故事发生在内达华的茫茫沙漠之中,教授(瓦莱里奥·马斯坦德雷亚 Valerio Mastandrea 饰)孤身一人驻扎在大名鼎鼎的51区,每日醉心于自己的研究之中,早年间,教授的妻子去世了,而教授如今如此痴迷于探索宇宙,也只是为了能够再次听到妻子的声音而已。然而,教授宁静的生活却屡屡被名为史黛拉(克蕾曼丝·波西 Clémence Poésy 饰)的女人给搅乱,史黛拉是一名婚礼策划,而她服务的对象是那些相信外星人存在的情侣们。 一天,教授收到了一个意料之外的邮包,他的侄子迪多和侄女安妮塔即将前来拜访他。安妮塔是一个十六岁的姑娘,唯一的梦想就是能够和雷迪嘎嘎一起开派对,而七岁的迪多,他的脑袋里藏着更多匪夷所思的主意。
影片开始于两个都叫玛丽的少女(Jitka Cerhová 和 Ivana Karbanová 饰)的对话:没有人理解我们,这个世界上的一切正在变得越来越糟糕。于是两人决定:我们也要变得越来越坏!玛丽一号喜欢和老男人约会,在他们吃饭的时候,玛丽二号会突然出现,旁若无人地大吃特吃。玛丽一号把老男人送上火车,老男人以为她会陪着他,火车开动,她却下了火车。玛丽二号在一个收藏蝴蝶标本的男青年家中,用他的标本遮住自己身体的隐秘部位。她们在夜总会里捣乱,最后被赶走。她们无意中闯入一个没有人的宴会,开始肆无忌惮地享受美食.....本片献给精神生活一团糟的人们。
Two hundred years after Mary Shelley's novel the brilliant but mad Doctor (Thomas Kretschmann) has sustained his creature and himself over two centuries through genetic experimentation. In present-day America Detective O'Connor (Parker Posey) is investigating a series of horrific murders which leads her to the doctor and his creature. What she uncovers reveals the strange evolu...
The main character is Dr. Max Holst, a successful neurosurgeon. One day an intense little man named Steinmetz shows up, who has the real ability to create objects out of thin air, using only his mind. As no one believes him at first, he is held at a ward for mental patients, but manifests the key to his door and escapes. As he has a special interest in Dr. Holst, Steinmetz subsequently invites Holst to his large mansion, which is full of expensive paintings and sculptures, and proves to him that he can in fact materialise objects. Steinmetz’s abilities are evolving by leaps and bounds, and is progressing from being able to create objects only to being able to create living things. His ultimate ambition is to be able to create a human being. He tells Dr. Holst that if he will only perform a certain brain operation on him, Steinmetz will become able to attain his goal. He’s got all the necessary equipment set up in his basement. Dr. Holst, however, is too spooked by the whole thing to agree to this mad scheme, and refuses. Steinmetz then sets about manipulating Holst’s life, to pressure him into performing the operation. By then Steinmetz has become able to create a temporary human being, and in the hope that he can perhaps make his own creation perform the operation, he manifests a doppelganger of Dr. Holst. This double proceeds to take over Dr. Holst’s life, creating chaos for him professionally and personally. And then Dr. Holst starts fighting back. The ending has the dual virtue of being both unexpected and satisfying.
这是一部关于办公室鬼故事的电影。 新人阿Pat(莫文蔚 饰)刚来这栋大楼的一间公司上班,遇到了前男友阿Ken(冯德伦 饰)。两人聊了一会儿,随后阿Pat乘电梯回公司。电梯内一名只有白衣女子,她蹲在地上不停说“对不起”,阿Pat觉得十分诡异。同事说可能是鬼节将至造成… 阿Pat在厕所发现隔壁公司的秘书Connie在不停和最后一格的人说话,当时没有留意。之后女厕内突然传来一声尖叫,当众人赶到时,Connie已经在厕所上吊自杀身亡,她的脸上还挂着一个奇怪的笑容。 Ken在大堂也看到了白衣女子,身边还有一个红衣女子。红衣女子对他说,白衣女子是鬼,正在逼她跳楼…
曾经风光一时的黑帮头目宗形博也(哀川翔 饰),在一次组织对抗后受伤并被迫退出江湖。多年以来,他和结拜兄弟信也(RED RICE 饰)忍辱求生,并尽心照顾坐牢的兄弟武史(鹤见辰己 饰)的女儿日向(山本舞香 饰)。武史出狱,日向却和好友塞拉(水野绘梨奈 饰)出走跑到了钱荷岛。与此同时,岛上病毒性感冒流行,黑帮竹下组成员吉田明(宫川大辅 饰)盗取组织的违禁药物当作特效药在岛上兜售,谁知却令自己成为了可怕的丧尸。 丧尸风暴迅速蔓延全岛,而尾随日向而至的宗形一行以及追踪吉田而来的竹下组武斗派头目(木村佑一 饰)等人,在这个最糟糕的时刻来到了这片血腥的修罗场……
/Alessandro Antonaci,Daniel Lascar,Stefano Mandalà
Someone downloads an app on your phone behind your back. It looks like an augmented reality game, but soon you realize it's an app that connects to the world of the dead, which allows you to see the dead through the camera of the phone. On the screen you see a countdown timer starting from 24 hours and before it reaches zero, you have to download the app to someone else's phone...
