/Robert D. Siegel
35岁的中年男子保罗(帕顿?奥斯瓦尔特 Patton Oswalt 饰)是纽约巨人橄榄球队的忠实粉丝,他通过电视、广播,甚至在车里,收看收听巨人队的比赛,并沉醉其中。其实,在日常的生活中,胸无大志的保罗是一个不幸的人,他跟母亲特丽莎住在一起。保罗是一名纽约斯塔滕岛的车库管理员,因为遭遇经济危机而工作岌岌可危,不但收入微薄,而且在家里没有地位,被亲戚朋友嘲笑。保罗几乎把所有业余时间都用在给当地电台的体育频道打电话上,希望通过电波表达对球队的忠心。令人奇怪的是,保罗总能在电台中遇到费城老鹰队的粉丝费尔(迈克尔?拉帕波特 Michael Rapaport 饰),两人总是话不投机。多年来,保罗沉迷于橄榄球,以至于一事无成,并不被家人理解,然而一次意外改变了他的人生……
拉菲(纳瓦祖丁·席迪圭 Nawazuddin Siddiqui 饰)是一名摄影师,靠着在旅游景点帮游客们拍照维持生计。拉菲和祖母之间的关系十分的要好,年迈的祖母希望能在死前看到拉菲成家立业,为了安慰祖母,拉菲撒了一个善意的谎言,他找了一张自己所拍的游客的照片给祖母看,谎称照片上的女子是自己的未婚妻。 让拉菲没有想到的是,看了照片兴奋不已的祖母竟然提出要登门拜访,亲眼见一见自己未来的孙媳妇,为了圆谎,拉菲的当务之急就是找到照片中的女子。功夫不负有心人,拉菲总算找到了这个名叫米洛尼(桑亚·玛荷塔 Sanya Malhotra 饰)的女人,他恳请米洛尼和自己演一出戏。
/Andrea Zaccariello
/Luca Ribuoli
《我们》是一部意大利爱情家庭剧集,该剧改编自美剧《我们这一天 This Is Us》。每个人都有一个家庭,每个家庭都有一个故事。讲述了 Peirò 家族几十年来的故事: Pietro 和 Rebecca夫妇在 1980 年代面临抚养三个孩子的挑战,直到今天克劳迪奥、卡特琳娜和丹尼尔寻求自己的幸福之路。该系列由 Cattleya 制作,改编自 Dan Fogelman 构思的 American This Is Us,由 Lino Guanciale、Aurora Ruffino、Dario Aita、Claudia Marsicano、Livio Kone、Angela Ciaburri 和 Timothy Martin 主演。
埃斯科瓦尔(瓦格纳·马拉 Wagner Moura 饰)曾是一个走私商人,机缘巧合之下开始接触毒品生意,野心勃勃的他将无法计数的毒品贩卖到美国,成为了富可敌国的大毒枭。与此同时,他集结了圈内几大巨头,成立了声名显赫的麦德林集团,一时间,埃斯科瓦尔的劲头无人能敌。
墨菲(波伊德·霍布鲁克 Boyd Holbrook 饰)是美国缉毒局派往哥伦比亚的警探,他和搭档潘那
《爱神》:一次意外中,年仅25岁的尼克拉(里卡尔多·斯卡马奇奥 Riccardo Scamarcio 饰)面临着下肢瘫痪的命运,他的理疗师是一个名叫露琪亚(莫妮卡·贝鲁奇 Monica Bellucci 饰)的美丽女人,尼克拉对其充满了幻想,可是露琪亚已有未婚夫,两人即将步入婚姻的殿堂。
《母性》:弗兰克(法比奥·沃罗 Fabio Volo 饰)和马努艾拉(巴博拉·伯布洛瓦 Barbora Bobulova 饰)是一对结婚多年的夫妻,由于无法生育,马努艾拉陷入了痛苦和自责之中,为了解决多年来的心愿,他们决定进行人工授精。
《婚礼》:弗斯科(塞吉奥·鲁比尼 Sergio Rubini 饰)和菲利普(安东尼奥·阿尔巴内斯 Antonio Albanese 饰)是一对同性恋恋人,虽然遭到了家人的强烈反对,但他们还是义无返顾的决定结婚,可在此之前,一些矛盾在两人之间产生了。
《最终爱情》:乏味的家庭生活让埃内斯托(卡洛·维尔多内 Carlo Verdone 饰)感到十分痛苦,他和一个名叫切奇莉亚(埃尔莎·帕塔奇 Elsa Pataky 饰)的女孩产生了一段背德的感情。
/Jamie Paolinetti
Lucid Dreaming forces the dreamer's dreamworld to merge with his waking one. But at what cost to the dreamer's grasp on reality? Dreams are doorways, but what are they really for? And, if you feel you must know, beware the TRICKSTER.
