高开(秦沛 饰)本是智勇双全的新扎警察,自妻子不幸去世后,毅然放弃了除暴安良的理想,调往银乐队,以便更好照顾四个女儿。时光荏苒,如今大妹玉怡早已长大嫁人,却势利刁蛮,嫌弃丈夫杰佬工作低下,处处不如自己;二妹佩怡(陈慧珊 饰)则与男友ken合力发展事业,爱情长跑多年,却看不出结果;三妹宝怡(郭羡妮 饰)学历高,又在报社担任要职,于是对男友的拣选未免挑剔,很难认真发展下去;小妹翠怡(胡杏儿 饰)正在读大学,然而如同所有青春期的少女一样,放浪形骸,成绩欠佳。这四个女儿各有各的问题,而可怜天下父母心,看高开如何陪伴女儿共同经历人生的每一个阶段。
/Nneka Onuorah
Megan Thee Stallion: In Her Words offers unprecedented access to the multi-faceted woman behind the persona. Follow the Houston native’s journey on the road to stardom as she tenaciously navigates fame, grief, pressure and success. The documentary unpacks Megan’s most vulnerable moments in a powerful way that allows fans to meet the real Megan Pete.
/Supalerk Ningsanond,Siwawut Sewatanon
The show follows the lives of several characters, based on true stories, of loving and broken-hearted people who decide to volunteer as clowns. Season 2 will focus on the love of school students and university students.
In the final season, Jason Hayes struggles to balance his warrior’s existence with the responsibilities of single fatherhood. Ray Perry, his trusted second in command, questions whether he will be able to leave the battlefield behind as his retirement nears. Dedicated door-kicker Sonny Quinn battles against changing tides as Jason and Ray’s shifting focus means that other teammates must shoulder more responsibility. Both Omar Hamza and Drew Franklin find diving into work an effective way to distance themselves from their past traumas. Vital to mission success is Lieutenant Lisa Davis, a no-nonsense officer who ushers the team into a new era of warfare against powerful rivals for supremacy on the world stage. Ripped away from their loved ones at a moment’s notice to be deployed across the globe, Bravo team remains dedicated to their duties. Even in the face of overwhelming odds, they know this is the price to keep the families they left behind safe.
No matter how many changes the TV industry goes through, it simply cannot keep down a certain whiskey-loving badass and her crew. Vanity Fair can exclusively reveal that Wynonna Earp, the beloved drama that ended its four-season Syfy run in 2021, will return later this year with a scripted special on Tubi, tentatively titled Wynonna Earp: Vengeance. The 90-minute special was written by the show’s creator and executive producer, Emily Andras. Melanie Scrofano (Wynonna herself), Tim Rozon (Doc Holliday), Dom Provost-Chalkley (Waverly Earp), and Katherine Barrell (Nicole Haught) will all be back, and other familiar faces are likely to return as well. Paolo Barzman, who directed many episodes of the drama, will helm the special, which starts shooting in and around Wynonna Earp’s former Calgary stomping grounds soon and will come out in late 2024.
/Patha Thongpan
故事围绕出身贫寒的牧野杉菜而发生,她被势利的父母强迫就读一所由在政经界最具影响力的四大家族,为培养优秀后代而创立的贵族学校:英德学园(Eitoku Gakuen),四大家族的继承人──道明寺司、花泽类、西门总二郎、美作明号称“F4”(Flower 4、花之四人组),在学校有着各种特权。 但没想到他们嚣张跋扈的行为,在遇到出身贫寒的牧野杉菜后有了转变。杉菜不畏强权,独自一人挺身向F4挑战,即使受到欺凌,仍不肯向他们低头;而身为F4之首,个性跋扈的纨绔子弟——道明寺竟然因此欣赏她,不顾家族反对与杉菜坠入情网。 《花样男子》,由玉皇朝代理出版的港版日本漫画。日文原名《花より男子》(Hana-yori Danshi),是日本漫画家神尾叶子的长篇少女漫画,1992年至2004年在集英社的漫画杂志《Margaret》上连载,并发行了37册的单行本,销量超过590...