加拿大City原创剧集《Bad Blood》根据加拿大最有影响力的黑手党家族唯一幸存的成员、加拿大黑手党教父Vito meijubar.net Rizzuto的生平故事改编,主要素材来源于畅销书《Business or Blood: Mafia Boss Vito Rizzuto’s Last War》。Vito Rizzuto原本是蒙特利尔犯罪世界中的一个另类,他是唯一能让蒙特利尔各大犯罪帮派保持和平的人,也是一个持「首席执行官」身份公开活动的人。1981年,Vito Rizzuto突然遭到逮捕并被关进了戒备森严的科罗拉多超级监狱,罪名是谋杀三名Bonanno家族成员。他只能无助地看着自己兴盛一时的黑手党帝国土崩瓦解,他最亲密的朋友和家人一个接一个被神秘谋杀。2012年10月他从监狱获释后,立刻展开莎士比亚作品式的复仇行动,最终他最亲密的盟友和他自己全都丧了命。该剧的故事元素包括家庭、忠诚、欺骗、权力、贪婪和复仇等。
In the heart of some of the most difficult circumstances in the world, there exist beacons of hope. National Geographic Presents: IMPACT WITH GAL GADOT is a compelling new six-part short-form documentary series from executive producers Gal Gadot (“Wonder Woman”), Jaron Varsano (“Cleopatra”), Academy Award-winning filmmaker Vanessa Roth (“Freeheld”), Entertainment One’s (eOne) Tara Long (Emmy®-nominated “L.A. Burning: The Riots 25 Years Later”) and RPC’s Ryan Pallota that follows the powerful stories of resilient young women around the globe who overcome obstacles and do extraordinary things
这是一个完美的海滩假日,至少有一家人、一对年轻夫妇、几个游客和一个流亡者都这么认为,他们来到了同一个幽静、田园般的小海湾,那里有岩石池和沙滩,四周环绕着绿油油的、植被茂密的悬崖。但这个乌托邦背后隐藏着一个黑暗的秘密:首先是在水晶般清澈的水中有一具漂浮的女性尸体。还有一个诡异的事实正在上演:所有的孩子都在迅速衰老。很快,每个人都都发现他们正在变老——每半小时一次——而且他们似乎没有任何办法离开这个小海湾。 沙马兰说这部电影是受到 Pierre Oscar Levy和艺术家Frederik Peeters创作的法国图画小说《沙堡》(Sandcastle)的启发。《沙堡》的故事里有13个人,他们无法离开一个神秘,僻静的海滩,那里隐藏着涉及时间的黑暗秘密。不过漫画里并没有给出这个时间谜团出现的原因,更像是一个关于生存与死亡预言故事。但《OLD》并不是直接改编自这部图像小说,所以沙马兰本人会来讲完这个故事和脑洞。
爸爸,推销成功学课程的讲师,相信“世界上只有两种人,成功者和失败者”,四处贩卖他的“成功九部曲”;哥哥,自闭男,崇拜尼采,为了考上飞行学院发哑誓,九个月没有同家人说话;舅舅,自称是美国最好的普鲁斯特研究学者,同性恋,恋人和同事跑掉、失业,自杀未遂,生活混乱;爷爷(阿兰·阿尔金 饰),被养老院赶出来的老流氓,满嘴脏话、吸毒;妈妈,是这个疯狂家庭唯一正常的人。
Beverly和Violet(梅丽尔·斯特里普 Meryl Streep 饰)是一对老夫妻了,如今的他们,一个靠喝酒,另一个靠嗑药来维持这段夫妻关系。一天早上,Beverly出了家门后就再也没回来,Violet只能把他们的三个女儿还有她的表妹、表妹夫叫到家里来。二女儿Ivy来到了,之后大女儿Barbara(朱莉娅·罗伯茨 Julia Roberts 饰)和丈夫Bill(伊万·麦克格雷格 Ewan McGregor 饰)也带着14岁的女儿远道而来。噩耗随即传来,警察在湖里发现了Beverly的尸体,死因是自杀。小女儿Karen带着未婚夫赶到了葬礼。葬礼后的餐桌上,嗑药过头的Violet开始发脾气,而各怀心事的女儿们也如坐针毡。大女儿Barbara受不了母亲的刻薄,两人大声争吵起来,这个家庭潜藏着的种种矛盾和那些刻意隐瞒的真相也渐渐显露出来......
