The BBC will air Return to Paradise, a new Australia-set spin-off from one of the UK’s most watched dramas Death in Paradise. Filming next year, the six-part series will be produced by BBC Studios Productions Australia with Red Planet Pictures for the ABC, in association with the BBC. Set in the idyllic, beachside hamlet of Dolphin Cove, Return to Paradise is six gripping, twisting and fiendishly clever murder mysteries – all against the spectacular backdrop of the Australian coastal landscape. Australian ex-pat Mackenzie Clarke is the seemingly golden girl of the London Metropolitan police force – with an intuitive approach to detective work, she has built a reputation for being able to crack the most impossible of cases. However, she’s suddenly forced to up sticks and move back to her childhood home of Dolphin Cove, a beautiful, coastal paradise… and Mackenzie’s worst nightmare. Having escaped her hometown at the earliest opportunity six years ago, Mack vowed she'd never come back, leaving a lot of unfinished business and unanswered questions. On her return she’s still no fan of the town, and the people of Dolphin Cove are certainly no fans of hers. In fact everyone would prefer her not to be there, including Mackenzie herself. But when a murder takes place in Dolphin Cove, Mack can’t help but put her inspired detective brilliance to good use and determines, despite her reservations, that she needs to make the best of it, including tying up the loose ends with the man she left at the altar six years ago.
A government scheme sees newly widowed Santosh inherit her husband’s job as a police constable in the rural badlands of Northern India. When a low-caste girl is found raped and murdered, she is pulled into the investigation under the wing of charismatic feminist inspector Sharma.
《Six Triple Eight》讲述了一个鼓舞人心且不可思议的真实故事,主角为第一支也是唯一一支在二战期间驻扎海外的勇敢的有色人种女子军团。面对种族歧视和性别歧视、陌生的土地和饱受战争蹂躏的国家,她们坚持不懈,在短短三个月内分拣了超过1700万封邮件,让美国士兵与故乡的家人和亲人重新建立了联系。让这些女性每天坚持下去的座右铭是她们自己创造的:“没邮件,士气低。”第6888中央邮政目录营的女性们不仅仅是为邮件的投递提供便利,她们也在传递希望。
第6888中央邮政目录营的故事一直被排除在历史书籍之外,被整个国家所忽视 — 直到现在。2022年3月14日,乔·拜登总统签署了法案,授予这些女性国会的最高荣誉 — 国会金质奖章。
遥远的北欧地区,瑞典的斯德哥尔摩一片银装素裹,寒气逼人。12岁少年奥斯卡(K?re Hedebrant 凯尔?赫德布朗特 饰)生活在一个单亲家庭,他在学校形单影只,饱受欺负;回家后则偷偷搜集关于各类凶杀案的剪报,或者深夜挥着小刀在树上发泄着自己的愤怒。 新搬来的小孩爱莉(Lina Leandersson 莉娜?莱纳德尔森 饰)走进了奥斯卡的生活,他们慢慢成为朋友,并逐渐产生爱情。而就在此时,奥斯卡无意中发现爱莉一个令人毛骨悚然的秘密…… 本片改编自瑞典小说家约翰?林德科维斯特(John Ajvide Lindqvist)2004年的同名畅销书,并荣获2008年翠贝卡电影节最高奖、2008高森博格电影节最佳北欧电影奖及柯达最佳摄影奖。
The BBC will air Return to Paradise, a new Australia-set spin-off from one of the UK’s most watched dramas Death in Paradise. Filming next year, the six-part series will be produced by BBC Studios Productions Australia with Red Planet Pictures for the ABC, in association with the BBC.
Set in the idyllic, beachside hamlet of Dolphin Cove, Return to Paradise is six gripping, twis...
/布朗温·休斯,斯蒂芬·S·坎帕内利,Rachel Leiterman
Earth Abidesis a new take on George R. Stewart’s sci-fi novel of the same name.
