The film follows Special forces veteran Lee Gunner as he takes his two boys on a camping trip, where the boys stumble upon a fentanyl lab and are kidnapped by drug runners. Unfortunately for the drug runners, Lee will stop at nothing to get his boys back safely, going up against not only the criminal cartel, but the FBI and local police as well, using the full force of his deadly abilities to reunite his family.
/Sidharta Tata
Maya, a wood factory worker. After losing her parents, Maya had to struggle to support her younger brother, Adi. As an older sister, Maya always tried to keep Adi safe and out of trouble. Maya's efforts were successful at first. Adi and Maya's lives were peaceful. However, the peace of life suddenly changed drastically when Adi suddenly disappeared without a trace. Maya immediately did everything she could to find her younger brother. On the other hand, a journalist named Risang was investigating a corruption case involving Regent Zaenal in the city of Rimbalaya. This investigation led him to Zaenal's rehabilitation center, where Adi was found in suspicious conditions. Risang began to feel that there was something bigger and darker behind the rehabilitation facility. This rehabilitation facility became the beginning of a series of strange events involving undead zombies. Ella, a girl from Jakarta, was accidentally caught up in a tragic event while visiting Rimbalaya to meet her grandmother. Fate brought Ella together with Maya, Risang, and Adi amidst various horrific incidents that continued to occur in the city. Slowly, they were dragged into a dirty political conflict involving power and dark secrets in Rimbalaya. With the situation getting more critical, the threat of the living dead that is increasingly numerous and brutal continues to lurk them. They must also race against time to save themselves and their loved ones. They try to escape from the city before Rimbalaya completely turns into a red zone that cannot be left.
/Troy Scott
In Notes of Autumn, Ellie (Williams) is a fun-loving, classically trained pianist living in the city who gave up on her passion long ago. She now works for a hotel and always seems to be getting things wrong when musical inspiration strikes. Her best friend, Leo (Macfarlane), lives in the rustic outskirts of British Columbia. He’s a famous author with writer’s block who can’t finish another installment in his highly popular book series. They both need a change of scenery as the chilly days of autumn settle in and decide to swap places, ending up completely lost in new surroundings. Ellie gets tangled up in helping Leo’s neighbor, Sam (Rosner), put together a musical performance for a local fundraiser and comes to terms with why she quit music years ago. Meanwhile, Leo strikes up a friendship with Ellie’s good friend Matt (Porte) and opens himself up to writing something different that really inspires him. Their newfound friendships turn into something far more meaningful. As both Ellie and Leo take part in the joys of the autumn season, they also discover their hearts belong somewhere very different than they ever thought possible.
/Koo Ekkasit Trakulkasemsuk,Saranyu Jiralaksanakul
Brought up under the iron-clad hands of their mother, who controls everything from their clothing to their career, will the three brothers Itchaya, Tevis, and Ashira be able to take control of their life when it comes to who they spend the rest of it with?
谁也无法想到,长相甜美且古灵精怪的维拉内拉(朱迪·科默 Jodie Comer 饰)竟是一名顶级杀手,与冷酷无情不苟言笑的同行不同,她特立独行,甚至有些偏执幼稚,在对待猎物时老有一种猫捉老鼠的玩弄欲望。不过此前的一次任务,维拉却不小心留下了活口,为此不得不返工补刀,却由此结识了女警察伊芙(吴珊卓 Sandra Oh 饰)。伊芙相貌平平,不修边幅,可不知为何就偏偏引起了维拉的兴趣。在一次次猫捉老鼠的较量中,两个人渐渐都被对方所吸引,警匪游戏也变得紧张而有趣……
该剧根据Luke Jennings的小说系列改编。
一段奇妙的“哈佛之旅”让金发美女艾莉•伍兹(瑞茜•威瑟斯彭 饰)既得到了法学学位,又收获了甜蜜爱情。毕业之后,艾莉与帅气男友艾默特(卢克•威尔逊 饰)开始筹备他们盛大浪漫的婚礼。为了让她最亲密的朋友小狗Bruiser分享幸福,艾莉准备“邀请”它的父母一同参加婚礼。然而,此时此刻Bruiser的父母却被关在一个化妆品公司的实验室里,等待命运的审判。 这件事激起了艾莉对于动物权利保护的意识。为了她的小狗朋友,也为了更多可爱的小生灵,天真的艾莉只身前往华盛顿,想向政府提交一份保护动物的议案,并希望国会能颁布法律保护动物。正当艾莉孤身一人,无计可施的时候,她幸运的遇到了认识好多上层人士的公寓看门人希德尼(鲍伯•纽哈特 饰)。在希德尼的热心帮助下,艾莉正一步步向自己的目标迈进……
瑞秋(安娜·钱斯勒 Anna Chancellor 饰)是一位富有而善良的女性,收养了五个孩子。一天,她被人发现在自己家中遭到了谋杀,警方在犯罪现场找到了她的其中一名养子杰克(安东尼·鲍伊 Anthony Boyle 饰)的指纹,杰克被视为最大嫌疑人,遭到了逮捕。可是,就在庭审即将开始之际,杰克在狱中死于一场意外,这宗案件就以杰克是凶手为结果就此盖棺定论。 一晃眼十八个月过去,当瑞秋的丈夫里昂(比尔·奈伊 Bill Nighy 饰)即将和他的未婚妻携手步入婚姻殿堂之际,一位名为亚瑟(卢克·崔德威 Luke Treadaway 饰)的男子出现在了他们面前,并且带来了一个爆炸性的消息——杀死瑞秋的凶手并非杰克,而是另有他人。