莎拉(艾丽莎·易默思 Alexa Yeames 饰)、托德(罗德·赫尔南德兹 Rod Hernandez 饰)、杰夫(杰森·托比亚斯 Jason Tobias 饰)、艾瑞克(安东尼·科洛 Anthony Kirlew 饰)、凯伦(斯蒂芬妮·皮尔森 Stephanie Pearson)、朱迪(凯莉·科耐尔 Kelly Connaire 饰)等六名大学生利用假期驱车游玩,途中他们的汽车爆胎。不巧的是他们抛锚的地点信号太差,四周前不着村后不着店,她们只能自己动手修理汽车。身处荒郊野外,年轻人们只能耐心等待旅途的再度开启。谁知就在这时候,其中两人被不知来自何方的子弹射中,相继惨死在烈日之下。恐慌迅速弥漫,而无情的子弹则接二连三射向他们。
6 different stories. 1 Dead world. New series premieres August 14. Six New Stories. One Dead World. Tales of The Walking Dead New Series August 14 Features an all-star cast with Terry Crews (Brooklyn Nine-Nine), Olivia Munn (The Newsroom), Parker Posey (Scream), Jessie T. Usher (The Boys), Anthony Edwards (ER, Top Gun), Samantha Morton (The Walking Dead, Minority Report), Daniella Pineda (Jurassic World Dominion).
/马特·本内特,Tom Hutchings
We’re very excited for Rick to be back on the BBC with his new series, Rick Stein’s Cornwall – sharing food and drink heroes, art, culture and history from around the county with new recipes to recreate at home too. Rick says:
Cornwall is different to anywhere else in the world. Crossing the Tamar for our holidays to Cornwall from Devon was like going into another country and i...
Zombie Honeymoon is a romantic horror film about a young married couple, madly in love, on their honeymoon. One day on the beach, the groom Danny is attacked and killed by a man who rises up out of the water with no explanation, leaps on top of him, and vomits blood into his mouth. Danny is resuscitated ten minutes later, and seems to look and act totally normal. However, his wife Denise finds out that that's not the case at all. It turns out that Danny has become a zombie. However, instead of becoming a "Night Of The Living Dead"-style creature right off the bat, he disintegrates gradually, in a manner akin to cancer or AIDS. He and his wife Denise do their best to cope with his slipping away, not to mention the fact that he can't stop killing and eating people. As their best friends arrive for a weekend visit, she makes him promise her that they're off-limits. He agrees, but finds it more and more difficult to control himself. She hangs in there because he's the love of her life, but it becomes more and more apparent that her life is in jeopardy as well.
/Sergio Manfio
In the late Middle Age's Italy, Leonardo "Leo" Da Vinci is a young boy lover to invent advanced machines who lives happy with his best friend Lorenzo and beauty Lisa, being secretly fall in love with her. After to test the first dive suit of his creation in a lake, tragedy appears when coming back to home Lisa realizes that her house and lands have been burned by a fire. Owner of the lands threats Lisa's father to marry her with his son if he doesn't give all money he debts as retribution by the fire, causing Lisa's sorrow. Trying to save her, Leo Da Vinci decides travel to Florencia to gain money and pay the debt with help of Lorenzo. Unable to keep the secret, Lorenzo reveals Lisa Leo's plans, and Lisa joins her friends to make the travel to the big city, where they meet a storyteller that explains in a plaza the story of a pirate ship sunken with a great treasure inside it. Believing it as a true event, Leo buys the treasure map to the storyteller, but it's stolen by a rogue and ...
/Sergio Manfio
In the late Middle Age's Italy, Leonardo "Leo" Da Vinci is a young boy lover to invent advanced machines who lives happy with his best friend Lorenzo and beauty Lisa, being secretly fall in love with her. After to test the first dive suit of his creation in a lake, tragedy appears when coming back to home Lisa realizes that her house and lands have been burned by a fire. Owner of the lands threats Lisa's father to marry her with his son if he doesn't give all money he debts as retribution by the fire, causing Lisa's sorrow. Trying to save her, Leo Da Vinci decides travel to Florencia to gain money and pay the debt with help of Lorenzo. Unable to keep the secret, Lorenzo reveals Lisa Leo's plans, and Lisa joins her friends to make the travel to the big city, where they meet a storyteller that explains in a plaza the story of a pirate ship sunken with a great treasure inside it. Believing it as a true event, Leo buys the treasure map to the storyteller, but it's stolen by a rogue and ...
/Victor Cook,Mike Disa,金相辰,Shuko Murase,Jong-Sik Nam,Lee Seung-Gyu
但丁(Graham McTavish 配音)在35岁时,迷失于一个黑暗的森林。他竭力寻找走出迷津的道路,黎明时分来到一座洒满阳光的小山脚下。这是普照旅途的明灯。他正一步步朝山顶攀登,忽然三只猛兽(分别象征淫欲、强暴、贪婪的豹、狮、狼)迎面扑来。但丁高声呼救。这时,古罗马诗人维吉尔(Peter Jessop 配音)出现了,他受贝娅特丽丝(Vanessa Branch 配音)的嘱托前来帮助但丁走出迷途,并引导他游历地狱和炼狱。 地狱形似一个上宽下窄的漏斗,共9层。第一层是候判所,生于基督之前,未能接受洗礼的古代异教徒,在这里等候上帝的审判。在其余8层,罪人的灵魂按生前所犯的罪孽(贪色、饕餮、贪婪、愤怒、信奉邪教、强暴、欺诈、背叛),分别接受不同的严酷刑罚。
故事发生在一座名为贝斯厄尔城的虚构的城市之中,和这座城市相对的,是厄尔科马城。这两座城市的人被规定禁止相互产生联系,他们要对彼此视而不见,假装对方完全就不存在,企图跨越界限的行为被视为是不可打破的禁忌。一天,一名就读于厄尔科马城大学的女学生的尸体被发现横陈在贝斯厄尔城的街头,贝斯厄尔城极端暴力案件调查组的泰亚德警探(大卫·莫瑞瑟 David Morrissey 饰)负责调查此案,结果被卷入了两座城市的政治斗争之中。
贝斯厄尔城的的克洛维警探(曼蒂普·迪伦 Mandeep Dhillon 饰)也参与了调查此案,两个本来一辈子都会当对方不存在的人开始产生了交集。
/Ernie Barbarash
烈火可以烧尽一切邪恶 但爱比烈火更为致命