/Nicole Kassell
玛丽(凯特·哈德森 Kate Hudson 饰)是个开朗上进的大龄女青年,虽然年轻,但在公司很受高层器重,事业蒸蒸日上,虽然单身,但有许多好朋友,非常享受生活。但是不幸依旧降下,她被诊断患了癌症,更不可思议的是,伴随着厄运降临的还有爱情,她和主治医师、腼腆的西班牙裔小伙儿朱利安(盖尔·加西亚·贝纳尔 Gael García Bernal 饰)产生了感觉。开朗的性格让她笑对病痛,但难免会抑郁、绝望、诅咒命运的不公,一个又一个情绪期里面,对爱情的渴望和抗拒又同时存在。 死亡如约而至时,玛丽会选择以怎样的表情来面对……
热爱音乐的米格尔(安东尼·冈萨雷兹 Anthony Gonzalez 配音)不幸地出生在一个视音乐为洪水猛兽的大家庭之中,一家人只盼着米格尔快快长大,好继承家里传承了数代的制鞋产业。一年一度的亡灵节即将来临,每逢这一天,去世的亲人们的魂魄便可凭借着摆在祭坛上的照片返回现世和生者团圆。 在一场意外中,米格尔竟然穿越到了亡灵国度之中,在太阳升起之前,他必须得到一位亲人的祝福,否则就将会永远地留在这个世界里。米格尔决定去寻找已故的歌神德拉库斯(本杰明·布拉特 Benjamin Bratt 配音),因为他很有可能就是自己的祖父。途中,米格尔邂逅了落魄乐手埃克托(盖尔·加西亚·贝纳尔 Gael García Bernal 配音),也渐渐发现了德拉库斯隐藏已久的秘密。
Wounded and on the run, notorious gunman Quirt Evans (John Wayne) gallops onto a farm owned by Quaker Thomas Worth (John Halloran) and his family and collapses. When Quirt urgently insists upon sending a telegram, Thomas and his daughter Penelope (Gail Russell) drive him into town in their wagon. After wiring a claim to the land recorder's office, Quirt kisses Penny and then passes out. Ignoring the doctor's advice to rid themselves of the gunman, the compassionate Worth family tends to the delirious Quirt, and Penny becomes intrigued by his ravings of past loves. Quirt recovering under the care of the two women (from left to right: Rich, Russell, and Wayne) Days later, when Quirt regains consciousness, Penny patiently explains the family's belief in non-violence. Three weeks later, Laredo Stevens (Bruce Cabot) and Hondo Jeffries (Louis Faust) ride into town looking for Quirt. When Penny's younger brother Johnny (Stephen Grant) rushes home to inform Quirt of his visitors, Quirt quickly prepares to flee. Penny, now smitten with Quirt, offers to run off with him. At the sound of approaching horses, Quirt grabs his gun and discovers that it has been emptied. Training his gun on the doorway, Quirt calmly greets Hondo and Laredo. Thinking that Quirt has the upper hand, Laredo offers to buy his claim. When Quirt sets the price at $20,000, Laredo hands over $5,000 in gold and challenges him to come for the balance when he is able – if he has the nerve. Afterward, Quirt saddles his horse, but when Penny begs him to stay, he changes his mind. Later, Quirt learns that cantankerous rancher Frederick Carson (Paul Hurst) has dammed up the stream that runs through the valley, thus draining the Worths' irrigation ditches. Quirt