1941年,德军准备入侵苏联,德国男青年Wilhelm和他的弟弟Friedhelm响应希特勒的号召应征入伍,即将奔赴前线。女青年Charlotte立志为国家服务,成了一名女护士,也将前往战场救助伤员。女青年Greta美丽活泼,歌声动人,她希望有朝一日成为一名女歌星。她的情人是一个犹太人Viktor,他是一名裁缝的儿子。五人是最好的朋友,他们在启程的前夜载歌载舞,喝酒庆祝,约定圣诞节再相聚。 分离之前,他们都是意气风发的年轻人;分离之后,他们的命运便和这场战争紧紧联系在一起。对于这一辈的德国人来说,这是他们的父辈、他们的母辈对于这场战争的记忆。
The film shows an obscure episode from the life of a Stalinist criminal - Colonel of the Office of Public Security, Julia Brystiger. Her nickname was "Bloody Luna" because during interrogations she tortured prisoners with extreme cruelty. At the beginning of 1960s she appeared in Laski near Warsaw, in the Institute for the Blind, where the Primate of Poland, Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski, was also a frequent visitor. His imprisonment in the years 1953-1956 was supervised by none other than Julia Brystiger herself. During the difficult and tempestuous conversation with the Primate, Julia Brystiger rejects the communist ideology, asks for her crimes to be forgiven and for help in finding God...
The film shows an obscure episode from the life of a Stalinist criminal - Colonel of the Office of Public Security, Julia Brystiger. Her nickname was "Bloody Luna" because during interrogations she tortured prisoners with extreme cruelty. At the beginning of 1960s she appeared in Laski near Warsaw, in the Institute for the Blind, where the Primate of Poland, Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski, was also a frequent visitor. His imprisonment in the years 1953-1956 was supervised by none other than Julia Brystiger herself. During the difficult and tempestuous conversation with the Primate, Julia Brystiger rejects the communist ideology, asks for her crimes to be forgiven and for help in finding God...
The series follows smart, capable and by the book Grace Narayan (Anjli Mohindra), who was flying high as an inner-city police sergeant before being forced into a 'punishment posting' on the small, antiquated island of St. Jory. Confronted by the forgotten and unsolved case of missing teenage boy Cai, Grace quickly discovers that she must overcome scarce evidence, extraordinary ...
A group of world leaders awakens a creature beneath the ocean floor, and mankind's only hope rests on an alliance between the giant ape and his mechanical arch-nemesis.