/Steve Gonsalves,Kendall Whelpton
A beautiful documentary telling the real story of a homeowner living with a haunting. Bridging the paranormal, real science and the human experience this documentary shows a detailed look at what could be the most haunted house in America.
When Dylan Wilson purchases a collection of seven paintings to hang in his wealthy estate, he has no idea what horrors he has unleashed for himself, his wife; Gina, his college son; Louis, his teen-age daughter; Donna, and his two little kids. Only Father Mendale knows what evils lurk inside this deadly art and the history of Dorian Wilde; the artist who made a pact with dark f...
『勾魂游戏』极受推崇, 在本格推理侦探片的范畴上, 算是一部成功的杰作, 若是你喜欢阅读阿嘉莎.克莉丝蒂的推理小说, 一定会喜欢它。本片的编剧之一是"惊魂记"男主角 - 安东尼柏金斯。
故事背景在地中海的一艘私人游轮上, 名制片家克林顿邀请六位好莱坞演艺界的大腕, 千里迢迢从美国飞到南法地中海沿岸, 打算在游轮度过一个礼拜的假期。同时, 克林顿公布了一个字谜游戏, 大家得照规矩参加, 就是每人各拿到一张卡片, 必須保密,不能被其他人看见, 每天晚上靠岸, 从两小时的游戏时限内, 探索出克林顿要求的答案,很不幸的, 後来的发展, 让六位宾客人人自危, 因为每张卡都在提醒着六个人不想被別人探查到的隐私,但秘密却在別人手裡的那张卡裡......原来克林顿的老婆席拉, 在一年前的宴会上被撞死, 一直查不到凶手是谁, 难道他这次的邀请, 是想藉着游戏来找出凶手...
In 1959, an alien experiment crashes to earth and infects a fraternity member. They freeze the body, but in the modern day, two geeks pledging a fraternity accidentally thaw the corpse, which proceeds to infect the campus with parasites that transform their hosts into killer zombies.
Michael (or Fresh as he's well known) is a 12-year-old drug pusher who lives in a crowded house with his cousins and aunt. His father has become a street bum,but still meets with fresh on occasion to play chess. Fresh is rather quiet in a crazy world. Fresh' sister is a junkie who sleeps with the dealers that fresh sells for. As the story progresses Fresh realizes that he doesn't want to sell drugs anymore, he wants revenge.
/Patrick Brice
Looking for work, Aaron comes across a cryptic online ad: “$1,000 for the day. Filming service. Discretion is appreciated.” Low on cash and full of naiveté, he decides to go for it. He drives to a cabin in a remote mountain town, where he meets Josef, his cinematic subject for the day. Josef is sincere and the project seems heartfelt, so Aaron begins to film. But as the day goe...
/让-巴普蒂斯特·安德烈,Fabrice Canepa
Ethan is a young, shy and rather reserved designer who has suffered from insomnia for many years due to his terrible nightmares. Believing he has a personality disorder he decides to see a therapist to solve his problem, but it will be thanks to the help of his best friend and a medium that he will face a long journey, a journey that will lead him to discover that his nightmares hide a shocking truth, something darker and more sinister than he ever imagined.
本片改编自日本推理小说家江户川乱步1928年的同名小说。法国教授阿历克斯·法约尔(伯努瓦·马吉梅 Benoît Magimel 饰)是研究神秘的日本黑暗侦探小说家平田一郎的专家。阿历克斯自己的侦探小说在日本出版后取得了巨大成功,受邀来到京都参加宣传活动,他告诉出版社的本田(岛冈现 Gen Shimaoka 饰)他非常想拜见平田一郎,但几番努力均不得法。在一次晚宴中,阿历克斯认识了京都知名艺伎玉子(源利华 Lika Minamoto 饰),不禁陷入情网。玉子告诉阿历克斯自己的旧情人正是平田一郎。为情所动的阿历克斯全力帮助玉子排除危难,却没想到自己正陷入一场出人意外的阴谋…… 本片被提名2008年威尼斯电影节金狮奖。
Norman Taylor is a successful young professor, married with Tansy Taylor. He is a very skeptical man, while his wife believes in magic and witchcraft. One day, he finds lots of amulets and witchcraft in his house, and he decides to destroy all of them. His wife gets scared and advises him that he destroyed all the protection their home and lives had against the evil of envious ...