intimidates Carson into opening the dam. One Sunday, Penny asks Quirt to join the family for a ride. Before they leave, Marshal Wistful McClintock (Harry Carey) comes to question Quirt about a stagecoach robbery. The family swears that Quirt was with them at the time. The marshal then asks Quirt why he resigned as Wyatt Earp's deputy, sold his ranch and crossed over to the wrong side of the law soon after cattleman Walt Ennis was gunned down in a saloon brawl. When Quirt refuses to answer, the marshal leaves. Penny then begs Quirt to steer clear of Laredo, and he acquiesces because of his love for her. As Quirt and the Worths ride to the Quaker gathering, Quirt's erstwhile sidekick, Randy McCall (Lee Dixon), tags along. Randy tells Quirt that Laredo plans to rustle a herd of cattle and suggests that they then steal the herd from Laredo and let him take the blame. Mr. Worth gives Quirt a Bible for ending the feud with Carson. Fearing that he will never be able to live up to Penny's expectations, Quirt abruptly leaves with Randy. Quirt and Randy steal the herd from the original rustlers. They then celebrate with showgirls Lila Neal (Joan Barton) and Christine Taylor (Rosemary Bertrand). When Lila, sensing a change in her old flame, teases Quirt about his Bible, Quirt becomes angry and rides back to the Worth farm. Overjoyed, Penny throws her arms around him, just as the marshal arrives to question Quirt about the rustling. Quirt states that Lila can provide him with an alibi. Penny is hurt that Quirt was with his old flame, who she heard him talk about in his delirium, thinking Quirt prefers Lila's fair hair. Quirt realizes the depth of his feelings for Penny, and they kiss hungrily in the barn, while the camera fades. The marshal warns Quirt that he is the wrong man for Penny. Quirt decides to propose to her anyway. Instead of replying, Penny invites Quirt to join her picking blackberries. Quirt answers Penny's questions about his early life. Kindly Walt Ennis raised him after his parents were massacred by Indians. Then Ennis was murdered. Quirt and Penny are ambushed and chased by Laredo and Hondo on their way home. Their wagon plunges over a cliff into the river, causing Penny to develop a dangerous fever. When the doctor informs Quirt that there is no hope for her, Quirt straps on his pistol and rides