托尼奖得主 Anika Noni Rose(Dreamgirls、Power)、Grace Gummer(机器人先生)、Madison Taylor Baez(Selena:The Series)、Kevin Carroll(Snowfall) , 伊恩福尔曼(Merry Wish-Mas)和雅各布巴斯特(殖民地)。屡获殊荣的剧作家、作家和制片人 Andrew Hinderaker (Away, PENNY DREADFUL) 将与 Seith Mann (HOMELAND, FreeRayshawn, Blindspotting) 一起担任节目主持人和执行制片人,他将指导试播集,还将指导其他剧集。
We’re going #BehindTheAttraction… figuratively, and literally. Discover more about your favorite #DisneyParks attractions in the Original Series from executive producers Dwayne Johnson, Dany Garcia, and Brian Volk-Weiss. The first five episodes are streaming July 21 on #DisneyPlus.
/Estela Renner
Fundadoras da ONG de preserva??o ambiental Aruana, Natalie (Débora Falabella), Luísa (Leandra Leal) e Ver?nica (Taís Araújo) viajam para Cari, no interior do Amazonas, ao receberem uma denuncia sobre atentados ao povo indígenas e conflitos pela posse de terras preservadas. Elas descobrem um grande esquema de crimes ambientais e tem que lidar com Olga (Camila Pitanga), dona de u...
Dom tells the story of Pedro, a handsome boy from Rio de Janeiro’s middle class who is introduced to cocaine in his teen years, putting him on the path to becoming the leader of a criminal gang that dominated the tabloids in Rio in the early 2000s: Pedro Dom. Shifting between action, adventure and drama, Dom also follows Pedro’s father Victor Dantas, who as a teenager, makes a discovery at the bottom of the sea, reports it to the authorities and ends up joining the police intelligence service. The series shows the journey of father and son living opposite lives, often mirroring and complementing each other, while both confront situations which blur the lines between right and wrong.
Starring alongside Gabriel Leone and Flavio Tolezani are Filipe Bragança, Raquel Villar, Isabella Santoni, Ramon Francisco, Digão Ribeiro, Fabio Lago, Julia Konrad and André Mattos, among others. Dom is directed by Vicente Kubrusly and Breno Silveira, who also leads the writing team, which includes Fabio Mendes, Higia Ikeda, Carolina Neves and Marcelo Vindicatto. The series is produced by Renata Brandão e Ramona Bakker from Conspiração. Antonio Pinto composed the original soundtrack.
Inspired by the original hit Swedish novel and film,the series centers on Mark and his daughter Eleanor, whose lives were changed 10 years earlier when she was turned into a vampire. Starring Demián Bichir, Anika Noni Rose, Grace Gummer, Madison Taylor Baez, Kevin Carroll, Ian Foreman and Jacob Buster. Stream the premiere October 7.
Inspired by the original hit Swedish novel an...
A comic and episodic satire, the film uses improvisation to illustrate the clash between fantasy and reality in real life. Although conceived in the style of Mekas' "Hallelujah the hills" (1962), it's an authentically Israeli satire, an openly rebellious and individualistic expression that poked fun at the sacred myths of earlier zionist films. The technique of film within the film is used to portray cinema as reflection of the imagination, a miracle based on dreams and fantasies that take on concrete characteristics - parallel to the miracle of Israel, the dream that has become reality. Although not a commercial success, its importance is beyond any measure, though it remains a unique experiment, boldly uncommercial and subversive, out of any context in that patriotic, ideological epoch.