/Jeff Deverett
When the University of Oklahoma Sooners lose their star gymnast, Brenna Dowell, the rest of the team have to find a way to believe in themselves in order to win their second National Gymnastics Championship. With the help of Riley, a local breakdancing phenomenon, Chayse and her OU teammates learn to incorporate intricate breakdance techniques into their gymnastics routines in order to find a competitive edge. At the end of it all, they realize what matters most is finding the confidence to believe in yourself.
/汉娜·巴洛,Kane Senes
Cecilia and Emma were tween-age BFFs who were going to grow old together and never let anything come between them, until Alex arrived on the scene. Twelve years later, Cecilia is a successful social media influencer living the dream of an independent, modern millennial woman... until she runs into Emma for the first time in over a decade. Emma invites Cecilia away on her bachelorette weekend at a remote cabin in the mountains, where Alex proceeds to make Cecilia’s weekend a living hell. #triggered
受原创瑞典小说和电影的启发,该系列以马克和他的女儿埃莉诺为中心,10 年前,当她变成吸血鬼时,他们的生活发生了变化。由德米安·比奇尔、阿尼卡·诺尼·罗斯、格蕾丝·古默、麦迪逊·泰勒·贝兹、凯文·卡罗尔、伊恩·福尔曼和雅各布·巴斯特主演。10 月 7 日首播。 受原创瑞典小说和电影的启发,该系列以马克(比奇尔)和他的女儿埃莉诺(贝兹)为中心,10 年前,当她变成吸血鬼时,他们的生活发生了变化。埃莉诺 12 岁时被关在家里,也许是永远,过着封闭的生活,只能在晚上出去,而她的父亲尽最大努力为她提供维持生命所需的人血。以这些充满情感和可怕的成分作为起点,让正确的人进入将颠覆对流派的期望,将自然主义的镜头转向人类的脆弱、力量和同情心。该系列由奥斯卡提名人 Demián Bichir(更好的生活)领衔主演,托尼奖得主 Anika Noni Rose(Dreamgirls、Power)、Grace Gummer(机器人先生)、Madison Taylor Baez(Selena:The Series)、Kevin Carroll(Snowfall) , 伊恩福尔曼(Merry Wish-Mas)和雅各布巴斯特(殖民地)。屡获殊荣的剧作家、作家和制片人 Andrew Hinderaker (Away, PENNY DREADFUL) 将与 Seith Mann (HOMELAND, FreeRayshawn, Blindspotting) 一起担任节目主持人和执行制片人,他将指导试播集,还将指导其他剧集。
/Jesús Font
Javi, a perfectly ordinary teenager with a perfectly ordinary life, who has no reason to suspect that his crush on classmate Sara might be reciprocated. She only has eyes for the lurid literary saga HollyBlood, about to get its own big-screen adaptation. Nevertheless, Javi is determined to tell her how he feels. Through a string of unanticipated events and misunderstandings, Sara comes to believe that her suitor is in possession of supernatural powers. While battling his own guilt over the deception, Javi also has to contend with the school bully, Sara’s opinionated best friend and a Van Helsing obsessive fixated on hunting vampires. Unbeknownst to them all, an ancient evil stalks their school, preparing a new attack and forcing them to make a choice: will they overcome their differences and fight side by side, or will they succumb to the most powerful vampire the world has ever known?
/Roman Doronin
Two sisters living separate lives on different continents are reunited on a Mediterranean Island. The two barely have time to bond and revive family ties as Kate, the elder, meets a group of locals and agrees to an exciting ride on a hot air balloon. But disaster strikes and as the result of a freak accident, the balloon is carried far out to sea. Their cell phones out of range...
Cabella Oil and Brandini's have been competing oil ranches for decades. However, it wasn't always this way. Founders Raphael Brandini and Frank Cabella once worked harmoniously together, until their relationship fractured, causing them to split their joint ranch into two. Feisty and competitive heir to homegrown operated Cabella Oil, Nicole Cabella is determined to prove she's ready to take the reins of her family's business. And she's all set to initiate a renovation plan that will allow her to expand Cabella to the next level. All set, until Jake Brandini re-appears in Sunset Valley, that is. Corporate attorney Jake is sidetracked from his day-job when he's called back to the juggernaut Brandini ranch due to a family emergency. While there, Jake identifies a land dispute at the border between the Cabella and Brandini properties. Having been neglectful to his own family company, he decides to win back the land for them. In doing so, he re-ignites the rivalry between both factions, as Nicole refuses to concede to his claim on the land. Instead of pursuing a long and costly court battle, the local Sunset Valley judge proposes an unconventional manner of deciding the land's ownership: whichever ranch wins the annual Sunset Valley Olive Oil Competition wins the land. The Brandini's have won three consecutive years, so Jake is confident in accepting the challenge, though he personally has no experience manufacturing oil. On the other hand, Nicole has oil in her blood, but she'll have to conquer her own self-doubt if she wants to be victorious. As Jake and Nicole work towards creating their respective olive oil submissions, while enjoying the annual Fall Festival as they do, they discover they may have more in common than they realized - and sparks begin to fly.