劳拉(艾丽西亚·维坎德 Alicia Vikander 饰)的父亲一生都致力于研究古墓,在劳拉尚且年幼的时候,父亲在一场冒险之中失踪了。一晃眼多年过去,劳拉一直拒绝承认父亲已死的消息,也拒绝接手父亲手下的商业帝国。 一次偶然中,劳拉发现了父亲遗留下的冒险笔记,父亲希望劳拉能把这些资料付之一炬,但为了寻找父亲的下落,劳拉决定寻找笔记中记载的岛屿。劳拉找到了名为陆仁(吴彦祖 饰)的男子,两人结伴踏上了旅途。刚一上岛,劳拉和陆仁就遇见了一直和父亲作对的马赛亚斯(沃特·戈金斯 Walton Goggins 饰)以及他的雇佣兵团队。马赛亚斯一心想要找到古墓的踪迹,不惜杀死了不肯透露半点消息的劳拉的父亲,如今,劳拉亦落入了他的魔爪之中,会遭遇怎样的命运呢?
弗朗西斯·福特·科波拉的《大都会》改编自古罗马的历史著作《喀提林阴谋》,聚焦于一个幻想中的纽约,架空的时代背景处于古罗马与呼啸的20年代之间,城市却又兼具现代纽约的面貌。这座城市正处于一场灾难的边缘,两股势力对城市的未来有着不同的看法:市长西塞罗是保守派的代言,对城市的发展的观点传统守旧;而一位革新派的建筑师喀提林则希望在城市中建立一个乌托邦。在这两位有权势的人物之间,一位年轻的女性在其中周旋——她是市长的女儿朱莉娅,她爱上了喀提林。 《大都会》项目的缘起最早可以回溯到1984年。当时,科波拉创作了近400页的剧本,但是由于他的制片公司American Zoetrope破产,影片的前期制作陷入了困境。2001年,科波拉重新启动了该项目,却在其在纽约拍摄素材镜头时遭到了9/11事件,使得投资方对这个讲述纽约受灾的题材望而却步。近年来,人们已经放弃了希望,认为科波拉不会再拍摄这部电影……但是科波拉回来了。当看到演员们穿着华丽的服装的片场照,人们还是觉得像做梦一样:这一切真的发生了吗?乌托邦大都会,将要在我们这个漫改当道的维度中实现了吗? 影片于2022年11月开拍,将持续到2023年3月,假如一切顺利的话。此外,还将有一年的时间用于后期制作,剪辑、视效等等,因此,影片大约会在2024年上映。影片的大部分场景将在佐治亚州的一个特效工作室中拍摄。这对于年事已高的科波拉来说,是一个相对轻松的环境,我们也得以看到他自《现代启示录》后关于工作室的古老梦想在新世代的土壤中生根发芽。 《大都会》剧本打磨了将近40年,考虑到它的成熟度,我们对其充满希望。而它其中蕴含的政治野心也将改变好莱坞。科波拉将会用什么样的风格拍摄本片?是《教父》三部曲的黑暗、肃穆、仪式感?还是像《创业先锋》那样,流畅、多彩和激动人心?科波拉认为,《大都会》将是他所有作品风格的集大成之作。
In a time now lost in the mists of memory, the great King Arthur rules in the legendary citadel that is Camelot. His Knights of the Round Table perform acts of derring-do and spend their spare time jousting, much to the delight of the local citizens and especially to Princess Ilene, a guest at Camelot. Watching her from afar is a young, inexperienced squire called Valiant, and when the young Welsh princess is sent home to marry Prince Arn, Valiant contrives to accompany her masquerading as Sir Gawain. Meanwhile, the evil sorceress Morgan le Fey, sister to King Arthur, has convinced the tyrannical Sligon, ruler of the Viking kingdom of Thule, that he should steal Arthur's sword, the powerful and magical Excalibur, knowing that its loss could bring about Arthur's downfall. So into the fray comes Sligon's unstable and psychotic brother Thagnar, who manages to steal the sword. Pandemonium reigns. But Valiant is having problems of his own - kidnappers attempt to steal away the Princess, and after various skirmishes, including one with a mysterious character who lives in a cave and purloins treasure, women and other things of value, Valiant manages to return the Princess to her homeland - although he also manages to have a duel with the Princess' jealous fiancé, Prince Arn. All things converge as Valiant is finally informed of his heritage by the stranger from the cave... Boltar of Thule. He informs the lad that he is Prince Valiant, rightful heir to the kingdom of Thule, and with his help, Valiant returns to the land of his birth to rightfully claim what is his.
