/Linda Hassani
A demoness from Hell, Veronica Iscariot, uninterested in tormenting the souls of damned sinners, ascends to the world above and finds our world full of evil and corruption. Veronica decides her mission in life is to punish the wicked and evil and goes about this with a bloody vengeance. Along the way she meets and falls in love with a doctor, Max Harris, who tends her wounds after an accident.
/Addison Heimann
Will, a young Hispanic gay potter, is one gregarious guy. His boss is terrible, but he's got a great boyfriend and a great job. Unfortunately, behind that veneer is a dark past of violence and mental illness that he is desperate to keep hidden. When his bipolar mother comes out of the woodwork after ten years of silence, he begins exhibiting unexplainable symptoms. After an injury at work, he starts losing functioning of his arms, and something sinister lurks in the corner of his vision: a silent and ominous man in a wolf costume. Will spirals into an obsession, determined to solve this mystery of his own. What is going on with his arms? Can he trust his boyfriend? Is he becoming his mother?
哈利(斯科特·巴库拉 Scott Bakula 饰)是一名拥有超自然感应能力的私家侦探,在洛杉矶,他结识了大魔术师菲利普(凯文·J·奥康纳 Kevin J. O'Connor 饰)和他美丽的妻子桃乐茜(法米克·詹森 Famke Janssen 饰),菲利普擅长表演令人匪夷所思的大型魔术,没有人知道他究竟是怎么做到的。随着交往的深入,哈利渐渐爱上了美丽活泼的桃乐茜。 在一次表演中,菲利普因为事故不幸丧生,之后在调查事件真相的过程中,哈利震惊的发现,菲利普看似美轮美奂的魔术表演能够成真,竟然是因为他和魔鬼签订了契约,而如今,桃乐茜的性命也受到了魔鬼的威胁。
/Jim O'Connolly
Cowboy James Franciscus seeks fame and fortune by capturing a Tyrannosaurus Rex living in the Forbidden Valley and putting it in a Mexican circus. His victim, called the Gwangi, turns out to have an aversion to being shown in public. Another film featuring the stop-action special effects talents of Ray Harryhausen.
/Sue Clayton
《芬巴的消失》讲的是芬巴和丹尼是一对生活在一个沉闷的爱尔兰小镇上好兄弟。芬巴到外闯荡,得到一个国际有名的足球队里踢球的机会,可是人家没有用上他。他就灰溜溜地回到了家乡,未能衣锦还乡令他很沮丧,和丹尼的关系也变得糟糕了。万念俱灰的情况下,他从桥上跳下去了,就此消失了。芬巴消失后几年,他从瑞典打电话给丹尼,丹尼追寻着这个消失的邻居的声音开始漫漫行程。丹尼来到瑞典北部的斯德哥尔摩,去往拉普兰,寻找芬巴。在那儿,丹尼不进见到了芬巴,还看到很多和善的人们以及可爱的阿比,但是他和芬巴的友谊发生了变化,生活也分开了。 《芬巴的消失》, 这部影片在拉普兰(挪威、瑞典、芬兰和苏联各国北部拉普兰人居住的地区)取的景,由于冰川解冻,影片的拍摄工作被迫停顿了6个月。
杰森(亚历克斯·撒克逊 Alex Saxon 饰)在父亲管理的学校费城丹宁顿预备学院里就读,某日,学校里组织学生们前往美国造币厂参观,哪知道在参观的过程中,一群警察冲了进来,带走了杰森的父亲,他的罪名是贪污公款一千万美元。杰森父亲的失职导致学校的资金链断裂,随时面临着倒闭的命运,杰森也因此遭到了同学们的百般诟病和刁难。 爱丽丝(亚利希斯·扎尔 Alexis G. Zall 饰)是技术高超的黑客,在参观造币厂的过程中,聪敏的她发现这家工厂的安保系统非常的薄弱,为了挽救学校,爱丽丝找到了杰森,希望他能够和自己合作,洗劫造币厂,当然,这个行动还需要其他的帮手,于是,妲科塔(萨莎·皮特丝 Sasha Pieterse 饰)和班尼(杰·沃克 Jay Walker 饰)也入伙了。
/Gail Mancuso
瑞秋(詹妮弗·安妮斯顿 Jennifer Aniston 饰)辞去了咖啡店的工作,开始尝试在时尚界发展。马克为她找了一份工作,但罗斯(大卫·休默 David Schwimmer 饰)认为马克对她有企图,变得非常敏感。周年纪念日瑞秋仍在加班,罗斯带了食物到办公室探望,弄得一团糟被瑞秋赶回家,争吵后导致赌气分手。罗斯在和乔伊(马特·理勃兰 Matt LeBlanc 饰) 、钱德勒(马修·派瑞 Matthew Perry 饰)喝酒时打电话给瑞秋,而马克来恰好在,气愤地挂了电话。绝望他有一个陌生女子有了一夜情,虽然试图和瑞秋重归于好时,但由于此事两人还是最终分手。而然看到罗斯和邦妮约会,瑞秋又非常伤心。两人发现彼此心底还是放不下对方,面对着邦妮和瑞秋,罗斯犹豫了......
