When an all-powerful enemy appears to destroy all parallel worlds, a hero with the spirit of all Super Sentai will rise to fight back. Transforming into ZenKaizer, he joins forces with four robots with the spirit of Super Sentai mechas from across history.
/土井裕泰,山室大辅,Tsuboi Toshio
宇佐美启(玉木宏 饰)因未婚妻香川芽衣的关系在IT公司担任高层职位,本身却对业务一窍不通常出状况外。这日芽衣提出分手,启顿时失魂落魄,面临爱情工作双失的窘境。在住所电梯与在同一日感情也发生问题的摄影师世良旺次郎(松田翔太 饰)、翻译逢泽爱琉(香里奈 饰)相遇,同乘搭一部电梯的还有心理医生菊田正人(谷原章介 饰),由于大停电被困在电梯的四人开始自我介绍,正遇到棘手病人的正人提议大家玩一个love shuffle游戏,即互相交换恋人,以找到真正所爱。 于是,启带来千金小姐芽衣,爱琉带来富家男友大石谕吉,旺次郎带来有夫之妇上条玲,而正人带来的是自己的病人,19岁一直企图自杀的少女早川海里。第一轮洗牌开始,四对伴侣的奇异组合有的碰撞出火花,有的毫无反应。但随着游戏的进行,一轮轮洗牌的进程,各人开始坦露心声,面对感情中的问题,同时亦面对真实的自我。
由《麻木不仁》“Steve” James Marsden领衔参与的《陪审义务》(Jury Duty)公开,剧集将于4月7日首播,首更四集,4月21日季终。 本剧将会是一部以法院为背景、糅合纪录片元素的多镜头喜剧。 它通过一位叫做Ronald Gladden的陪审员作为视角,记录了陪审团审判制度的内部运作。Ronald并不知道整个案件都是假的,除了他之外,每个人都是演员,包括James,而且发生的一切——法庭内外——都是精心策划的。 这个高度保密的项目在去年9月首次被披露,将会是一个十分独特、类型突破、将整个故事置于陪审团进行裁决的观察;它会有点模仿Sacha Baron Cohen在《波拉特》以及其它作品(与他曾经合作过的几名制片人也在主创团队)、Nathan Fielder等节目的形式,依靠James与一些演员没有脚本的即兴互动、无法预测的既定走向创造效果。 James早前和一群有着即兴喜剧背景的演员以及被真实传唤、担任陪审员的普通人进行了拍摄,并在洛杉矶南部的一个真实法庭完成了拍摄。这是在他于《西部世界》演出之外,抽空完成的。 除去James 之外,其它较为人熟悉的演员包括《情何以堪》“Luke” Evan Williams、《最后的大亨》“Mary” Whitney Rice、《爱芯》“Xtra” Edy Modica、《大学女生的 性生活》“Eric” Mekki Leeper、和《保留地之犬》“Kenny” Kirk Fox。
/Krishna Vamshi
Abhiram(Ram Charan) is a handsome looking NRI, who is born and brought up in London. Even though he lives abroad, Abhiram loves Indian culture and family values. One fine day, he comes to know about his dad's past which is related back to a huge family based in India.In order to fulfill his dad's dream, Abhiram lands in India. There he finds out that his roots are based in the joint family of Balaraju(Prakash Raju). Rest of the story is as to how Abhiram manages to successfully enter the family, and wins the love of everyone.
某个傍晚时分,修伊(小野大辅 配音)和丹特丽安(泽城美雪 配音)在山林间艰难前行,寻找幻书。丹特丽安饥饿劳累,拒绝行走,撒娇要求修伊背她行走。正在此时,他们遭遇附近村庄的美丽草药师塔莉亚。塔莉亚盛情将二人邀请到自己家中,端来好吃的面包和咖啡。在此期间,修伊提起了此地的领主约翰•卡波拉斯一家人死于大伙的事件,并且对卡波拉斯的女儿弗罗伦丝是否引起大火提出质疑。村民们警告修伊和丹特丽安不要接近危险重重的森林和卡波拉斯家的城堡,可是为了传说中的幻书,二人还是朝着城堡前行,等待他们的将是……
/Haya Waseem
Few films examine the societal pressures and expectations faced by young women of colour in North America. The piercing and often anxious divide between cultural traditions versus independence and acceptance among white peers is an overwhelming experience that only those who have lived it are in a position to describe. In her impressive debut feature, Pakistani Canadian writer-director Haya Waseem explores the family dynamic in a new light. The result is personal, intimate, and brought to life by an exciting new voice in Canadian cinema. Sheila (Arooj Azeem) is a Pakistani Canadian teenager living in the suburbs. Nearing the end of first-year university and having fallen in love for the first time, with her classmate Eden, Sheila desires a freedom that her mother and father (played by Azeem’s real-life parents) are unwilling to offer. After Sheila loses her virginity to Eden, he abruptly breaks up with her, and her sense of reality begins to unravel, further alienating her from her friends, family, and community. Azeem delivers an impressive breakout performance as a woman finding autonomy and individuality while trying to simply belong. Quickening is a reminder that immigrants and their children, in particular people of colour, who are adjusting to a new life, new goals, and new expectations can also struggle with their mental health. We’re not just happy to be here. With exquisite photography from Christopher Lew, Waseem has crafted a delicate yet triumphant portrayal of a young woman, through all obstacles, caught in the pursuit of happiness.