When a plague of unprecedented virulence sweeps the globe, the human race is all but wiped out. In the aftermath, as the great machine of civilization slowly and inexorably breaks down, only a few shattered survivors remain to struggle against the slide into extinction.
Ish is a brilliant but solita...
When Noah fell in love with Nick, she knew their relationship would never be easy. They're fire and electricity, and when they're together, every kind of sparks fly. After last summer, Noah thought their passion had grown stronger than their fear, but her life is about to turn upside-down again now that she's starting university. Moving again while maintaining her relationship ...
When Noah fell in love with Nick, she knew their relationship would never be easy. They're fire and electricity, and when they're together, every kind of sparks fly. After last summer, Noah thought their passion had grown stronger than their fear, but her life is about to turn upside-down again now that she's starting university. Moving again while maintaining her relationship with Nick will be a difficult hurdle, with their age difference, campus life, dangerous parties, and inner demons stalking them both, reminding them of all they still don't know about each other. No matter how hard they try, there will always be wounds that won't close. Is Noah really prepared to overcome her fears and truly trust someone again? Will Nick be able to put his past behind him and keep his heart open? Or are they doomed only to burn each other's worlds down?
/Carsten Unger
塞缪尔(汉斯·齐施勒 Hanns Zischler 饰)和科拉(西比勒·卡诺尼卡 Sibylle Canonica 饰)结婚多年,两人共同抚养着九岁的儿子尼古拉斯(Finn Kirschner 饰),日子在日复一日的平静之中缓慢的流逝着。然而一场噩梦突然降临到了这个家庭的头上,一天,尼古拉斯失踪了。 负责此案的犯罪心理学家梅尔内特(马蒂娜·戈黛特 Martina Gedeck 饰)介入到了这个家庭之中,在和科拉的相处过程中,梅尔内特逐渐察觉出了一丝诡异的气氛。一段令人震惊的录像带在校园之中传播开来,被囚禁的尼古拉斯正是录像带中的主角。录像带的出现让整个事件开始动摇和发酵,梅尔内特坚信,在这个看似美满的家庭之中,隐藏着不可告人的秘密。
/布朗温·休斯,斯蒂芬·S·坎帕内利,Rachel Leiterman
Earth Abidesis a new take on George R. Stewart’s sci-fi novel of the same name. When a plague of unprecedented virulence sweeps the globe, the human race is all but wiped out. In the aftermath, as the great machine of civilization slowly and inexorably breaks down, only a few shattered survivors remain to struggle against the slide into extinction. Ish is a brilliant but solitary young geologist living a semi-isolated life who awakens from a coma only to find that there is no one left alive but him. A plague of unprecedented virulence has swept the globe, and yes, there are a few scattered survivors, but there are no rules.
这些是第一次世界大战的年代,斯特凡诺·佐尔齐医生在意大利北部一座大城市的免除诊所度过他的日子。在那里,他不仅照顾从前线屠杀中归来的士兵,还与那些希望被免除服役的人作斗争,这些人通过送他们去军事法庭来进行模拟和自残。斯特凡诺从未想过会遇到一个故意寻求病理的人,就像为了从更大的邪恶中拯救自己而购买救生艇一样。但现在他厌倦了这场使他成为检察官和宪兵的冲突。 朱利奥·法拉迪医生则在一栋偏僻建筑的公寓里工作。他是一个不安分的人,强烈反对战争,对那些在他的“私人战争”中的士兵怀有一种温柔而占有欲的爱。如果斯特凡诺确实尽了最大的努力来治疗士兵并让他们回去战斗,朱利奥则让他们生病,或者帮助他们严重自残,足以被免除服役。这两位医生是大学同学,也是好朋友,他们不仅在专业上暗自较劲,在感情上也是如此:他们都与安娜有联系,她是一位勇敢且性格坚强的护士。但在1918年那场可怕的“西班牙”流感大流行到来之际,爱情、政治和科学交织在一起,危险地纠缠在一起…