/Gary Ellis
This would definitely not have been my kind of movie, but my husband saw it on TV and said it was really good. So, on his recommendation, I bought a copy, since I didn't know if it would ever be on TV again. I had never heard of anybody in it except Armand Assante. At first I had a hard time getting into the story, because the first part of the movie is a jumble of images-- and it doesn't make much sense. It is only later in the movie that it all comes together. The scene-cutting- if that's what it's called, is a bit jarring-- it sometimes looks as if a few frames have been cut out of each scene, and the scenes are jerky--but I guess that was done to add to the unusualness (if that's a word). The story veers here and there, and just about the time you have it all figured out, everything turns upside down and you have to readjust your thinking as to who is the bad guy and who is not. Or bad woman. The acting is very good-- I kept thinking how much Norman Reedus looks like Leo Decaprio. The ending was a real twist, totally unexpected, which I liked. A good show.
/Víctor García
某个晴朗假日,美国青年尼克(Jay Gillespie 饰)和好友史蒂文(Nick Eversman 饰)驱车穿越国境线,打算前往墨西哥的提华纳寻找一次绝佳的艳遇。他们很快便锁定了一个性感尤物,但是突如其来的意外让二人的狂欢设想灰飞烟灭。正当他们垂头丧气之际,某当地人送给二人一个精致的魔方。尼克和史蒂文的命运就此改写,他们也有如人间蒸发一般消失。 尼克和史蒂文的失踪给各自家人莫大的打击,在一次家庭聚会中,艾玛(Tracey Fairaway 饰)从两人的行李中找到了那枚魔方,而浑身是血的史蒂文也突然出现在房间内。家人们对此感到惊奇喜悦,却不知道丁头鬼的魔爪正慢慢伸向他们……
发型师查利•卡蓬(Jerry O'Connell杰里•奥康奈尔 饰)和不知名的音乐人路易斯•富奇(Anthony Anderson安东尼•安德森 饰)是一对从小就在美国街头玩耍长大的好朋友。他们和当地黑帮头子马吉奥(Christopher Walken 饰)多有瓜葛,在马吉奥的责令下,他们不得不接受一项非法任务。那就是将5万美金黑钱送往澳大利亚,交给一个名叫史密斯的人的手中。 这个人物似乎颇为轻松,两个好朋友以度假的心态来到澳洲。然而在与一只袋鼠合影的时候,那个淘气的家伙竟然带着现金跑掉了。两个好朋友只得追在袋鼠的屁股后面,展开了一段难忘的澳洲之旅……
/Pablo J. Cosco
/Dror Zahavi
zz 1948年6月,为了解决“柏林危机”,美国总统杜鲁门下令空军投入所有能够使用的飞机实施空中补给,搭建一条通往西柏林的“空中走廊”。当美国空军第1批C-47型运输机满载着生活必需品飞抵西柏林,一场被视为世界航空史上空前壮举的大规模空运行动——“柏林空运”由此揭开了序幕。 1948年10月,美、英两国建立联合空中补给工作小组,由美国空军中将威廉·特纳负责统一指挥。然而特纳手头仅有美、英、法三国的军用运输机,每天只能空运750吨物资,这远不能满足西柏林居民生存的需要,经过努力,澳大利亚、新西兰和南非等国都纷纷派出运输机和机组人员参与柏林空运。随着投入空运的飞机、新建的机场以及运输强度的不断提升,每天的空运量也在不断地增加:1500吨、2000吨、4000吨、5000吨……直到1949年4月16日这天,西柏林上空异常繁忙,联合空中补给工作小组指挥...
Set in an uncanny future — or perhaps a slightly alternate present where cellphone technology is nowhere to be found — Anna and her partner Ryan have achieved every couple’s dream: they are in possession of a document certifying their true love. Their comfortable if somewhat mundane life, however, leaves Anna questioning their successful love test, administered by placing their extracted fingernails into a cutting-edge machine. Anna soon begins working for the Love Institute under the tutelage of Duncan (Luke Wilson), which, in addition to determining a couples’ status via the mysterious test, trains them to deepen bonds. There, she’s paired with the experienced — and devastatingly charming — Amir to take couples at various stages of relationships through a series of love-building activities before the big test. As the new colleagues work to ameliorate the connections of clients, Anna begins to wonder if perhaps Amir is her one true love and if trusting her own feelings is a more reliable metric than what is determined by a machine.
/Jon Marcus
饰演Alex的是本·鲍尔(Ben meijubar.net Baur),他曾出演美剧《整容室》和《离婚快乐》。
A recovering drug addict, desperate for closure and saddled by crushing guilt after the disappearance of her young son, is presented with a bizarre offer to learn the truth about what happened and set things right - if she is willing to pay a terrifying price. How dark is she willing to go for a chance at redemption?