/Chris Kratt,Martin Kratt,Simon Paquette
动画片《Wild Kratts动物兄弟》作为美国公共电视台PBS高收视率的节目,在3年的时间已经被翻译成了21种语言,且在超过181个国家中播出。2016年暑假正式登陆中国,给小朋友带来奇妙的野生动物世界大冒险! Chris and Martin Kratt are brothers who explore the wild throughout the world to learn more about animals and share conservation information. They have three friends who travel in the Tortuga HQ with them named Aviva, Koki and Jimmy Z. The brothers have creature power suits that allow them to experience what it's like to be the animals they find. The team helps them by creating power suit creature disks for each animal they study. They also bring them supplies and help them out of tricky situations when their adventures get dicey. The group has to overcome villains as well, like a chef who wants to serve endangered species on his menu, or a clothing designer who wants to trap and use live animals to make her clothing line, or a tech villain who wants to turn animals into robots to do his bidding. All of the villains have no regard for nature or conservation. Wild Kratts is a great cartoon adventure show for kids where they can learn about new animals and why conservation is so important!
在过去的韩国很多孩子被用来神婆祭祀,身子在坛子里被关着直到死去,而灵魂也被琐到铃铛里。当今的韩国也有很多神婆用铃铛来招魂,传说最有名的神婆都是哑巴,而淑熙(宋慧乔 Hye-kyo Song 饰)则生在这样一个世代都为神婆的名门家族。为了摆脱这种命运,她从神圣女子大学休学,通过相亲与从小生活在美国的皮特结婚,追随丈夫和婆婆远嫁到美国生活。初到异乡的淑熙努力适应着周围全新的环境,和家人一起信仰基督吃西餐。原以为这样就可以割舍神婆的命运,然而神婆的命运却依然紧紧的缠绕着她,母亲送给自己结婚礼物里竟然缝合着招魂的铃铛,丈夫和婆婆的相继离奇死亡再次点燃了已然成为孤身一人的她内心的欲望,她渐渐的迷恋上了了邻居约翰(亚诺?弗里斯奇 Arno Frisch 饰)和朱莉(阿瑟娜?库瑞 Athena Currey 饰)夫妇的生活,开始在生活的各个方面模仿女主人朱莉的举手...