/Mauricio Eça
Maníaco do Parque mergulha na história do maior serial killer brasileiro, o motoboy Francisco (Silvero Pereira), que foi acusado de atacar 21 mulheres, assassinando dez delas e escondendo seus corpos no Parque do Estado, em São Paulo. A história do assassino e os detalhes da sua psicopatia são revelados por Elena (Giovanna Grigio), uma repórter iniciante que enxerga na investigação dos crimes cometidos pelo maníaco a grande chance de alavancar sua carreira. Enquanto Francisco segue vivendo livre e atacando mulheres, sua fama na mídia sensacionalista cresce vertiginosamente, gerando terror na capital paulista.
/Matt Winn
Sarah(Shirley Henderson饰)和Tom(Alan Tudyk饰)陷入了严重的财务困境。眼看就要失去一切,这对夫妇想办法为他们在伦敦的住宅找到了买家。当他们邀请最好的朋友Richard(Rufus Sewell饰)和Beth(Olivia Williams饰)来这座住宅共享最后一顿晚餐时,一位不请自来的老朋友Jessica(Indira Varma饰)也跟着来了。 在一场看似微不足道的争吵之后,Jessica在花园里上吊自杀了。Sarah意识到如果买家发现了这件事,就不会购买这座住宅,也就会导致自己的家庭破产。于是Sarah和Tom说服Richard和Beth一起把尸体带到Jessica自己的公寓,造成Jessica在自己家里自杀的假象。然而,意想不到的事情发生了……
/安德鲁·库瑞,Andrew Currie
“THE INVISIBLES” is a visually stunning story about an alternate dimension that exists in the same time and space as our own. Charlie (Tim Blake Nelson) and Hanna (Lucy Liu) are in crisis and facing the end of their marriage, when Charlie literally starts to disappear. As he fades from the world, he discovers a new world of INVISIBLES; people who have disappeared just like him and who now exist in an alternate reality that shares the same physical space as the real world, but have no ability to impact it. Invisibility offers Charlie many benefits. Money is no longer required, there are limitless opportunities to eat and drink anything and everything where and when he wants and being invisible he gets to behave however he likes. But better than that, he lives in a place where emotional pain and personal trauma are now forgotten. Yet Charlie keeps being drawn back to his old life, visiting his wife Hanna even though she no longer sees him. As he starts to see their marriage from her point of view and face the tragic loss of their six-year-old son, he soon realises that he must fight to return to reality, and learns that living in the present and looking to the future is the key to life.
/James Chick
When a paranormal social media influencer winds up dead, a USFS ranger must pull himself out of mourning to grapple with the reality of the fact that Bigfoot might actually exist, and be responsible for a string of unusual deaths in his small town.
/Rod Daniel
【雙面天才】(Genius)是迪士尼所製作的一部TV電影,於1999年於美國的迪士尼頻道首度播出。 本片故事敘述有一位天才少年 Charlie Boyle,小小年紀就因為天資聰穎,獲准保送到大學去就讀,他因此開始他新鮮人的生活,然而畢竟跟其他人不同,一開始日子過的有點尷尬,尤其指導他的 Krickstein 博士雖然為人和藹熱心,但在學校地位並不高;何況為了支付學費, Charlie 必須擔任助教的工作,面對一群比他年紀大許多的學生,他實在很不自在。Charlie 雖然有過人的天資,但本質上畢竟還是位青少年,在大學生活不如預期的情況下,他居然突發奇想,為了接近一位心儀的中學女生,他於是用網路潛進該校的系統,自動增加了一筆學籍資料。將自己設定成一位來到該所中學的新轉學生,從此 Charlie 就開始扮演起兩種角色,一個舞台在大學校園;另一個則是中學。還真虧他的天才頭腦,雙面角色扮演還能應付自如!但是有一次卻碰上一傷腦筋的情況,該班中學生居然到大學校園參觀,還被邀請去參觀 Krickstein 博士的實驗室!且看這位雙面天才如何角色變換,應付這錯一步就會穿梆的困境吧! 本片是由 Rod Daniel 所執導,在片中飾演天才少年 Charlie 的是 Trevor Morgan,他在【靈異第六感】中飾演曾拍過感冒糖漿廣告、欺負柯爾的男孩譚湯米;另外後來他還演過【侏儸紀公園3】,以及迪士尼2002年電影【心靈投手】,他在片中飾演男主角 Jim 小時候。本片中飾演 Charlie 心儀的女孩 Claire 的則是 Emmy Rossum;飾演 Krickstein 博士的則是 Charles Fleischer,他也就是【威探闖通關】羅傑兔的配音者。
/Jody Dwyer
两对情侣——迈特(Leigh Whannell 饰)和尼娜(Mirrah Foulkes 饰)、杰克(Nathan Phillips 饰)和丽贝卡(Melanie Vallejo 饰)结伴来到澳大利亚的塔斯马尼亚岛。这里在18世纪到19世纪间,曾是大英帝国用来流放犯人的小岛,岛上条件恶劣,难以逃脱,除了一个名叫亚历山大?皮尔斯(Peter Docker 饰)的爱尔兰男人。
/Dallas Jenkins
The Chosen is a historical drama based on the life of Jesus and those who knew him. Set against the backdrop of Jewish oppression in first-century Israel, the series shares an authentic look at Jesus' revolutionary life and teachings.