/Jordan Downey
《感恩节杀戮3》:奇葩小片的二度恶搞 还记得2009年那部奇葩小片《感恩节杀戮》吗?那个长了一张鸟嘴的神似火鸡的怪物,会开车会砍人还奸杀了一个妹子的这只怪物在2009年的感恩节里可拉风了一把。今年感恩节它又踏着《感恩节杀戮3》杀回来了,近期曝光的这支限制级预告片里,火鸡怪人举着电锯“火眼金睛”凶神恶煞有没有让你闻风丧胆?! 很多影迷都会疑惑,从1直接跳到3,那《感恩节杀戮2》去哪了?看了这支预告片你就会恍然大悟,因为那火焰中焚烧的若隐若现的物料,显然是一张封套上写着《感恩节杀戮2》的DVD,正如片中的火鸡怪人一本正经说的:“《感恩节杀戮2》被毁了”,所以你可以想象,《感恩节杀戮3》就是一部典型的怪鸡恶搞片。在带感的电子乐配合下,各种稀奇古怪的人物怪物悉数登场,真人与粘土动画混搭,即使喷溅血浆也毫无恐怖感,就像一场疯狂的末世狂欢大趴体,而结尾火鸡怪人像素图案的出现,又很有九十年代电子游戏的感觉。总之,这支预告片或许与电影本身是一个路数——无逻辑可言,从头至尾都将散发着一股怪异的调调。 《感恩节杀戮3》依然由前作导演Jordan Downey执导,Christina Blevins、Jordan Downey、Jeffery A. Baker等人出演,已于今年11月1日上映。
/Irvin Berwick
When a high school senior is dumped by her boyfriend, her grades fall avoid failing, she begins seducing her male teachers. Thus begins her downward spiral into drug addiction and prostitution, and ultimately assassinations for a kingpin mob boss
/Daria Onyshchenko
Nina, 30, a Ukrainian language teacher who can't leave the city of Luhansk, occupied by separatists in Eastern Ukraine, is forced to undergo retraining courses for teaching Russian. Andrii, 17, is a student who was orphaned in the aftermath of the war. They cross paths when Nina witnesses Andrii being arrested by the police after hanging the Ukrainian flag from the roof of his school. Nina knows that because they live in a world of injustice and lies Andrii can stay in jail for a long time, and she risks her life to free him. As they gravitate towards each other, they try to remind people in the occupied territories that they deserve a future, too.
本片是一出剧中剧:相貌平平的婷(Pitchanart Sakakorn 饰)渴望成为万人瞩目的大明星,为此她在表演进修班刻苦学习。某个夜晚,她受警方邀请成为一名还原凶案过程的演示者。虽然这份工作实在有点阴森奇怪,不过婷却离她的明星梦越来越近。在这一过程中,婷的身边也开始出现诡异现象。某天,泰国选美佳丽敏(Apasiri Nitibhon 饰)遭人杀害,婷意识到这是一个令自己一跃成名的良机,她仔细研究敏的生平和案情,准备全心演好这个角色,不过却因此经历了更多离奇的事件,婷开始更为深入地探究敏被害的秘密。
1936年,英国小伙子蔡斯科特(休•丹西 Hugh Dancy 饰)遵从父命来到了英属殖民地沙月拉,这里的土著首领别兰塞以盛情款待了这个异乡人,并且给他派了一位特殊的女仆——“字典情人”希丽玛(杰西卡•阿尔芭 Jessica Alba 饰),她除了服侍他的衣食起居之外, 还要担任他的语言教师,两个人在相处中逐渐产生了感情。 当蔡斯科特跟英国长官亨利(鲍勃•霍斯金斯 Bob Hoskins 饰)谈论“字典情人”的时候,对方却言辞激烈地劝他不要以身试法。此后,父母为他圈定了一桩婚事,未婚妻来到了这片土地,并且开始进入他的生活。究竟是遵循惯例,还是突破传统,蔡斯科特面临痛苦的抉择……
半年前,17岁的布兰特(Xavier Samuel 饰)与父亲驾车遭遇车祸,父亲身亡,布兰特和母亲始终没有从伤痛中走出。同校的劳拉(Robin McLeavy 饰)邀请布兰特同去舞会,布兰特木讷的予以拒绝,转头陪伴自己的女友赫莉。当天布兰特独身在野外攀岩,当他来到山顶时,久候多时的劳拉之父将他麻醉带走。
帕斯卡(Bernhard Bulling 饰)和永健(吕聿来 饰)是漂在香港的两个年轻人。帕斯卡来自瑞士,靠做街头艺人和小偷小摸维持生活;永健来自北京,是一家烧腊店的外卖伙计。两个陌生人在陌生的城市不期而遇,发展出一段心动的爱情。然而快乐却是短暂而伤感的,最终因为帕斯卡的一场意外而化做泡沫。很多年后永健单身前往瑞士去追寻爱人走过的足迹,却遇到有着和帕斯卡相似面容的男子。正如风铃破碎的旋律,这段诗意爱情的秘密将在静静的来回插叙中逐步揭示......
在中国传统文化中, 当微风吹起风铃声响,代表有先人或魂魄到访。这是一个信号,告诉在世的人「我」回来了,亦是再次提醒他们至亲至爱已经永隔的事实。 《无声风铃》是一部关于放手的电影,它紧凑地展现了东西方在生活哲学、看待死亡与来世上的区别,同时也模糊了爱情与种族的界线、呈现不同文化的融合与一致。本片是香港导演洪荣...
Go Gorilla Go is probably most notable for its strange title, and this carries over into the film; as while it takes obvious inspiration from some big genre classics; the film features some strange plotting and a storyline that is a bit unusual on genre terms. Director Tonino Valerii previously directed the excellent but complicated Giallo My Dear Killer and clearly has a talent for delivering convoluted story lines as Go Gorilla Go features one too! The film focuses on Marco; an undercover police officer who is also working as a body guard for a shady underworld figure. He's also got a brother who is not exactly squeaky clean and has contacts with a few other 'Gorillas' who are in the same line as he is. It's not long before our hero gets involved in a kidnap plot along with his brother and his underworld boss and this plot is ran parallel with a load of others and the whole thing gets rather complicated. Luckily, however, it's all spun together with a whole load of action scenes; many of which are really well done. We've got the usual compliment of car chases and fist fights, but the main standout is a sequence that sees the lead character trapped in an elevator with the bottom taken out. The final car chase, which involves a train a la The French Connection, is also very well executed. The lead role is taken by Fabio Testi and the actor looks the part and plays it well. The rest of the cast is filled out mostly by lesser known Italian actors, but they get on well as an ensemble and bad dubbing aside, the film is above average in the acting department. The way that the story flows does get a bit too confusing at times as we constantly switch from one thing to another, but at least the proceedings are kept entertaining for most of the duration, before exploding in the final third. This film is not very well known and as such has become rather hard to come by. In the grand spectrum of Italian police films; this one is not one of the more important ones or one of the best, but for anyone that considers themselves a fan of this genre; Go Gorilla Go is certainly worth a look and comes recommended.