/Danny J. Boyle
After a car accident leaves her boyfriend in a coma, April’s panic attacks return and make her life a living hell. However, once she accepts the kindness of a stranger trying to help her, she realizes that he might not be the stranger she thought he is.
/Arnaldo Catinari
Milan, 2030; where only eight years earlier the independent global spy agency Citadel was wiped out by Manticore, the powerful enemy syndicate that manipulates the world from the shadows. Since then, Diana Cavalieri (who is an undercover Citadel agent) is alone, trapped behind enemy lines as a mole in Manticore. When Diana finally sees a way out and the chance to disappear forever, her only option is to trust the most unexpected ally, Edo Zani, heir of Manticore Italy, son to the head of the evil syndicate's Italian unit; who just so happens to be vying for Manticore's leadership against other European families.
/Arnaldo Catinari
Milan, 2030; where only eight years earlier the independent global spy agency Citadel was wiped out by Manticore, the powerful enemy syndicate that manipulates the world from the shadows. Since then, Diana Cavalieri (who is an undercover Citadel agent) is alone, trapped behind enemy lines as a mole in Manticore. When Diana finally sees a way out and the chance to disappear forever, her only option is to trust the most unexpected ally, Edo Zani, heir of Manticore Italy, son to the head of the evil syndicate's Italian unit; who just so happens to be vying for Manticore's leadership against other European families.
/Arnaldo Catinari
Milan, 2030; where only eight years earlier the independent global spy agency Citadel was wiped out by Manticore, the powerful enemy syndicate that manipulates the world from the shadows. Since then, Diana Cavalieri (who is an undercover Citadel agent) is alone, trapped behind enemy lines as a mole in Manticore. When Diana finally sees a way out and the chance to disappear fore...
/Arnaldo Catinari
Milan, 2030; where only eight years earlier the independent global spy agency Citadel was wiped out by Manticore, the powerful enemy syndicate that manipulates the world from the shadows. Since then, Diana Cavalieri (who is an undercover Citadel agent) is alone, trapped behind enemy lines as a mole in Manticore. When Diana finally sees a way out and the chance to disappear fore...
海伦米伦也要回归电视圈了!——奥斯卡影后涉足/重返电视圈趋势更甚,HBO刚刚请到梅丽尔·斯特里普加盟《大小谎言》第二季,又宣布海伦·米伦将出演4集限定剧《伟大的凯瑟琳/凯瑟琳大帝》(Catherine the Great),饰演俄罗斯历史上唯一一位被冠以“大帝”之名的女皇叶卡捷琳娜二世·阿列克谢耶芙娜。这也给了HBO竞争艾美奖限定剧类奖项的机会,此前归为限定剧的《大小谎言》因为续订而被归为剧情类剧集。
与米伦合作了2005年限定剧《伊丽莎白一世》的编剧Nigel Wi...
本片荣获2006法国恺撒奖最佳新进演员;2006法国卢米埃尔奖最佳导演;2005法国路易•德吕克大奖;第62届威尼斯电影节最佳导演银狮奖、最佳技术贡献奖(摄影)。 1968年,五月风暴席卷法国,学生运动风生水起。年轻的诗人弗朗西斯(Louis Garrel 路易斯•加莱尔 饰)逃避兵役,沉湎于大麻、诗歌和爱情之中,与好友安东尼一起,自由挥霍混乱时期的青春。不久一名叫莉莉的女孩出现在弗朗西斯面前,她是个雕塑师,在铸件厂工作。两人很快坠入爱河。 一年后,弗朗西斯依然过着颓废自由的生活,而机缘之巧合却使莉莉开始认真思考两人的将来……
/Danny J. Boyle
After a car accident leaves her boyfriend in a coma, April’s panic attacks return and make her life a living hell. However, once she accepts the kindness of a stranger trying to help her, she realizes that he might not be the stranger she thought he is.