A new immigrant, Tzelnik, arrives at the port of Jaffa. He goes to live in the Negev desert where he opens a kiosk in the middle of nowhere. Mizrachi comes along and opens a competing business across the way. The two make a living by selling to each other. As there is nothing there, they decide to create a world out of their imagination. They build a cardboard film set, which slowly takes on real dimensions- the buildings turn to concrete, people come to audition for parts in the "film" (cinema verité style, with Zohar mocking viciously the pretensions of the "actresses") and builders come to build appartment buildings (mocking the glorification of concrete and "heroic" settlement). In one sequence, Arab actors come and ask the filmmakers turn positive to negative, and they're given the role of pioneers who plow the land and sing zionist songs. The imagined world of the filmmakers becomes so real eventually they lose sight of the thin line between fantasy and reality.
Along the way there are also many references to other films and genres: the samurai flicks of Kurosawa, westerns, the pop films by Richard lester, the meal scene from Tom Jones and many others.
The film was made by a bunch of (very talented) friends Zohar gathered, and they shot it with their own funds, as a “collective flick”, another aspect of it that sets it apart from the rest of the production in the country.
影片《甲壳虫》兼具魔幻与写实的风格,故事发生在20世纪20年代的巴西,主人公是一位非裔苦工,他不仅自创“卡波耶拉”,更具有超自然的能力,可以躲避子弹,甚至自己能够变成一只甲虫来吓唬对手(影片片名正是由此得来),由于饱受当地警察和恶势力的欺凌,他唯有奋起抗争,与之展开连场恶斗 卡波耶拉(Capoeira),香港称之为“巴西战舞”,是一种16世纪时由巴西的非裔移民所创,介于艺术与武术之间的独特舞蹈。虽然其伴随音乐节奏以通常为两人一组的方式而起舞与一般舞蹈雷同,但是舞蹈动作中结合了大量侧空翻、回旋踢、倒立等武术动作,被认为有极浓厚的实战用途,卡波耶拉舞也被认为是巴西最重要的本土文化象征与国技之一。
We’re going #BehindTheAttraction… figuratively, and literally. Discover more about your favorite #DisneyParks attractions in the Original Series from executive producers Dwayne Johnson, Dany Garcia, and Brian Volk-Weiss. The first five episodes are streaming July 21 on #DisneyPlus.
18世纪60年代中期,法国路易十五在位时,一只凶残异常的巨狼一直威胁着吉瓦冈地区,而受害者多是妇女和儿童。一时间,全法国都被触目惊心的血腥杀戮震惊了,无人知道凶兽真正面貌,有人盛传是魔鬼化身。为安定民心,路易十五指派皇家骑士弗朗萨克(塞缪尔·勒·比汉 Samuel Le Bihan 饰)捕杀怪兽。在吉瓦冈逗留期间,弗朗萨克爱上了当地伯爵的女儿玛丽安(艾米莉?德奎恩饰),还与美艳动人的官妓西尔维亚(莫妮卡·贝鲁奇 Monica Bellucci 饰)有染,并结识了玛丽安的哥哥让-弗朗索瓦(文森特·卡索 Vincent Cassel 饰)。随着调查的逐渐深入,弗朗萨克从被害者遗体上发现了一颗钢牙,而一位目击者发誓宣称有人控制着巨狼。随着调查,掀起更恐怖阴谋,一场场血腥杀戮战连串发生……
由Bryan Cranston和Greg Mottola制作的家庭喜剧《男孩们的冒险书 The Dangerous Book for Boys》过去被Amazon预订,现定于美国时间3月30日上线。该剧改编自Conn Iggulden和Hal Iggulden所 著的同名小说,原本在2014-2015开发季度由NBC台开发但失败,现在重新制作后被Amazon相中。
剧中在发明家父亲Patrick 去世后,Wyatt与兄弟得到一本父亲留给他们的书 - 《男孩们的冒险书》,这书让Wyatt激发一个异想天开的奇幻世界,让他感受到与父亲的联系,并学习到应付现实生活的技巧。
Chris Diamantopoulos将同时饰演两角,他除了饰演父亲角色Patrick外,也饰演双生兄弟Terry;Terry是个爱好玩乐﹑不爱规则﹑好心的后进生,在兄弟去世后来跟主角...