The first episodes were shot in 1922 and found an end in 1944. Totally there are 221 single episodes. A complete catalog of all episodes you will find at "All movies of Our Gang / The Little Rascals at a glance". A small picture gallery you can find under "Gallery". The little Rascals were called into live through the legendary producer Hal Roach (Roach also spotted the comedians Laurel & Hardy). The trigger for the combination of a child troupe was the exceptional big success of rascal Ernie "Sunshine Sammy" Morrison in comedies of Harold Lloyd and Snub Pollard. The composition of the troupe was checkered and represented typical children in the neighborhood. The original cast were Mary Kornman (the beautiful girl), Allen "Farina" Hoskins" (the naive negro), Mickey Daniels (the freckled whipper-snapper), Joe Cobb (the pleasant fat person), Jackie Condon (the rich fellow), Ernie Morrison (the rascal) and last but not least Pete the pet with a painted circle around his right eye. The success of the rascals was based on the imitation of the world of the adult but at the same time they played a trick or shew a behavior which the adults wouldn't dare to do themselves. It is also astonishing that the children acted extremely natural in contrast to the child stars in the 30's with their pseudo adultness. The stories were made from simple pattern but affectionate. At this time didn't exist real scripts but rather there was a short outline of the main theme, gags and other ideas were developed only during the shot. The success of the serial wasn't due to a single person but was the result of a exemplary teamwork. Each episode offered new adventures for the children. There is a trip to New York where happened the coincidence that the children are able to nabbing a bus, to play deadhead or to hover over the city with a piece of fabric as parachute replacement. In spite of their unusual behavior, the rascals never had to expect serious consequences because they tricked the adults with wit and phantasie. Perhaps the children took a sound thrashing after a successful adventure, but after that they show to the audience with a roguish expression that the preceded adventure was worth for this and that nothing could take away their go by experiences. When Hal Roach sold the serial to M-G-M in 1938, it rang in the decline of the serial. M-G-M wasn't able to maintaining the magic which the serial radiated before and was shut down in 1944. Since then the serial experienced a resurrection time and again through broadcastings on TV. With this they erected a lasting monument to the little rascals.