Aglaé Lanctot, 25-years-old, is as insecure as can be. As a result of being 'brought up' by an irresponsible mother and by an absent father, she can now find her balance only in a methodical life and a regular, well-defined job. For instance in being the most perfectionist vehicle crash test worker ever. So imagine her dismay when she learns that her factory is going to be relocated - in India. Losing such a structuring job is simply inconceivable. So much so that when Aglaé is offered to hold the same position but thousands of miles away from home, with pay cut and without the least social benefits, she - accepts. A few days later, Aglaé hits the road in an old Citroën Visa, accompanied by her two friends and co-workers Liette and Marcelle who, for reasons of their own, have decided to follow her example.
/Faruk Šabanović,Amela Ćuhara
In a world tormented by the Horror, the citizens of Birdabad accept the egg-eating tyranny of Kondor and his carrion crew as the price of safety. Gathered in exuberant daily ritual around the great Egguilibrium mechanism, which is tended by the silent owl, Hasan, they unthinkingly trade their eggs for fruit. Hupu, a beautiful and reckless young bird, is determined to save her egg from this terrible fate and with the help of Hasan, who is her husband, and a magical seed, she opposes Kondor and disrupts the system. In the wild chase that follows Hupu, Hasan, Kondor and a tiny busy-body chick called Mi, find themselves flung out of Birdabad into the jaws of the Horror. Terrified, confused, murderously angry with each other, this ill-assorted band form a reluctant alliance with a most peculiar guide, who promises to help them get home, if they will help him reach the Sun. Only Hupu knows that their guide is blind. Travelling from a vast modern city to the top of a volcano, down the ...
/Michael Cuesta
从小热爱音乐,并最终成为一名职业巡演音乐人的吉米-泰斯塔格罗斯(朗-埃达德饰),历经长达25年的时间,足迹遍布6大洲,带领自己的音乐团队巡演几乎整个地球,他的粉丝、歌迷已然有数百万之多。如今,已然是中年男人的吉米,终于在45岁这年决定回家,看望自己自20岁父亲去世那年便从未见过面的老母亲(罗伊丝-史密斯饰),以及他离别多年的小镇和少时的朋友们。 然而,经过多年的岁月洗礼,两鬓斑白的老母亲虽亲情依旧,但往日记忆里的浓情小镇早已翻天覆地,尤其是多年未谋面的发小、旧友甚至青梅竹马却早已是为人夫妇、情随世迁。在历经一番怀旧、追忆、欢笑、误解甚至打骂之后,无情的岁月与世道之变迁,带给这位明星显赫的老摇滚巨星的不仅仅是温馨满溢,更多的则是岁月无情和旧爱的逝去。但年迈的老母亲多年不变的母子亲情却依旧温暖如初,她收藏的爱子年少时便尽显音乐才华时的旧照片和简报,再次成为了中年吉米感恩亲情、相信生活的动力所在…… For over 20 years, Jimmy Testagross has lived his childhood dream: being a roadie for his childhood heroes, Blue Oyster Cult. But the band's Arena-Rock glory days are a distant memory. County fairs and club gigs pay the bills. And Jimmy has become a casualty of these leaner times. With no place to go, no job prospects, and no real skills outside of being a roadie, Jimmy needs to regroup. So he returns to his childhood home in Queens, Ny. There, he revisits old relationships: his ailing, widower mom, a high school crush, a former nemesis and, most importantly, his relationship with himself. Jimmy, the middle-aged man-child, has never grown up. He still carries the resentments and frustrations of his youth, and has allowed them to fester and define who and what he is. Confronted with his mother's illness, Jimmy has a choice: let go of the past and take responsibility for both himself and the woman who raised and now needs him. Or continue to live a life of lies and frustration.
