Hungarian Rhapsody (Magyar Rapszodia) is the first chapter of director Miklos Jancso's two-part dramatized history of Hungary, from the turn of the century, to World War II. The story is told from the vantage point of Gyorgy Cserhalmi, the son of a wealthy landowner. During World War I, Cserhalmi is instrumental in quelling an army mutiny. Upon realizing that he has been responsible for the deaths of several peasant conscripts, Cserhalmi vows to be a "man of the people" when hostilities cease. He joins a communist cell, but finds he is woefully out of place. Throughout the 1920s and 1930s, Cserhalmi's political viewpoint is governed almost exclusively by his vacillating emotions. The film is enhanced with a "Russian Roulette" leitmotif, not unlike the fatalistic throughline of Michael Cimino's The Deer Hunter. Director Jancso followed Hungarian Rhapsody with Allegro Barbaro; both films were originally released in tandem, then redistributed as separate features. ~ Hal Erickson, All Movie Guide
Based on a best-selling book by New York Times national security correspondent David E. Sanger, The Perfect Weapon explores the rise of cyber conflict as the primary way nations now compete with and sabotage one another. Directed by Emmy-winning filmmaker John Maggio (Panic: The Untold Story of the 2008 Financial Crisis) and featuring interviews with top military, intelligence, and political officials on the frontlines of cyberterrorism, the documentary brings to light the combatants and innocent victims caught in the crosshairs of a hidden war that has been going on for decades — a war that America started, but has no idea how to finish. Traveling from the deserts of Iran and Las Vegas to the back alleys of Beijing and Moscow, the film chronicles America's pursuit of enemies who have plotted against its institutions, its economy, and its democracy. A never-before-seen look inside the secret world of spies, hackers, and scammers in the lead-up to the 2020 U.S. elections, for which fear of cyberattacks has mounted to an all-time high, The Perfect Weapon is a timely reflection on the ultimate price — and potential "victors" — of this high-stakes conflict.
/Josip Zuvan
Antonio and Nikola are inseparable friends who live across the road from each other, and share a love of pyrotechnics and mobile phones. Their families have been in dispute for years over an easily resolvable problem: the water that flows from the top house to the bottom house. The boys' friendship, as they are about to enter puberty, is put to the test at Christmas time when their families uncover much more dangerous secrets and interests, and the water just carries the hate of the adults to the children. Debut film.
本片根据澳大利亚钢琴家戴维•赫尔夫戈特(David Helfgott)的真人真事改编。 生于犹太人家庭的戴维(Alex Rafalowicz 饰)自幼便展现过人的天赋,他的父亲望子成龙,逼迫戴维苦练钢琴,甚至不切实际地让儿子挑战号称“世界上最难演奏的作品” 《D小调第三钢琴协奏曲》。戴维在父亲的阴影下苦不堪言,而父亲为防止家庭破裂又千方百计阻止儿子外出求学,最终父子走向决裂。 长为青年的戴维(Noah Taylor 饰)远赴英国皇家音乐学院求学,在此期间,“拉三”仍然是他心中未了的情结,经过紧张筹备,他终于走向舞台挑战父亲为他设下的攀登极限…… 影片荣获1997年奥斯卡最佳男主角奖(Geoffrey Rush)。
/Stig Björkman
In the early fifties Ingmar Bergman got himself a cine-camera, a 9.5 mm Bell & Howell, which he often used both privately and in his work. "Bilder från lekstugan" ("Images from the Playground") embark on these films, giving a diverse representation of one of the greatest artists in cinema.
In an abandoned theater, French actress Marina Vlady recites from Borges' "The Immortal"... Japanese research scientist Shin Kubota sings praises to the "immortal jellyfish"... Milan Duomo workers subject the cathedral's exquisite statues to perpetual regeneration... Swiss musician/inventors Felix Rohner and Sabina Schärer persistently refine their percussion instrument, the Hang... Native American community leaders Leola One Feather and Moses Brings Plenty preserve the centuries-old spiritual resistance of their tribe...
Filmmakers Massimo D'Anolfi and Martina Parenti pay tribute to humankind's aspirations for immortality by showing us a portrait of our efforts to overcome our own limits. They share their discoveries in a visual symphony to the power and harmony of nature's elements: water, earth, air and fire. From Milan to Wounded Knee, USA, from Bern to Shirahama, Japan, the traces of the filmmakers' travels spiral into a symbol of perfection and infinity: Spira Mirabilis.
