《黑鸽》是一部以圣诞节的伦敦为背景的动作剧,讲述了一个关于友情与牺牲的尖锐又感人肺腑的故事。剧集的主角是海伦·韦布(凯拉·奈特莉饰),她是一位机智、务实且尽职尽责的妻子和母亲,也是一名职业间谍。10 年来,她一直将政治家丈夫的秘密传递给她为之效命的神秘组织:黑鸽。当她的秘密情人贾森(安德鲁·浩二饰)被暗杀后,她的间谍上司、神秘的里德(莎拉·兰卡夏尔饰)指派她的老朋友萨姆(本·卫肖饰)来保护她。海伦和萨姆联手展开调查,试图查明杀害杰森的凶手及其背后的动机。而他们的调查逐渐揭开了一个庞大而错综复杂的阴谋,这个阴谋将伦敦阴暗的地下世界与迫在眉睫的地缘政治危机联系在一起。
《黑鸽》是一部以圣诞节的伦敦为背景的动作剧,讲述了一个关于友情与牺牲的尖锐又感人肺腑的故事。剧集的主角是海伦·韦布(凯拉·奈特莉饰),她是一位机智、务实且尽职尽责的妻子和母亲,也是一名职业间谍。10 年来,她一直将政治家丈夫的秘密传递给她为之效命的神秘组织:黑鸽。当她的秘密情人贾森(安德鲁·浩二饰)被暗杀后,她的间谍上司、神秘的里德(莎拉·兰卡夏尔饰)指派她的老朋友萨姆(本·卫肖饰)来保护她。海伦和萨姆联手展开调查,试图查明杀害杰森的凶手及其背后的动机。而他们的调查逐渐揭开了一个庞大而错综复杂的阴谋,这个阴谋将伦敦阴暗的地下世界与迫在眉睫的地缘政治危机联系在一起。
本剧改编自Nick Hornby的同名小说《妙女郎 Funny Girl》。 背景为多姿多彩的1960年代,主角Barbara Parker 刚刚获得了"布莱克浦小姐"的称号,但她觉得自己除了在一个海边小镇当选美皇后,还能另有一番作为。于是在伦敦耀眼光辉的召唤下,Barbara踏上旅途,开始探索自己的未来。 然而伦敦并非像她在电视和书籍上所了解到的那样精彩,经历了一系列挫败后,Barbara发现自己进入了陌生领域:试镜一个电视喜剧节目。她不折不扣的北方幽默被证明是该节目一直缺少的秘密武器,这让她拿下了这个角色,成为了一部极具开创性的新情景喜剧的一部分,而这个节目将在未来的几十年里,都对英国喜剧产生影响。 在1960年代,一个男性主导的喜剧世界中,Barbara身为女性面临诸多挑战,但随着认识到自己的幽默,她重新定义了大众对于风趣女性的普遍态度,并在这个过程中,重塑了自己。
Survival hangs in the balance for a group of teenage girls stranded on a deserted island, after the explosive discovery that what's happening to them is an elaborate social experiment. Season 2 ups the drama and keeps you guessing, with the introduction of more test subjects – a new island of teenage boys – who must also fight for survival under the watchful eye of the experiment’s puppet master.
20-something Aden has no other ambition in life than to become an actor. Most of his time is spent making videos as he applies for roles he’ll never get. After a string of dreadful auditions, where bizarre and humiliating requests are made of him, he comes up with a radical move: he will take full responsibility for finding a role that primarily he, himself, wants to play. This self-assured debut, playful in form and narrative with a fairy-tale edge to it, examines both the commercial work ethic and the concept of identity, which it presents as multilayered and also questionable. At the same time, in its exploration of the given themes, the film doesn’t deny itself a socio-critical tone, nor does it resist the temptation to tease the viewer a little.
The legendary singer has finally received the major portrait film he deserves. Oscar winner Alex Gibney unravels Paul Simon's life's work, from his time with Art Garfunkel to solo highlight 'Graceland' to his latest album. ‘His music floats around you, enters your lungs, and suddenly you’re breathing through the songs.’ The Oscar-winning director Alex Gibney is speaking about Paul Simon, whom he has been given exclusive access to while the 82-year-old musician is recording his latest album, ‘Seven Psalms’. Through a goldmine of photographs, interviews and never-before-seen footage, Gibney unravels the many iconic moments, from Simon & Garfunkel’s early days to their reunion concert in front of 750,000 people in Central Park. ‘In Restless Dreams’ is the portrait of Paul Simon he has always deserved. We will screen the film once during CPH:DOX and transform the Bremen Theatre into Rufaro Stadium in Zimbabwe in 1986, when both the film and Simon’s career culminate in an unforgettable concert.
