/安德烈亚斯·普罗查斯卡,Lea Becker
At a prizefight of all places, Ben finds himself face to face with a fascinating woman named Zelda. And Zelda knocks him down with a single blow. Dazed, he stares into her eyes and believes it’s true love. Zelda is also deeply taken. What our lovers don’t yet know is that they share a dark secret.
/安德烈亚斯·普罗查斯卡,Lea Becker
At a prizefight of all places, Ben finds himself face to face with a fascinating woman named Zelda. And Zelda knocks him down with a single blow. Dazed, he stares into her eyes and believes it’s true love. Zelda is also deeply taken. What our lovers don’t yet know is that they share a dark secret.
故事发生在德国当代,简(丹尼尔·布鲁赫 Daniel Brühl 饰),皮特(斯坦奇·艾塞克 Stipe Erceg 饰)和朱莉(朱丽娅·耶恩奇 Julia Jentsch 饰)是三个社会上随处可见的普通青年。但在他们的内心里,愤怒和失望的火焰从未停止过燃烧,对于国家的现状,对于政府的不满,对于富人的仇恨,为了给这些汹涌的感情找到出口,他们必须要做一些与众不同的事情。
/Tim Trachte
Vienna, 1920. The Austro-Hungarian Empire has collapsed. Peter Perg returns home from the Great War, after seven years as a Russian POW. Vienna is experiencing the multiplicity of political, social and artistic freedom, but also the rise of anti-democratic movements, insecurity and unemployment. Peter, a former police inspector, feels like a stranger in the new Austrian Republic. While wanting to leave town, Peter is confronted with the murder of one of his former comrades. He decides to stay and instead bring the killer to justice. His ally is Dr. Theresa Körner, a determined and cool-headed forensic doctor. The two are linked not only by this case, but also by a deeper, shared history. As their investigation progresses, they realise that they are not just up against a systematic killer, who tortures his victims, but also face disapproval and intrigue from within the police force. Though determined to solve the crime, Peter, harbouring his own secrets, increasingly becomes tormented by existential questions What is truth What is heroism in the time of war And all the while he fails to see the mounting danger before him.
Vienna, 1920. The Austro-Hungarian Empire has collapsed. Peter Perg returns home from the Great War, after seven years as a Russian POW. Vienna is experiencing the multiplicity of political, social and artistic freedom, but also the rise of anti-democratic movements, insecurity and unemployment. Peter, a former police inspector, feels like a stranger in the new Austrian Republi...
For Momo, the dream of a football career was within reach. But then his family blames him for a crime. Innocently, the 19-year-old ends up in jail and is expected to serve a 19-year sentence there. Momo now has to assert himself in everyday prison life. His mother and girlfriend visit him regularly and he finds support in the prison football team. But his prison life takes a dramatic turn. His uncle Amar, who is also a feared clan chief, is blackmailing him. In order to get protection in prison, he is supposed to start dealing drugs.
在不远的未来,人们熟知的地球已经不复存在。太阳挂在天上用不可思议的热度炙烤着地球已经整整四年时间了。在这种热度的摧残下,地球分成了两块——一块洪水肆虐,一块干旱无比。由于大饥荒,人类到了濒临灭绝的边缘,少数幸存者靠着剩余的事物和水度日。有传闻说,在一些山区,这种情况有所改善,很显然,那里在下雨。 玛娜和妹妹莱奥尼想尝试进山碰碰运气,为了能成行,她们找来了菲利普。交易很简单,玛娜用身体换食物和安全。半路上,菲利普的车坏了,而且汽油也用尽了。于是他们找到了一个废弃的加油站,希望能在修好车并找到点补给。在偶遇了一些饿得半死的家伙,而且莱奥尼被劫持为人知之后,菲利普找到了一个叫做汤姆的人,汤姆能把他们的车修好并带他们上山。菲利普同意和汤姆一起开始旅途——虽然同行的姑娘都不是很情愿。 事实证明,这一路并不平坦,而且他们的补给一直在莫名其妙地减少。几天的相处之后,玛娜觉得汤姆是一个比菲利普更为可靠的伴侣。可是无情的自然也总会令他陷入僵局和困顿。慢慢地,玛娜发现偷他们补给的人不仅仅是对食物和水感兴趣,它更大的兴趣还在于她本人。但是,如果她希望看到自己妹妹还活着,她就一定要克服自己的恐惧,在没有菲利普的情况下,独自一人面对这太阳的炙热以及抢匪的绑架与威胁。 一个巨大的挑战正在慢慢靠近——这是玛娜连做梦都无法料想到的巨大的挑战……
For Momo, the dream of a football career was within reach. But then his family blames him for a crime. Innocently, the 19-year-old ends up in jail and is expected to serve a 19-year sentence there. Momo now has to assert himself in everyday prison life. His mother and girlfriend visit him regularly and he finds support in the prison football team. But his prison life takes a dramatic turn. His uncle Amar, who is also a feared clan chief, is blackmailing him. In order to get protection in prison, he is supposed to start dealing drugs.