Surf Girls Hawaii follows the next generation of Native Hawaiian female surfers, as they compete at an elite level to earn a coveted spot on the World Tour of professional Surfing. This 4-part docuseries offers behind the scenes access to five of the sport’s most exciting young stars – Moana Jones Wong, Ewe Wong, Maluhia Kinimaka, Pua DeSoto, and Brianna Cope – as they train, navigate family responsibilities, and compete against the highest-ranking surfers in the world to get to the top of the podium.
/Jon Long
【最後的伊甸園】(Sacred Planet)是迪士尼2004年在美國推出上映的紀錄片,本片是一部IMAX超大螢幕電影,選在世界地球日4月22日於全美的各大IMAX戲院上映。 迪士尼近年來投注許多心力在經營IMAX電影市場,包括在這類型戲院推出動畫電影【幻想曲2000】、重映【美女與野獸】…等,或是推出專為此類戲院拍製的【深淵遊魂】、【黑神駒前傳】…等,【最後的伊甸園】就是迪士尼特別經營IMAX電影市場所推出的作品,只有在IMAX戲院推出,並沒有在其他一般的普通戲院上映。 【最後的伊甸園】全片的片長才四十幾分鐘,整部電影是以旁白方式引述的紀錄片電影,帶領觀眾探索許多人類現代文明尚未擴張的領域,包括大不列顛最古老的森林、極北的雪嶺、泰國境內的古代遺跡…等等,藉由傳統宗教的角度重新認識我們所居住的地球。全片走遍世界許多角落拍攝,採用特別的攝影技術呈現,並配合充滿世界性的音樂,呈現出一段探索自然奧妙與人類存在價值的神聖旅程。 本片是由 Jon Long 擔任執導,製片則是由 Jon Long 以及 Karen Fernandez 所共同擔任,在本片中擔任旁白引述的則是由好萊塢知名演員兼導演 Robert Redford 所負責。 由於【最後的伊甸園】是一部IMAX戲院專門放映的電影,而本片推出之時台灣當時還沒有專營的商業IMAX電影院,因此本片並未 安排在台灣的電影院推出上映,而是在2005年中旬直接以發行影音產品的方式首度在台推出。
/Susan Saladoff
制片人兼导演苏珊·莎拉道夫(Susan Saladoff)的纪录片《热咖啡》,6月27日(周一)晚上九点在HBO电视台首播。 纪录片主要介绍了1994年里贝克诉讼麦当劳餐厅案。斯特拉·里贝克(Stella Liebeck)女士在麦当劳就餐时,不小心被一杯热滚滚的咖啡严重烫伤,之后经过陪审团裁定,获得二百九十万美元的补偿金。 纽约每日新闻评价说,可能旁观者会愤怒地摇摇头表示这起事故应该是里贝克自己的过失,并觉得她奖这件事情的责任全部推给麦当劳是十分可笑的。 该部纪录片中的图片和采访就是为了打消人们的这些想法,展现出真正的伤痕所在,这些伤痕仿佛“残酷战争留下的可怕的印记”。 The McDonald's coffee case has been routinely cited by the media as an example of how citizens have taken advantage of the legal system. We will show how this case became so popular in the media, who funded the effort and to what end. We will tell the truth and let the audience decide if spilling hot coffee is really as profitable as they might otherwise believe. Written by Anonymous . Most people think they know the "McDonald's coffee case," but what they don't know is that corporations have spent millions distorting the case to promote tort reform. HOT COFFEE reveals how big business, aided by the media, brewed a dangerous concoction of manipulation and lies to protect corporate interests. By following four people whose lives were devastated by the attacks on our courts, the film challenges the assumptions Americans hold about "jackpot justice." Written by Hot Coffee
任性而坚定的奥利维亚·温菲尔德与她心爱的父亲一起工作时,意外地被美国最富有的单身汉之一马尔科姆·福克斯沃斯求爱。 在经历了一场旋风般的浪漫之后,奥利维亚成为富丽堂皇的福克斯沃斯庄园的女主人,但她很快发现自己所期待的童话般的生活变成了一场噩梦。本作为电影《阁楼里的花》前传。