此片改编自1979年出版的畅销恐怖小说『Ghost Story』, 作者是彼德. 史特劳博, 当时被誉为极具古典风的爱伦坡歌德文体, 书中描述的古典风格, 以及复古的'30年代场景, 让读者为之神往。而在1981年上映这部电影, 场景皆已完美呈现。此片也是好莱坞传奇的舞王: 佛雷亚斯坦(Fred Astaire)之遗作 四个从小一起长大的老头子, 在年轻时便组了「海鲜浓汤协会」,在冬天的夜晚聚在一起喝白兰地、四人轮流讲鬼故事,多年来不曾改变。但在某个冬夜,自从一件意外发生後, 四个老人便开始面临如同无底深渊似的恐惧。艾德华的儿子大卫身亡後,双胞胎弟弟唐尼返家安慰老父,当他回到这个冰天雪地的新英格兰小镇时,却面临了父亲也意外丧命的惨剧,重重疑云油然而起....唐尼认为这个四人团体, 并不是单纯说鬼故事而已,为了找出答案, 便代替父亲加入,他认为父兄的死, 及三位叔伯莫名的恐惧,跟他的前女友爱玛极其相关,他加入海鲜浓汤协会後, 必须付出什麽惨痛的代价?在这个阴风阵阵的冰天雪地小镇里,究竟藏着什麽秘密?
于洛先生(雅克·塔蒂 Jacques Tati 饰)从乡下来,到了巴黎的姐姐(阿德里安娜·色万提 Adrienne Servantie 饰)家里小住,对姐姐家中各种现代化设备极其不适应,经常被搞得手忙脚乱。还好小侄子杰拉德喜欢这个舅舅,和他到处去玩,杰拉德同样不喜欢家里的现代化设备,因此于洛还带他去郊区老屋玩耍。于洛的姐夫阿尔贝勒先生(让·皮埃尔·佐拉 Jean-Pierre Zola 饰)帮于洛在自己工厂找了一份工作,可是于洛同样不适应现代化的操作机器,搞砸了许多事情,闹了许多笑话,姐夫对他忍无可忍,决定介绍另一份工作打发他离开,而于洛开心地同小侄子话别,只当结束了一个不同寻常的假期…… 本片是雅克·塔蒂“于洛先生三部曲”的第二部。
It follows four American soldiers set out on the grueling ascent of an Italian mountainside in the closing days of WWII, haunted by their evil sergeant’s cold-blooded murder of a young woman and with an old Italian man of uncertain loyalties as their guide.
Lily, an uptight business woman and Philippe, a larger than life French mushroom tripping gigolo are 8 months pregnant. Their therapist recommends a nature getaway at a remote cabin. Their little weekend trip turns into a hilarious adventure when Philippe stumbles upon a magic box that swaps out their souls. Lily and Philippe are tasked with riddle after riddle not only to get their own bodies back but to also get a better understanding of their opposite and what they have to offer as parents.
Condemned to see only when the night falls, the abandoned blind sisters with the untraceable past, Louise and Henriette, share a horrible secret. Their days are black, their nights are blue, and their insatiable thirst for warm, bright-red blood compels the orphaned predators to roam the ill-lit streets of Paris in search of unsuspecting victims to sustain their unholy existence on Earth. However, danger lurks everywhere, and the city's sad, memory-laden cemeteries can only provide temporary refuge. Indeed, blood begets blood. Is there an end to the blood-stained sisters' tyranny?
The epic adventures of the legendary Baran the Bandit following his release from prison. After serving 35 years, it is no surprise that the world has changed dramatically. Still, Baran can't help but be shocked to discover that his home village is now underwater thanks to the construction of a new dam. He then heads for Istanbul to get revenge upon his former best friend, the man who snitched on him and stole his lover Keje. Along the way, Baran teams up with Cumali, a tough young punk who finds the thief's old-fashioned ways rather quaint. When Cumali gets into deep trouble with a crime boss, Baran adds another vengeful task to his roster.