into town to exact revenge. After Quirt leaves, Penny's fever suddenly breaks. In town, Quirt sends Bradley to tell Laredo and Hondo he is waiting for them in the street. Penny and her family arrive. She gets Quirt to surrender his gun to her. As Laredo and Hondo draw their guns, Marshal McClintock shoots them both. Quirt rides off in the wagon with Penny. The marshal picks up Quirt's discarded weapon. Bradley comments that Quirt may need the weapon, to which the marshal says, "Only a man who carries a gun ever needs one." And, the film fades to black.
福尔聂(Claude Mann 饰)只是一介平凡的小小白领,某日,在好友卡隆(Paul Guers 饰)的带领下,他来到了一间赌场想试试运气,哪知道竟然赚得盆满钵满,这飞来横财令福尔聂开始对赌博产生了浓厚的兴趣,甚至不顾父亲的劝说,打算放弃工作,前往大名鼎鼎的天使湾赌场好好干他一票。 在天使湾赌场,福尔聂邂逅了名为杰基(让娜·莫罗 Jeanne Moreau 饰)的美艳金发女郎,和福尔聂的小试身手不同,杰基将自己的全部都投入到了赌局之中,赌博不仅是她的信仰还是她的生命。随着时间的推移,福尔内和杰基渐渐坠入了情网,当福尔聂对这种数字游戏感到乏味想要回到巴黎继续生活之时,嗜赌如命的杰基陷入了深深的无助之中。
俄罗斯黑帮头目伊琳娜(凯特·温丝莱特 Kate Winslet 饰)唆使一批腐败的警察进行了一起完美的银行抢劫行动,由于几人均身处警界内部,反侦察能力极强,因此想要查出案件的真相几乎是不可能的事情。然而,几人并不知道的是,真正的威胁并非来自警方的调查,而是有人正在虎视眈眈的盯着他们所得到的巨额报酬。 此役之后,伊琳娜野心不减,殊不知几名警察在巨大的压力之下早已经矛盾重重,濒临崩溃的边缘。其中之一马库斯(安东尼·麦凯 Anthony Mackie 饰)不仅要面对内心的挣扎,还要应付那个初出茅庐正义感爆棚的菜鸟搭档克里斯(卡西·阿弗莱克 Casey Affleck 饰),敏锐的克里斯似乎已经开始察觉自己身边正在发生的事情。
风景优美的山间公路,气喘吁吁的凯尔,一边奋力踩著自行车,一边感谢死党麦可贴心在他婚前安排这趟旅程。「我和你未婚妻上床了。」麦可突如其来的坦诚,让上气不接下气的凯尔破口大骂,还得注意控制呼吸,好追赶上去痛扁他一顿。 导演麦可偕同好友凯尔合力编写剧本,并亲身上阵饰演这对相爱相杀的难兄难弟。从八分钟一镜到底的同名短片延伸而成,坎城首映后掌声如雷,不仅夺下评审团「怦然心动」奖,高明的场面调度与出众的幽默感,也获得〈综艺〉、〈好莱坞报导〉齐声讚誉。一针见血的men’s talk,垃圾话无下限,保证让男性观众看了会心大笑,贱有戚戚焉。
炎热的假期,男孩里奇(查理·罗 Charlie Rowe 饰)和妹妹跟随身为考古学家的叔叔(Karl Urban 饰)来到了辽阔壮丽的阿拉斯加,体验一次难得的寻访史前动物的旅程。在森林中,他受到一只乌鸦的指引,竟然穿越时空来到了七千万年前的白垩纪中期。在某个厚鼻龙家族中,小家伙派西(Justin Long 配音)刚刚出生就被伤齿龙在脑袋上开了一个大洞,幸运活下来的他注定拥有传奇的一生。时光荏苒,派西和伙伴们一天天长大,他也偶然邂逅令之心动的女孩裘妮波(Tiya Sircar 配音)。厚鼻龙家族的大迁徙开始,但从旅途之处便伴随着大火和猎杀。 七千万年前,一段充满惊险的挑战的旅程再度呈现……
年轻有为的里奥•维德勒斯(Gael García Bernal 饰)是美国一家游戏网站的创始人,妻子艾伦(Michelle Williams 饰)则是某家医院的外科医生。夫妻俩终日忙碌,奔波不停,只得把7岁的女儿杰姬(Sophie Nyweide 饰)托付给菲佣格罗瑞娅(Marife Necesito 饰)照看。 某天,里奥和合作伙伴飞往泰国洽谈业务,无休止的谈判令他疲劳不堪,于是他独自一人来到荒郊海滨,为这里的野性原始气息所吸引,流连忘返;丈夫的离开让艾伦倍感空虚,她尝试和女儿沟通相处,然而太久的疏离让母女的亲情不知不觉变淡,任凭她怎样努力却始终不得其法;格罗瑞娅为了让两个儿子读书而远赴异国他乡,她一面倾情照顾可爱的杰姬,一面又深深牵挂思母情深的儿子们。 在这个繁华快节奏的世界里,每个人的心灵都无所寄托……
斯蒂芬尼(盖尔?加西亚?贝纳尔 Gael García Bernal 饰)是一个充满奇思妙想和新鲜念头的小伙子,他从墨西哥来到法国,并在亲戚的帮助下找到了这份机械枯燥的办公室工作。斯蒂芬尼喜欢做梦,梦里有着各种奇妙的事情;因为害羞他在女孩面前十分拘谨。这天,斯蒂芬尼搬来了一个新邻居——那个笑容温暖的邻居女孩有着和他一样得名字:斯蒂芬尼(夏洛特?甘斯布 Charlotte Gainsbourg 饰)。斯蒂芬发现她的想象力天赋和自己竟然十分相似。他们用只属于彼此的方式交往着,命运的连结也由此开始。