"An Almost Christmas Story" follows Moon, a curious young owl who unexpectedly finds himself stuck in a Christmas tree destined for Rockefeller Plaza. In his attempts to escape the bustling city, Moon befriends a lost little girl named Luna. Together, they embark on a heartwarming adventure, discovering the magic of the holiday season and forming an unlikely bond as they journey back home to their parents. “An Almost Christmas Story” starts streaming, November 15 on Disney+.
西班牙足球运动员首次齐聚一堂,重温动荡的 2023 年女足世界杯以及为她们的胜利蒙上阴影的亲吻。我没有密切关注 2023 年世界杯,因此 RFEF 主席路易斯·鲁维亚莱斯 (Luis Rubiales) 未经同意亲吻西班牙球员詹妮弗·埃尔莫索 (Jennifer Hermoso) 引起的轩然大波并不是我的新闻推送中的大新闻。但我肯定听说过它。然而,我不知道的是整个背景故事以及两个男人——鲁维亚莱斯和女队主教练豪尔赫·维尔达——在联合会和球队的领导和管理中所扮演的角色。这部纪录片的优势在于对关键人物和目击者的采访。它的弱点是无法采访鲁比亚莱斯和维尔达,了解他们的观点。
居住在加利福尼亚海滨的16岁的美丽少女波碧·摩尔(艾玛·罗伯茨 Emma Roberts 饰)家境优渥,衣食无忧。由于母亲早年去世,父亲盖瑞(艾丹·奎恩 Aidan Quinn 饰)对她纵容溺爱,致使她从小个性张扬,无法无天。某天,波碧的嚣张终于惹恼老爹,于是被送到一家英国寄宿学校学习。当然,即使到了异国他乡,波碧桀骜不驯的性格也未作改变,而她的作风自然也引起校内女生们的关注与反感,严格的校规更令她透不过气来。波碧无时无刻不想逃离这个古板沉闷的地方,不过在这段时间,她渐渐意识到自己从前行为的愚蠢,友情也慢慢来到身边…… 本片女主角艾玛·罗伯茨是著名女影星茱莉娅·罗伯茨的侄女。
/约翰尼·艾伦,Shaun James Grant
第二季中,露西(杰西卡·雷恩饰)和吉迪恩(彼得·卡帕尔蒂饰)结成了不稳定的联盟,以防止再次发生悲剧并追捕一个神出鬼没的怪物。 露西的双重生活让她在家庭和责任之间左右为难,因为她发现自己成为了前世丈夫拉维·迪隆(尼克什·帕特尔饰)的眼中钉。协助迪隆调查的是侦缉警长山姆·博伊德(萨弗隆·霍金饰),他在前世曾是侦缉警长露西·钱伯斯的导师。 与此同时,艾萨克(本杰明·奇弗斯饰)每天都在发现新的情感,努力在拒绝他存在的现实中保持平衡。随着我们的故事集中在一个爆炸性的时刻,新的谜团逐渐揭开,这一时刻将改变我们角色的命运,影响他们一生。
Rescue: HI-Surf is an action drama that follows the personal and professional lives of the heavy-water lifeguards who patrol and protect the North Shore of O’ahu—the most famous and dangerous stretch of coastline in the world. Each episode will feature these dedicated, heroic, and adrenaline-seeking first-responders saving lives in the difficult and often life-threatening conditions of Hawaii’s Seven Mile Miracle.
“Bad Monkey” tells the story of Andrew Yancy (Vince Vaughn), who has been bounced from the Miami Police Department and is now a health inspector in the Keys. But after stumbling upon a case that begins with a human arm fished up by tourists, he realizes that if he can prove murder, he’ll be back in. He just needs to get past a trove of Floridian oddballs and one bad monkey.
/马可·贝隆 乔瓦尼·康索尼
懒惰的应届毕业生查理(鲍比·肯尼迪饰)富有的父母给了他一张 5000 美元的支票,并下了最后通牒,要求他开始独立和负责任的生活。相反,他买了一张飞往意大利的机票,抵达后遭到抢劫,最后在博洛尼亚由他的新朋友乐乐(Lele Gabellone 饰)照顾,乐乐自称博洛尼亚国王,与衣衫褴褛的朋克贝斯蒂亚·巴洛(Gianlucca Bazzoli)住在一起。 ),以及贪得无厌的妓女常客伊尔·比萨(朱塞佩·桑菲利斯饰)。在博洛尼亚,乐乐教查理国王熟知的微妙策略:勾搭意大利女人、举办通宵派对、煽动普遍的无政府状态。查理像专业人士一样喜欢它,并在此过程中遇到了危险美丽的瓦伦蒂娜(亚历桑德拉·马斯特罗纳迪饰)