13岁的玛莎(安娜·奇波夫斯卡娅 Anya Chipovskaya 饰)在拳击台和街头之间度过了她的童年。她的朋友们并非寻常之辈,而是那些在90年代饱受城市唾弃的人,他们以杀戮和抢劫为生,然而对于玛莎而言,他们却是她生命中最亲密、最守护的人。在一个充满动荡和挑战的年代,玛莎与这些街头兄弟结成了牢固的联盟,她以优美的爵士乐声为他们伴奏,同时怀揣成为歌手的梦想。然而,随着时间的推移,玛莎开始逐渐意识到她的朋友们的真实身份,以及他们对她生活和家庭带来的深远影响。
13岁的玛莎(安娜·奇波夫斯卡娅 Anya Chipovskaya 饰)在拳击台和街头之间度过了她的童年。她的朋友们并非寻常之辈,而是那些在90年代饱受城市唾弃的人,他们以杀戮和抢劫为生,然而对于玛莎而言,他们却是她生命中最亲密、最守护的人。在一个充满动荡和挑战的年代,玛莎与这些街头兄弟结成了牢固的联盟,她以优美的爵士乐声为他们伴奏,同时怀揣成为歌手的梦想。然而,随着时间的推移,玛莎开始逐渐意识到她的朋友们的真实身份,以及他们对她生活和家庭带来的深远影响。
/Sheldon Larry
故事梗概: 自从丈夫车祸去世后,茱莉娅一直艰难地带着两个孩子生活。雪上加霜的是,在圣诞节前夕她却失了业,只能与孩子们卖些自制的蛋糕来维持生活。更让她为难的是银行的副经理哈迪亲自驾车来山里收欠款,可她实在没有钱支付这笔丈夫生前欠下的巨债,但哈迪仍然不依不饶,要按规定拍卖茱莉娅和孩子们唯一值钱的财产——房子。这个不幸的消息为茱莉娅一家即将到来的圣诞节蒙上了一层忧愁的阴影。 做完欠款工作的哈迪准备连夜赶回市里,没想到却因为雪大路滑,在茱莉娅家门前撞了车,还好有茱莉娅的帮助他才没有大碍。此时,外面的雪越来越大,暴风雪阻断了回城的道路,但固执的哈迪还是坚持要离开。茱莉娅的小女儿爱丽丝错把哈迪当作圣诞来客,知道他要离开,非常伤心,偷偷跟着他,希望他能回来。面对外面寒冷的天气,哈迪这才意识到自己做了一个错误的决定,但话既然已经说出口,他怎么好意思再回去呢。冻得瑟瑟发抖的爱丽丝终于找到了哈迪,无奈之下,一大一小只能靠车内微弱的暖风取暖。 发现女儿离家的茱莉娅心急如焚,冒着暴风雪出来寻找,功夫不负有心人,在哈迪的车上,他找到了冻僵的二人,并带他们重返家中。寄人篱下的哈迪不得不放下高傲的身价,与这家人和睦相处,并生平第一次帮助母羊接生。在这期间,哈迪真正了解了茱莉娅,也深深地喜爱上了这个虽然穷,但充满温馨气氛的家。同时,他也为自己与妻子之间毫无感情的婚姻生活感到悲哀。而经过这段时间的共患难,茱莉娅也渐渐喜欢上了这个率真的男人。几天后,暴风雪结束了,道路又恢复了畅通,哈迪的妻子来到小山村,带走了丈夫。 不久,正当茱莉娅以为哈迪永远离开不会回来时,哈迪又出现了,此时的他已经与妻子离了婚。于是,一对有情人最终走到了一起,并开始他们新的事业。 精彩视点: 《圣诞情缘》是美国1994推出的又一部喜剧大片,影片以幽默诙谐的笔调向观众们讲述了一个近似荒诞的故事。本片打破传统的叙事结构,让整个故事充满惊喜,而导演细腻地处理人与人之间关系的转折,更使本片有别于一般的喜剧类型电影,而增添许多张力。 《爱与婚姻》是1994爱情片中难得的佳作,影评家们对该片交口称赞,绝对值得去细细品味。
该剧由著名编剧马军骧《怒海红颜》《过年偷着乐》、王军《大决战》倾力打造,由曾执导《水落石出》《警察本色》的刘庆梅执导,更云集了曾主演《借枪》、《风声传奇》的李乃文、《尖刀》、《合适婚姻》的于洋、《生死线》《海魂》的吕夏、;《石榴花开》、《包三姑外传》的贾延龙;《保母与保安》的于小磊;《小兵张嘎》《我的团长我的团》的谢孟伟 、《老柿子树》的张永健、《闯关东》《父亲》的冯国庆等众多实力派演员加盟。《夺宝》讲述了抗战时期我八路军太岳军区根据党中央的...
Sibiu ’89 reenacts a lesser-known story about those days of violent civil unrest that led to a bloody confrontation between the army forces and Ceau?escu’s instruments of repression, the Militia and the Secret Police. Following rumours and disinformation about so-called “terrorists” attacking soldiers and civilians, panic and chaos ensue. No one is to be trusted, everyone could...
当爱丽丝(安德丽娅·赖斯伯勒 饰)和杰克(多姆纳尔·格里森 饰)第一次见面时,他们之间产生了一种强大到似乎无法打破的联系。但爱丽丝在过去受到的深刻创伤使她拒绝了杰克,两人分道扬镳。在随后的几年里,他们的生活仍然不断产生交集。但每一次他们之间纯粹爱情都被环境、过去或他们自己的不完美所打破。而当他们的爱情似乎终于变得有形时,可怕的事情发生在他们身上,这将不可逆转地改变他们的未来。在故事的最终,两人甚至想知道爱是否可以超越生命本身。 如此坦诚、亲昵又出人意料的有趣,这个引人入胜的爱情故事探讨了我们这个时代的开创性问题:我们之间的纽带是否比撕裂我们的力量更强大?
