/Marley Morrison
Marley Morrison’s knockout debut feature is a sharply observed coming-of-age story that will make you wince and laugh in painful recognition of universal truths. 17-year-old AJ (Nell Barlow) is not one of life’s shiny, happy people. A family holiday at a caravan park in Dorset is her idea of hell. A moody misfit, she dresses for concealment and lets everyone know that she would...
The series centers on Julio Lopez, a punk-ass bitch with a heart of gold who goes out of his way to help everyone but himself. Inspired by the life and stand-up comedy of star, co-creator and real-life punk ass bitch Estrada, the cinematic half-hour comedy explores Julio's attempts to better his community, overcome his codependency issues with his family and navigate working cl...
卖莱仔因铜(王祖蓝 饰)貌不惊人,却有一副好歌喉,渴望有朝一日一曲成名。经过內心反复挣扎,参加了歌唱比赛,最终因相貌丑陋遭人白眼,从此诸事不顺。一天,因铜偶遇美女杨仙嬅(苟芸慧 饰),杨并未因他的丑陋离开他,反而对他坦诚相见,因铜大受感动,对其心生爱意。死党蔡卓严(林子善 饰)有意成全,怂恿因铜大胆示爱,伹生性不善言辞的他在仙嬅问他喜欢自己什么时,他竟张口结舌,说了一些很浮浅的话,致仙嬅误以为他是个只重外表的庸俗男人,转身离他而去。深受打击的因铜误食神奇朱古力,摇身一变成为俊男力信(黄宗泽 饰),伹此药二十四小时后失效,他将变回原形,所以,他的愿望必须在药力失效前完成,好戏开始了……
神魔之争绵延千年,地狱圣女阿修罗(叶蕴仪 饰)被卷入两界相争,但是她爱上了明媚快乐的人界,恳请慈空大师(胜新太郎 饰)给予她滞留人间的机会,慈空慈悲为怀,遂派出徒弟吉祥果(阿部宽 饰)和孔雀(元彪 饰)在一周时间内护卫阿修罗,直到他重返魔界。阿修罗与两名“保镖”找到了自己在魔界的爱宠兼伙伴戏鬼,但此时,魔界中的鬼妃为了吸取阿修罗的真气取而代之其在魔界的位置,令座下鬼众袭击阿修罗,戏鬼惨遭石化,而孔雀为了搭救戏鬼亦被冰冻。阿修罗与吉祥果结识了发明家和他的妹妹(李丽珍 饰),在戏鬼回复期间,他们暂住发明家家中,此时距离阿修罗返回魔界的日期临近,而鬼妃仍不放弃取代阿修罗的计划……
In every movie that he watches, 16-year-old Andoy creates narratives that could help him find answers to the questions that have always bothered him: Who is he and who is his father? While the truth remains elusive, his imaginings remain unrealized until two movie-like characters appear in their barrio - Ariel, a hairdresser who lures young men with his inexplicable charm, and Isidro, a mysterious, long-haired man who owns a VCD player. Andoy finds himself entranced with Ariel and Isidro and begins to spend intimate time with them. As he gets entangled with their twisted lives, his reality becomes mystified. Just like the movies, Andoy must decide whether to conclude his years-long search for his father with a bang or with a whimper.
In the final season, Jason Hayes struggles to balance his warrior’s existence with the responsibilities of single fatherhood. Ray Perry, his trusted second in command, questions whether he will be able to leave the battlefield behind as his retirement nears. Dedicated door-kicker Sonny Quinn battles against changing tides as Jason and Ray’s shifting focus means that other teammates must shoulder more responsibility. Both Omar Hamza and Drew Franklin find diving into work an effective way to distance themselves from their past traumas. Vital to mission success is Lieutenant Lisa Davis, a no-nonsense officer who ushers the team into a new era of warfare against powerful rivals for supremacy on the world stage. Ripped away from their loved ones at a moment’s notice to be deployed across the globe, Bravo team remains dedicated to their duties. Even in the face of overwhelming odds, they know this is the price to keep the families they left behind safe.
/Dandhy Dwi Laksono Rahung Nasution
印度尼西亚每天使用 9300 万根一次性吸管。它们与其他塑料废物一起最终进入海洋,分解成微塑料,被海洋生物吃掉,最后出现在我们的盘子里供我们食用。这部纪录片改编自电影制片人在全国各地拍摄的一系列电影,向印度尼西亚人展示他们所面临的问题的严重性。巴厘岛歌手格德·罗比 (Gede Robi) 将塑料污染问题作为他个人的奋斗目标。他与来自东爪哇的生物学家兼河流守卫普里吉·阿里桑迪 (Prigi Arisandi) 联手,抗议印度尼西亚进口废塑料。他们一起收集有关塑料污染程度的证据。他们会见专家、活动人士并进行研究(包括对他们自己的研究),以了解塑料对我们的环境和健康的影响。