In a haunted apartment building, a paranormal investigator in decline has to reunite with his daughter to solve the mystery of the building and regain his credibility as a writer and father. All this, while trying to escape from the terrible creature that stalks the place, killing the tenants one by one...
In a haunted apartment building, a paranormal investigator in decline has to reunite with his daughter to solve the mystery of the building and regain his credibility as a writer and father. All this, while trying to escape from the terrible creature that stalks the place, killing the tenants one by one...
/Ali May
自然探险家史蒂夫·巴克肖(Steve Backshall)致力于探索人类从未亲眼看到过的地球尽头,但他只接触到了表层。第二季记录了Steve探索这个星球不为人知的更深的角落。为了完成找到拯救野生动物未来生存状况的新事物,Steve和他的专家团队前往墨西哥的东太平洋与鲨鱼深潜,深入非洲人类从未踏入的丛林寻找猿类,划着俄罗斯远东的白水进入棕熊领地的中心,绳降到沙特阿拉伯古老沙漠的深处,探索一个未绘制的,未知的火山地下世界,并爬上吉尔吉斯斯坦的Djangart山脉,寻找濒临灭绝的雪豹。在这个瞬息万变的星球上,他们因为巨大的野心而下了非常大的赌注。
丽姿(杰奎琳·比塞特 Jacqueline Bisset 饰)和梅丽(坎迪斯·伯根 Candice Bergen 饰)是一对挚友,自1959年毕业后,她们分别踏上了各自的人生之路,各自经历了职业生涯的起伏。丽姿热爱写作,她连续发表了多部备受公众认可的作品,因而在文坛上迅速崭露头角,享有盛誉。而梅丽则在嫁给曾与丽姿有过恋情的同学道格后,也开始涉足写作领域。身居加州马里布的她有机会与好莱坞明星们交往,用她细腻的笔触记录了与这些明星交往的点滴。 当丽姿的文学创作进入低谷,由于宣传过激的政治思想而被列入黑名单时,梅丽抓住机会,开始在文坛崭露头角,她的处女作备受好评。从此以后,这两位老友开始了人生之路上的竞争与坎坷。她们在事业上的竞争和生活中的曲折经历,构成了一个充满起伏和变化的故事。
/Jorge Michel Grau
Describes how the catastrophic earthquake of 1985 had a negative impact on Along with thousands of others who were buried, a doctor with a dark past, a journalist seeking fame, and a family in distress will all be required to put their lives in danger in Mexico City. Every minute of their heroic rescue attempts turns into a chance for them to change the course of their own lives.
/Tara Pirnia
Cristiano Ronaldo: The World at His Feet follows the footballer from his beginnings in Portugal, breakthrough start with Manchester United and current career at Real Madrid.
/Arnaldo Catinari
Milan, 2030; where only eight years earlier the independent global spy agency Citadel was wiped out by Manticore, the powerful enemy syndicate that manipulates the world from the shadows. Since then, Diana Cavalieri (who is an undercover Citadel agent) is alone, trapped behind enemy lines as a mole in Manticore. When Diana finally sees a way out and the chance to disappear forever, her only option is to trust the most unexpected ally, Edo Zani, heir of Manticore Italy, son to the head of the evil syndicate's Italian unit; who just so happens to be vying for Manticore's leadership against other European families.
/Arnaldo Catinari
Milan, 2030; where only eight years earlier the independent global spy agency Citadel was wiped out by Manticore, the powerful enemy syndicate that manipulates the world from the shadows. Since then, Diana Cavalieri (who is an undercover Citadel agent) is alone, trapped behind enemy lines as a mole in Manticore. When Diana finally sees a way out and the chance to disappear forever, her only option is to trust the most unexpected ally, Edo Zani, heir of Manticore Italy, son to the head of the evil syndicate's Italian unit; who just so happens to be vying for Manticore's leadership against other European families.
/Arnaldo Catinari
Milan, 2030; where only eight years earlier the independent global spy agency Citadel was wiped out by Manticore, the powerful enemy syndicate that manipulates the world from the shadows. Since then, Diana Cavalieri (who is an undercover Citadel agent) is alone, trapped behind enemy lines as a mole in Manticore. When Diana finally sees a way out and the chance to disappear fore...
/Arnaldo Catinari
Milan, 2030; where only eight years earlier the independent global spy agency Citadel was wiped out by Manticore, the powerful enemy syndicate that manipulates the world from the shadows. Since then, Diana Cavalieri (who is an undercover Citadel agent) is alone, trapped behind enemy lines as a mole in Manticore. When Diana finally sees a way out and the chance to disappear fore...
/Miguel Faus
A young Colombian woman works as a maid in a summer mansion in Spain. While the rich family enjoy their lush holidays, she spends her days serving them, until one day she realizes that maybe she can also find ways of enjoying the summer..
军政府统治下的缅甸,其西部由于蕴含丰富资源而被军队觊觎多年,那里的儿童经常被军队强征入伍,针对平民的屠杀已经成了部分军人的娱乐……一支教会义工小队为了进入该地区向难民提供人道主义帮助,在泰国找到了隐居的兰博(西尔维斯特?史泰龙 Sylvester Stallone 饰),希望熟悉河道的后者提供帮助。兰博认为时局没有改变的可能,拒绝带路,但终被义工莎拉(Julie Benz 饰)的诚意打动,将他们送达。
/Paul Stephens
Drones are transforming our world. We use them to deliver our medicines, clean our skyscrapers and even fight fires. But there is a dark side to this airborne revolution, from a shocking rise in drone-plane near misses above our heads to last year's sustained drone disruption at Gatwick – Britain's second largest airport – that ruined the Christmas plans of 140,000 people and c...
We all have a biological clock ticking away inside us that governs our daily rhythms. This affects our health as much as our diet and whether we exercise. So what can we do to manage this internal clock better?
To find out, evolutionary biologist Ella Al-Shamahi locks former commando Aldo Kane in an abandoned nuclear bunker with no way of telling the time - for ten days. Monito...