/Amanda Adolfsson
Inspired by true events, the Barracuda Queens are a group of disaffected teenage girls who, bored of their privileged lives in the affluent Stockholm suburb of Djursholm, become involved in an escalating campaign of house burglaries targeting their naive rich neighbors. By day they are high achieving students and daughters but by night, they are ruthless thieves.
/Maria Maggenti
蓝迪(劳蕾尔·霍勒曼 Laurel Holloman 饰)是一个外表帅气个性洒脱的女孩,不熟悉她的人很容易将其误认为男孩。蓝迪和自己的同性恋姑妈一家住在一起,对于这种外人看来无法接受的性取向,蓝迪习以为常。一次偶然中,蓝迪遇见了高中同学伊薇(妮可·阿丽·帕克 Nicole Ari Parker 饰),后者的活泼美丽让蓝迪心动不已。 随着时间的流逝,蓝迪和伊薇之间的距离越走越近,可是,在这个民风保守的小镇里,她们只得将感情藏在心底。纸包不住火,蓝迪和伊薇的秘密终于被撞破,随即掀起了轩然大波,幸运的是,时间总有善良的人存在,在朋友和亲人的帮助下,蓝迪和伊薇的感情能够走到最后吗?
It is summer break and best friends Amélie, Bintou and Morjana hang together with the neighborhood teenagers. At night, they have fun sharing goosebumps stories and urban legends. But when Amélie is assaulted by her ex, she remembers the story of Kandisha, a powerful and vengeful demon. Afraid, upset, she summons her. The next day, her ex is found dead. The legend is true and now Kandisha in on a killing spree. The three girls will do anything to break the curse.
◎简 介 (from VeryCD) 故事背景发生在二战结束后,联合国就巴勒斯坦分治问题以投票方式决议:英国于1948年8月1日结束在巴勒斯坦的委任统治,两个月后,在巴勒斯坦的土地上建立两个国家,阿拉伯国和犹太国。但是5个阿拉伯联盟国家不同意,在以色列建国次日就发动了对犹太人的战争。电影以犹太人Bobby Goldman和穆斯林Sa?d两个年轻人为主线,重现了以巴分治的历史。他们曾经是好朋友,在美国认识,为了各自不同的使命回到中东,不同的民族不同的立场让他们在战场上敌对。副线当然少不了爱情,Bobby与Hadassah相识于战争第一天,他们之间的情愫并不渲染得很夸张,能感觉到日益滋长,从眼神和行动中感受他们... (
Lex (Anna Konkle) and Mani (Jermaine Fowler) are a happily married young couple, running their dream artisanal bakery in Los Angeles and excited about starting a family together. A trip to a tropical island resort for a friend’s destination wedding, coinciding with Lex’s ovulation cycle, feels like the perfect opportunity to conceive. But good vibes and high hopes are cut short when, shortly after their arrival to paradise, Lex accidentally drops her friend’s (Aparna Nancherla, “Search Party”) baby in front of all their friends. Paradise becomes purgatory for our couple as recriminations, passive-aggression and old wounds begin to permeate the island reunion and throw Mani and Lex’s future into deep uncertainty.
这部影片讲述的是令人毛骨悚然的性困扰。杰维尔是一个已婚的剧作家,他偏爱电话性关系和家庭婴儿看护者,在参加一个性入迷者聚会时,他的双眼锁定了放荡的米兰达,那个喜欢在公共场所进行性关系的警察之妻。会后,他不能控制住强烈的欲望,在一个废弃的汽车里发生了性行为,然而他们的生活也因此毁了。 本片提名了1999年的柏林金熊奖,但是最终败给了实力强大的美国优秀电影"红色警戒"。 本篇导演曾经导演过美女佩内洛普.克鲁兹的爱情有害健康。女主角维多利亚·阿布来尔更是阿尔莫多万多部影片的主角,也屡屡出现在多部小地区的独立电影中,是独立电影导演喜欢的演员。男主角哈维尔·巴尔德姆来自西班牙伟大的演技世家,他的家人从事早期的西班牙电影制作,因此他早于六岁的时候就有在家族事业中参予演出的经验。青少年时期他在不少的影集参予演出,也代表西班牙国家队打橄榄球,过得相当多采多姿。他因为早期一部黑色喜剧中演出性感小生,顿时声名大噪,但却也被定型为性感的肌肉棒子。之后他极欲扭转猛男的形象而拒绝类似的片型,开始以宽广的戏路赢得大众对他演技才华的肯定。 Javier Bardem的得奖纪录相当辉煌,在国际重大影展中都有他的名字,2000年在【Before Night Falls】中饰演被迫害的古巴同性恋诗人雷纳多阿瑞纳斯,在动汤的年代里,坚守写作和心灵的自由,更是将他推向演艺事业的高峰。 西班牙情感的浓度,请你慢慢小心地品味。
一次旅途中,商人(Marcel André 饰)迷了路,误打误撞之下,他来到了一座富丽堂皇的城堡之中,在这里,一朵艳丽的玫瑰花吸引了商人的注意,而当他将花摘下的那一瞬间,一只形状可怖的野兽(让·马莱 Jean Marais 饰)出现在了他的面前。为了惩罚商人的贪婪,野兽要夺走他的性命,但作为选择,商人亦可以拿自己的女儿的性命作为交换。回到家后,商人将这一切告诉了自己的三个女儿,只有小女儿贝拉(朱赛特·黛 Josette Day 饰)愿意做出牺牲。 贝拉来到了野兽的城堡,可是野兽非但没有伤害她,反而带她十分周到。时间流逝,商人生了病,贝拉请求野兽放她归家探望父亲,贝拉的两个姐姐看到贝拉衣着华美,遂动起了邪念。从魔镜之中,贝拉得知了野兽病重的消息,她赶到了野兽身边,用自己的爱化解了野兽身上的诅咒。野兽变回了英俊的王子,他迎娶了贝拉,两人过上了幸福的生活。
Another brilliant giallo thriller from director Francesco Barilli, whose THE PERFUME OF THE LADY IN BLACK was one of the genre's most haunting and original films. This Italian-Spanish follow-up is a bit muddled, but no less engrossing. Set in a family hotel in Northern Italy in 1945, the film concerns Rosa (Leonora Fani), who helps her mother run the hotel while awaiting her soldier father's return from the front. In a Barilli film, nothing is as it seems, and before long Mom (who is sleeping with a traitor she's hidden in the attic) is murdered. Then poor Rosa is raped by two of the guests, who also are murdered, and while she's hiding the bodies she is forced into an orgy by all of the other guests. But before the guests get to far a mysterious man enters all shots the guests. Who is this mysterious man and what are his intentions for Rosa? Like all the best gialli, Pensione Paura completely dispenses with logic early on, elevating weirdness to nearly operatic levels while absorbing the viewer in a thick and spellbinding atmosphere of mounting dread. Francisco Rabal co-stars with Luc Merenda, Lidia Biondi, and Jose Maria Prada.