/安德鲁·库瑞,Andrew Currie
“THE INVISIBLES” is a visually stunning story about an alternate dimension that exists in the same time and space as our own. Charlie (Tim Blake Nelson) and Hanna (Lucy Liu) are in crisis and facing the end of their marriage, when Charlie literally starts to disappear. As he fades from the world, he discovers a new world of INVISIBLES; people who have disappeared just like him and who now exist in an alternate reality that shares the same physical space as the real world, but have no ability to impact it. Invisibility offers Charlie many benefits. Money is no longer required, there are limitless opportunities to eat and drink anything and everything where and when he wants and being invisible he gets to behave however he likes. But better than that, he lives in a place where emotional pain and personal trauma are now forgotten. Yet Charlie keeps being drawn back to his old life, visiting his wife Hanna even though she no longer sees him. As he starts to see their marriage from her point of view and face the tragic loss of their six-year-old son, he soon realises that he must fight to return to reality, and learns that living in the present and looking to the future is the key to life.
一直以来,联邦调查局副局长卡特(西德尼·波蒂埃 Sidney Poitier 饰)和俄国情报官瓦伦蒂娜(戴安·维诺拉 Diane Venora 饰)都在追击一名十分危险的犯人,他手持高杀伤性化学武器,精通电脑和变装术,个性狡猾又残忍,是威胁到世界和平的重大隐患,他甚至连名字都没有,人送代号“豺狼”(布鲁斯·威利斯 Bruce Willis 饰)。
在屡战屡败的不利立场之下,卡特和瓦伦蒂娜决定动用手上的“秘密武器”——一位曾经和豺狼交过手的被囚杀手莫昆(理查·基尔 Richard Gere 饰)。在经验丰富的莫昆的帮助下,卡特一行人能否顺利捕获豺狼呢?对于莫昆来说,前路上又有怎样的危险在等待着他呢?