Lulu and Judy Geeson continue their earlier roles and come to the farewell party. Thackeray announces that he is leaving for an inner-city school in Chicago where he will teach again. In Chicago, he meets a former colleague who is the principal of the school. Thackeray learns that there is an A class with good students and an H (for "horror") class for the no-gooders. He convinces the principal to let him take the H class as a History teacher. His new pupils are Hispanic, Black and White kids who are noisy, unruly and engaged in destructive behaviours. Like in London, he starts by teaching them some manners. He addresses them as Mr X or Miss Y, and expects to be called Mr Thackeray or Sir (hence the titles). Little by little he learns their personal stories: Wilsie is a gang leader who protects his younger brother. Another is a black female who battles against double prejudice. The white kid is growing without parents and hides this to avoid being fostered. We also know a bit of Mr Thackeray's story. As a teenager in Guyana, he fell in love with a Chicago girl whose father had come to build a mall. They lost contact and he went to Britain to study, became a teacher and got married. He is now a widower but decided to take this teaching opportunity to find his earlier love. At school he sets out to teach these troubled kids of their true potential if they take their fate in their hands. He teaches about the non-violent resistance of the historic fighters of civil rights. When he discovers Wilsie smuggling a gun into the school, he confronts him and convinces him to yield the gun. Mr Thackeray delivers it to the school policeman as a found object. Later, the police pressures him to give the name of the armed kid, since the gun was involved in a cop killing. He refuses to give up the name of the student and has to leave the school. Meanwhile, one of his pupils has taken a job in a newspaper and decides to investigate on the old Chicago love of Thackeray's. The girl arranges an appointment for him. Thackeray meets the son of his former love in a hospital. His mother is ill. Thackeray learns that she loved him back but her father retained all his letters, because she had gotten pregnant, so that young man he had just met is his son. Thackeray learns that Wilsie is hidden because he thinks that the police are after him. His brother takes Thackeray to the hideaway to explain the real situation and avoid that Wilsie ruins his life. Through courage and talking, the teacher convinces Wilsie to yield his new gun and confronts a rival gang that had come to fight Wilsie. Wilsie and the friend who had got him the gun explain themselves at the precinct. The kids have been doing a "stand in" and force the principal to accept their beloved teacher back. Unlike the British film, there is no infatuation with him among his pupils, but a fellow teacher (Saundra Santiago) admires him. The film ends with the graduation ceremony and dance. Mr Thackeray announces that he is not going back to Britain but staying at Chicago to teach the new generation. --Wikipedia
一位美國女性小說家在土耳其小島上被謀殺了!龜毛的媽寶警探從伊斯坦堡趕來調查案件。一 滴落在被害人左眼的血,成為破案關鍵。他急欲找出那滴血的擁有者,卻發現在這個家庭鏈結 統 緊密、堅持古老傳統、而且種族關係敏感的小島上,要驗個 DNA 都困難重重,顯然背後隱藏 中東 著巨大的祕密⋯⋯。 前作《公里歸零》成為首部入選坎城影展正式競賽的伊拉克電影,作品也多次入選柏林、盧卡 味福 諾、威尼斯等國際影展,辛納薩林姆以五○年代的偵探故事為本,以獨具風格的敘事手法,幽 爾 默諷刺土耳其與庫德族人的矛盾與衝突,以及深根於社會的性別歧視。但他故事說得漂亮,角 摩色個個瘋狂鮮明,對比強烈,充滿喜感,亦引人入勝。
/Alper Mestçi
A woman has had her little child squashed and killed after the jins have turned the cabinet over him as she found out that this was not a coincidence or a matter of death and life rather a malignant black magic has been hatched to hunt their family.
/Hasraf Dulull
2030年,人类凭借超光感通讯科技,使外太空航天竞赛进入白热化阶段。行星联合航天集团值此良机发射了火星探索飞船火星一号,但是不知为何这次行动以失败告终。六年后,宇航员麦肯齐·威尔森(凯缇·萨克霍夫 Katee Sackhoff 饰)再次驾驶飞船飞往火星,然而她很快发现,飞船中实际占据主导地位的竟然是人工智能阿尔迪,她为此和自己的姐姐——行星联合航天集团官员伦娜(朱莉·考科斯 Julie Cox 饰)激烈争论,然而终究无法改变既成事实。火星上的情况难以想象,更何况威尔森姐妹的父亲便在上一次行动中丧生。
故事发生在美丽而又寒冷的阿拉斯加,艾吉斯石油公司派遣的勘探队的到来打破了此地居民们宁静的生活,地表被掘开,噪音和污染充斥着整个冰原,没过多久,当地的原住民们便与开发公司之间产生了激烈的矛盾。让原住民们感到心寒的是,被利益收买的政府站在了石油公司的那一边。 塔夫特(史蒂文·席格 Steven Seagal 饰)是勘探队中的一员,某日,他邂逅了名为马苏(陈冲 饰)的爱斯基摩少女,马苏的一言一行感化了塔夫特,令他对雇主的所作所为产生了怀疑和反感。为了获得更大的利润,公司总裁迈克尔(迈克尔·凯恩 Michael Caine 饰)决定无视对生态的破坏,扩大开采面积。然而,倒戈的塔夫特无疑成为了他执行阴谋的绊脚石,于是,迈克尔派出了杀手,企图将塔夫特除之而后快。
/Mike Marzuk
Bernhard, the father of Julian, Dick and Anne organized an exhibition to Egypt. Here, discover the friends after an attempted burglary an old gold amulet. So they fly with Elena, a colleague of his father, to Cairo. In Cairo Julian's father falls into a trap and is then accused of theft. Until the trial, he goes to jail. The five are trying to prove innocence Bernard and take A...
巴哈尔(歌什菲·法拉哈尼 Golshifteh Farahani 饰)是一名年轻的律师,她的家乡遭到了恐怖分子的袭击,在战火中,巴哈尔失去了丈夫,儿子也被恐怖分子囚禁成为了人质。而巴哈尔自己,同数千名和她经历一样的妇女一起被关进了监狱。依靠着自己的智慧和勇气,巴哈尔带领女人们从监狱里逃了出来,并且组织了名为“太阳的女人”的女子军队,她们向恐怖分子宣战,发誓要夺回属于她们的家园。 马蒂尔德(艾玛纽尔·贝克特 Emmanuelle Bercot 饰)是一名经验丰富的战地记者,在巴哈尔进行着属于她的战争的同时,马蒂尔德一直紧紧地跟随在她身后,用镜头记录着这支军队令人动容的奋斗的姿态。