Volker Schlöndorff transposes Bertolt Brecht’s late-expressionist work to latter-day 1969. Poet and anarchist Baal lives in an attic and reads his poems to cab drivers. At first feted and later rejected by bourgeois society, Baal roams through forests and along motorways, greedy for schnapps, cigarettes, women and men: ‘You have to let out the beast, let him out into the sunlight.’ After impregnating a young actress he soon comes to regard her as a millstone round his neck. He stabs a friend to death and dies alone. ‘You are useless, mangy and wild, you beast, you crawl through the lowest boughs of the tree.’ The film takes youthful impetuousness and hatred of oppression as its subject and also ponders the cult of genius and sexual morals. Rainer Werner Fassbinder simultaneously plays both Baal and himself and is surrounded by many actors who were later to perform in his own films. After the film was broadcast on West German television, Brecht’s widow Helene Weigel prohibited any further screenings, arguing that the social circumstances engendering Baal’s rebelliousness had not been adequately explained.
/阿玛普雷特 GS 查布拉
加拿大一位沮丧的父亲计划带他淘气的儿子去印度管教他。《Shinda Shinda No Papa》由 Inderjit Bansal 执导,是一部令人愉快的旁遮普喜剧,将幽默、情感和家庭价值观融入到温馨的电影体验中。凭借引人入胜的故事情节和出色的表演,这部电影成为旁遮普电影中令人难忘的补充。剧情简介 影片围绕辛达(吉皮·格雷瓦尔饰)展开,他是一个无忧无虑、顽皮的男人,突然发现自己陷入了意想不到的幽默困境——照顾一个他认为是自己的孩子。故事讲述了信田的旅程,他应对意外的父亲身份带来的挑战、陷入的搞笑情景以及一路上经历的情感成长。
/Steffen Haars,Flip Van der Kuil
In the final season, Jason Hayes struggles to balance his warrior’s existence with the responsibilities of single fatherhood. Ray Perry, his trusted second in command, questions whether he will be able to leave the battlefield behind as his retirement nears. Dedicated door-kicker Sonny Quinn battles against changing tides as Jason and Ray’s shifting focus means that other teammates must shoulder more responsibility. Both Omar Hamza and Drew Franklin find diving into work an effective way to distance themselves from their past traumas. Vital to mission success is Lieutenant Lisa Davis, a no-nonsense officer who ushers the team into a new era of warfare against powerful rivals for supremacy on the world stage. Ripped away from their loved ones at a moment’s notice to be deployed across the globe, Bravo team remains dedicated to their duties. Even in the face of overwhelming odds, they know this is the price to keep the families they left behind safe.
第三季改编原著系列小说第5本《The Gods of Guilt》。Manuel Garcia-Rulfo(饰Mickey Haller)、Becki Newton(饰Lorna)、Jazz Raycole(饰Izzy)、Angus Sampson(饰Cisco)、Yaya DaCosta(饰Andrea Freemann)等人确定回归。 Humphrey与第二季加入的Dailyn Rodriguez(《南方女王》)继续担任剧集运作人,并同David E. Kelley(《小谎大事》)、原著作者Michael Connelly一起担任执行制片。本剧由David E. Kelley创作,Ted Humphrey开发。
Life in the Catholic Church of the Holy Redeemer in Detroit is upset by a series of killings whose victims are all priests and nuns. All victims are found with a black rosary in their hands. Father Koesler begins collaborating with the police but soon finds himself in a spot when the killer decides to choose him as confessor.