Eight years after a cataclysm and disease ravaged the human race - leaving just one in every ten surviving -, all social structures have crumbled like sand castles. Too few still live for anything to have been reconstructed. All remaining animals have been consumed and no sowing has yet been possible. It is Man at his most basic, destitute level. Two groups inhabit the desolate and abandoned land: packs of orphaned children in a feral state, living a nomadic life-style for their safety, and adults (with their offspring), barely surviving any better by living off their meat. It is a war only the most desperate of the two will win.
David Morales (Mario Lopez), an Arizona high school principal and single dad, has lost the holiday spirit after also losing his wife a few years ago during the Christmas season. Now, David will do anything to avoid Christmas so he moonlights as a delivery driver during the holidays. But this year David's 14-year-old daughter, Noel (Paulina Chavez), and his live-in sister, Marissa (Marycarmen Lopez), are determined to bring the yuletide spirit back to the family and, with a little luck, also help David find love again via online dating. So when Sophie (AnnaLynne McCord), a witty musician and customer on David's delivery route, swipes right on him, something magical happens between them.
本剧是部描述苹果公司与微软的,非官方授权的传记式电影。 电影改编自保罗·弗列柏格与米迦勒·史文所撰写的《硅谷之火》。 电影由马汀·伯克编导,于1999年在透纳电视网(简称T.N.T.)播出。 本片讲述了美国柏克莱大学,言论自由运动时期的故事。通过苹果公司的创办人,年轻的史蒂夫·乔布斯(诺亚·怀尔 Noah Wyle 饰)与史蒂夫·沃兹尼克(乔伊·斯洛尼克 Joey Slotnick 饰);微软公司的创办人,学生时代的比尔·盖兹(安东尼·迈克尔·豪尔 Anthony Michael Hall 饰)、他的高中朋友史蒂夫·包尔摩(约翰·迪·玛吉欧 John Di Maggio 饰)、保罗·艾伦(乔什·霍普金斯 Josh Hopkins 饰)等几个人的事迹诉说了”苹果”和“微软”当初的发展史崛史。
1924年11月,在自己的私人游艇上,百万富翁威廉·鲁道夫·哈利斯特(爱德华·赫曼)和他的情妇,女演员玛利昂·戴维斯(克里斯汀·邓斯特)和一些名流出海游玩。这些人包括:查理·卓别林(艾迪·伊扎德),他聪明盖世的才华和他孤芳自赏一样出名;制片人,导演兼编剧托马斯·因斯(凯瑞·艾尔维斯)一个电影界的先锋,可惜最近遇上财政困难;露拉·潘森斯(詹尼佛·蒂莉),一个有野心又爱说闲话的专栏作家;还有一个古怪的英国小说家艾利诺·格莱恩。很明显,有这些人的参加,这次旅行一定会充满妙遇如珠的谈话,风趣幽默的谈吐肯定不会让游艇上的人寂寞。当然,欺骗和谎言同样也少不了。 对此行的目的,每个人似乎都在心里有了安排和打算,一些人还怀揣着不可告人的秘密。一个客人想要和哈利斯特的制片公司合作;另一个人企图晋升职位,此时还有一个大胆的男人——卓别林想要从百万富翁手里夺得美丽的戴维斯小姐的芳心。 一天夜里,托马斯突然神秘地死在San Pedro港,似乎每个人都与此有关系,每个人都有作案的动机和嫌疑…… 相信[哈利斯特游艇谋杀案]能令一些老影迷不由自主地联想起[尼罗河上的惨案]和[东方快车谋杀案],但不同的是,[哈利斯特游艇谋杀案]中有谋杀但不神秘,而且也没有波洛之类的侦探出现并侦破这个案子,取而代之的是对片中那些好莱坞历史上的名人们和他们的真人真事展开合理的想象推测。 对于有窥视好莱坞名人癖的人来说,影片中很多名流自我放纵的场面,比如吸毒的镜头可以大大的满足他们的猎奇心理。——摘自《看电影》