/Drew Cullingham
Trevor is 'between jobs'. He spends his days avoiding his nagging heifer of a wife by hiding out in his allotment shed and painting figurines for his wargames with his agoraphobic friend, Graham, and dreaming of his heroic alter-ego, the battle mage Casimir the Destroyer. When Mr Parsons, one of the other allotment tenants, petitions to have Trevor removed from his disgrace of a plot (he's not there to grow stuff!) an argument ensues that leaves Trevor with a corpse to hide. Unfortunately, this untimely accident coincides with the zombie apocalypse and Mr Parsons' return is just the beginnings of Trevor's problems. More pressing is whether or not he should try and save his wife and her beautiful best friend, who both he and Graham have a thing for.
故事发生在五十年代美国的一个小镇上。杰斯(比利·克鲁德普 Billy Crudup 饰)和道格(杰昆·菲尼克斯 Joaquin Phoenix 饰)是出生在平凡家庭之中的两兄弟,兄弟两人和母亲海伦(凯西·贝克尔 Kathy Baker 饰)过着相依为命的生活。 艾伯特家是镇上有名的富豪之家,家中有亭亭玉立的三姐妹帕梅尔(丽芙·泰勒 Liv Tyler 饰)、爱莲娜(詹妮弗·康纳利 Jennifer Connelly 饰)和爱丽丝(乔安娜·高茵 Joanna Going 饰),虽然从地位上来看,三姐妹高高在上同两兄弟完全不属于同一个阶级,但两个家庭还是被牵扯进了复杂的爱恨情仇之中。三姐妹的父亲坚信自己的女儿们要嫁给门当户对的男人,因此十分反感她们同杰斯和道格来往。
法老发现自己的王国内希伯来人日益增多,开始感到不安,对希伯来人总是无端猜疑,于是命令所有的希伯来人都去当奴隶,并吩咐讲所有希伯来人生的男孩扔到河里。这天,一个希伯来妇女生了一个漂亮的男孩,为了自己的孩子能够幸免于难,她将他放到一个草箱中放进了尼罗河。 皇后在河边捡到了这个漂亮的男孩,将他带回宫殿抚养,取名摩西。摩西和王子兰姆蒂斯一起长大,两人成了最好的朋友。摩西十分反对法老对希伯来人的暴政,一次他为了阻止一名埃及人残害希伯来人而将失手将他打死。为了逃避法老的惩罚,摩西逃到了米甸地。不久法老去世,兰姆蒂斯成了新法老。摩西原本以为兰姆蒂斯会一改以往法老对希伯来人的暴政,没想到兰姆蒂斯反而变本加厉。在神的指示下,摩西知道了自己的身世,于是他决定要带领希伯来人走出困境。
Young Cuban Rafael just buried his mother, and comes to Houston to meet his father John for the first time. The difficult part is that John doesn't know he is Rafael's father. John runs a dance studio, and everyone prepares for the World Open Dance championship in Las Vegas. It soon becomes clear Rafael is a very good dancer, and Ruby (Vanessa Williams) is the biggest hope for the studio at the championship.
/Soames Summerhays
《海洋绿洲》以电影的精致记录壮观的自然美景及神秘无穷尽的生命,以优雅的视觉,呈现巴哈半岛与墨西哥科特斯海的美丽海底生物,还有惊人的生物与地理多样风貌。 绝妙的旅程,探索丰富的墨西哥科特斯海与原始的加州哈沙漠。令人叹为观止的视觉飨宴,融入这两个截然不同的世界。随着这个巨大的峡谷向前滑行,纵身下降到深蓝的海水之中,《海洋绿洲》带您从群集的礁石浮游生物前往浩瀚银河的鲭鱼群,一览海中的鲸、巨大笨拙的海象,还有少见的丰富彩色海洋生物。与绚烂科特斯海相接的是看似荒芜的加州巴哈沙漠,还有令人屏气凝神的白雪霭霭山峰及无边无尽的沙漠。