Series 2 (2000) The second series sees a deadly epidemic of nosebleeds grip the town's inhabitants, killing many. The plot is resolved after some confusion over the cause of the nosebleeds, involving butcher Hilary Briss' "special stuff", Benjamin Denton's escape from his relatives, and the murders in the Local Shop.
凯(约翰·卡萨维兹 John Cassavetes 饰)有着一个外表单薄脆弱的妻子罗斯玛丽(米亚·法罗 Mia Farrow 饰),自从他们搬到新公寓后,凯就和邻居一对老夫妇相谈甚欢。而罗斯玛丽却并不特别喜欢这对邻居,令她感到不适的,还有接下来的一连串怪事。 罗斯玛丽看 到了自杀的女人,在日渐诡异的生活气氛下,她还做着毛骨悚然的梦。梦中,有一个长毛怪物侵犯自己,罗斯玛丽从噩梦中醒来不久,竟得知自己已有身孕的消息。邻居老太前来照顾罗斯玛丽和腹中婴儿,然而,罗斯玛丽却渐渐怀疑,一切的古怪事情,都来自于这个表面和善慈祥的邻居,甚至还有自己的丈夫!他们正在合谋计算罗斯玛丽的婴孩。到底是罗斯玛丽的幻觉还是确有其事?当她看到出生的婴儿眼中竟无瞳孔时,罗斯玛丽知道,魔鬼的气息近在眼前。
Best friends Emily and Lesley decide to take a road trip to get away from it all. When Email makes a decision to turn off the busy highway and on to a desert road all hell breaks loose. They soon find themselves the target of a mysterious tow truck that forces them into a dangerous game of cat and mouse, turning their road trip into a living, breathing nightmare.
《女子监狱》Uzo Aduba、《恶魔之地》“Hippolyta” Aunjanue Ellis以及刚刚凭借《继承之战》“Lisa”获得艾美奖(剧情类)最佳客串女演员提名的Sanaa Lathan,三人将在探照灯影业的新片《厄尔自助餐厅的女子天团》(The Supremes At Earl's All-You-Can-Eat)组队。
本片改编自Edward Kelsey Moore于2013年出版的小说,曾凭借《受诅咒的密西西比》问鼎芝加哥国际电影节的Tina Mabry担任导演,至于《达荷美女战士》和《永生守卫》的Gina Prince-Bythewood则会负责剧本。
故事围绕着“Odette”、“Clarice”以及“Barbara Jean”三人展开,她们相识于高中,成立了叫做“The Supremes”的闺蜜组,如今已经携手了走过了四十多年...
/Martin Grof
Andrew, (Eugene Simon) on a quest to uncover hidden truths about his family history, provides a top-secret agency with his DNA in order to discover his ancestry. It's revealed that not only does Andrew have unlocked superhuman powers within his DNA but his grandparents previously participated in a government program that tried to influence human senses. He joins the program onl...
Thomas P. Manning, businessman and chess expert, mysteriously shot in a locked room, dies clutching some chess pieces. Police are baffled, and finally abandon the case. Six months later, victim's daughter Leah Manning, stung by a scurrilous book about the case, enlists the aid of Charlie Chan and Number 3 Son. Additional murders follow, leading to a climactic confrontation in a...
/Nadeem Soumah
Sarah Plummer is an FBI Agent whose family is taken hostage while she is on a flight to Washington, DC. "Turbulence" occurs when a mysterious stranger, Michelle, is seated beside her and Sarah is forced to make a decision that could cost her the lives of her husband and twelve-year-old son.